超1.24亿人次 上海机场年旅客吞吐量创历史新高
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 01:11
证券时报e公司讯,上海机场集团消息,根据统计快报数据,2024年上海机场全年进出港航班量80.3万 架次,同比增长15%;旅客吞吐量超1.24亿人次,同比增长29%,创下历史新高;货邮吞吐量420.6万 吨,同比增长11%。 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 00:54
本次交易完成后,上市公司将持有嘉得力54.4745%的股权,成为嘉得力的控股股东。 2024年12月31日晚间,南华仪器(300417)公告,公司拟以支付现金的方式向佛山嘉旭管理咨询合伙企业 (有限合伙)、杨伟光、刘务贞、叶淑娟、郭超键购买其所持有的广东嘉得力清洁科技股份有限公司 (831992)(以下简称"嘉得力")39.4745%的股权。 根据公告,标的企业嘉得力向上市公司承诺,2025年度实现的净利润不低于1800万元;2026年度实现的 净利润不低于2000万元,或2025、2026年度累计实现的净利润不低于3800万元;嘉得力2027年度实现的 净利润不低于2100万元,或2025、2026、2027年度累计实现的净利润不低于5900万元。 (文穗) 校对:李凌锋 ...
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 00:41
从分项指数变化来看,在构成制造业PMI的5个分类指数中,生产指数、新订单指数和供应商配送时间 指数高于临界点,原材料库存指数和从业人员指数低于临界点。 校对:李凌锋 证券时报网讯,浙商证券研报指出,2024年12月制造业采购经理指数(PMI)继续维持荣枯线以上录得 50.1%,比上月小幅回落0.2个百分点,基本符合市场预期。 四季度经济趋稳回升,主要预期目标有望顺利完成,预计2024年我国经济增长5%左右。 在消费品以旧换新政策以及春节临近等因素的带动下,12月消费品行业PMI为51.4%,比上月上升0.6个 百分点;装备制造业PMI为50.6%,连续5个月位于扩张区间;高耗能行业PMI为48.8%,比上月下降0.4 个百分点,景气水平有所回落。 ...
中国经济网· 2025-01-01 00:33
Company Overview - Bright Dairy adheres to the mission of "serving the nation through dairy" and "protecting the national physique," deepening its "Fresh Leadership" strategy and driving brand growth through diversified development paths [1] - As a leading domestic high-end dairy product company, Bright Dairy aims to cultivate new productive forces, enhance market competitiveness, and contribute to the sustainable and high-quality development of the industry [1] Innovation and Technology - Bright Dairy leverages its national key laboratory to drive technological innovation, focusing on meeting national and consumer needs and promoting the industrial transformation of research results [2] - The company has established a leading domestic lactic acid bacteria resource library and launched a series of market-leading products [2] - In 2024, Bright Dairy introduced over 40 new products, covering multiple categories such as milk, yogurt, and nutritional products, to meet diverse consumer needs [9] - The company launched the "Bright Yoube 5.0 Ultra-Fresh Milk" with 300mg/l of active immunoglobulin and 170mg/100ml of native calcium, 41.6% higher than the international standard of 120mg/ml [4] - Bright Dairy employs advanced NF+MF membrane technology to concentrate nutrients, reduce sodium content, and offer high-nutrition, low-burden products [4] Brand and Marketing - Bright Dairy emphasizes its "Fresh Vitality" brand characteristic, reflecting its leadership and innovation in the dairy industry [3] - The company integrates cultural innovation into marketing, collaborating with cultural institutions like the Shanghai Museum and participating in events such as the Shanghai International Art Festival [6] - Bright Dairy engages in sports marketing, leveraging events like the Paris Olympics and Shanghai Tennis Masters to enhance brand influence [18] - The company also explores digital assets, combining traditional culture with cutting-edge technology to create innovative digital products [12] Sustainability and Social Responsibility - Bright Dairy pioneered a nationwide milk carton recycling program, expanding to plastic bottle recycling and covering 90 cities by 2024, with over 992,000 cartons recycled and 580,000 participants [8] - The company launched the "Bright Warmth Yunnan Children" charity project, donating milk and children's growth formula to support rural revitalization in Yunnan Province [8] - Bright Dairy's "Community Love Initiative" involved distributing high-quality fresh milk to residents, fostering a win-win interaction between the company and the community [10] Future Outlook - Bright Dairy plans to continue upgrading products and services, focusing on innovation and craftsmanship to create higher-quality dairy products [17] - The company aims to strengthen its brand through cross-border collaborations and cultural dissemination, building a unique core brand asset [17] - Bright Dairy is committed to fulfilling its new mission in the era of comprehensive revitalization of China's dairy industry [19]
证券时报网· 2025-01-01 00:02
又见险资举牌。 根据港交所披露数据,平安人寿在12月20日买入4500万股,每股均价为4.8718港元,交易后持股比例 15%,当日平安集团通过其他子公司也买入工行H股,两者共计买入1.07亿股,耗资5.22亿港元,持股 比例达到15.11%。 截至2024年12月20日,平安人寿所持有的工商银行H股股票的账面余额已达583.21亿元,这一数额占其 2024年三季度末总资产的1.26%。 除了工行H股被举牌,邮储银行H股和建设银行H股近期也被资金大幅增持。 工商银行12月30日晚发布公告,拟每股派发半年度现金股息 0.1434 元(含税), 本次派发现金股息共计 约 511.09 亿元。其中,A 股现金股息共计约 386.62 亿元。 举牌工行H股 此次举牌为平安资管通过竞价交易方式买入,资金来源于平安人寿的保险责任准备金。平安资管为平安 人寿受托方,由同一控股股东中国平安保险集团控股。 银行H股接连被增持 此外,平安资管于12月18日在场内增持6725.5万股建设银行H股股份,耗资约4.24亿港元。此番增持 后,平安资管以投资经理身份持有120.54亿股建行H股股份,占建行H股总数的5.01%,占该行总股本 ...
成本有望降至20万元以内 今年人形机器人产业化将提速
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 23:57
证券时报e公司讯,最近,国内业界宣布开启人形机器人的正式量产。 记者探访了人形机器人超级工厂发现,机器人许多关键零部件的上游精密加工环节都与国内新能源汽车 行业有所交叉。 业内人士介绍,2025年人形机器人产业化将提速,成本有望降至20万元以内。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,川润股份今日跌停,全天换手率22.13%,成交额8.59亿元,振幅10.05%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入12.12万元,营业部席位合计净买入6454.07万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日跌幅偏离值达-7.45%上榜,机构专用席位净买入12.12万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.46亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.55亿 元,卖出成交额为9071.53万元,合计净买入6466.19万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
Stock Performance - The stock of Chuanhuan Technology rose by 3.53% today with a turnover rate of 39.57% and a trading volume of 1.931 billion yuan [1] - The stock's amplitude was 13.06% [1] Institutional Trading Activity - Institutional investors net sold 72.0261 million yuan [1] - The net buying from brokerage seats was 4.778 million yuan [1] Exchange Data - The stock was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange due to a daily turnover rate of 39.57% [2] - The top five buying and selling brokerage seats had a total transaction volume of 348 million yuan [2] - The buying volume was 140 million yuan while the selling volume was 208 million yuan [2] - The net selling volume was 67.2481 million yuan [2]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,威士顿今日下跌11.06%,全天换手率47.85%,成交额12.36亿元,振幅9.01%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入45.22万元,营业部席位合计净卖出1598.15万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达47.85%上榜,机构专用席位净买入45.22万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.58亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.21亿 元,卖出成交额为1.37亿元,合计净卖出1552.93万元。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 09:06
证券时报网讯,兆日科技今日上涨0.72%,全天换手率31.06%,成交额19.43亿元,振幅11.50%。 龙虎榜数据显示,机构净买入1235.11万元,营业部席位合计净买入1153.48万元。 深交所公开信息显示,当日该股因日换手率达31.06%上榜,机构专用席位净买入1235.11万元。 证券时报•数据宝统计显示,上榜的前五大买卖营业部合计成交2.55亿元,其中,买入成交额为1.39亿 元,卖出成交额为1.16亿元,合计净买入2388.59万元。 ...