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金丝猴食品因售不合格吐司被罚5万 公司董事长李旸对此知晓吗?
市场资讯· 2024-02-11 13:30
运营商财经网 易鑫/文 近期,金丝猴因违反食品安全法,被上海市浦东新区市场监督管理局罚款5万元。这是怎么一回事呢?公司董事长李旸对此知晓吗? 据天眼查显示,在1月16日,上海金丝猴食品股份有限公司因生产经营其他不符合法律、法规或者食品安全标准的食品、食品添加剂,被上海市浦东新区市场监督管理局罚款5万元、没收违法所得545.7元,处罚决定文书号为沪市监浦处〔2024〕152023006521号。 处罚事由显示,经抽检,金丝猴公司委托漳州某食品公司生产的一款无边纯吐司“菌落总数项目”不合格。当事人共计委托受托方生产涉案产品200件(每件12袋,每袋 308克),成本价为4980元。至案发,当事人共计销售涉案产品107件,剩余93件因销售不佳产品过期当事人已自行销毁,上述产品共计货值金额6000元,违法所得545.7元。 金丝猴是国内不少人儿时的记忆,但经过多年的发展,其也历经多次被收购的坎坷。相关文章显示,在2018年7月,李旸从美国好时公司收购上海金丝猴食品股份有限公司及其旗下七家子公司和金丝猴品牌,使得金丝猴这个国人心目中的民族品牌得以回归。 据了解,金丝猴顺利回购后,李旸用了不到半年时间使其生产经营得以 ...
界面新闻· 2024-02-11 11:39
据央视新闻,交通运输部消息,预计2024年2月12日,全国高速公路网流量将处于高位运行状态,部分热门城市、景区周边路网易发生拥堵,华北南部、黄淮大部及河南、湖北等地可能受到大雾影响,9—11时、15—17时为高峰时段,请密切关注路况,注意错峰出行。 交通运输部路网监测与应急处置中心发布春节假期公路出行信息提示,2月12日,预计热门城市路网及城际间公路:北京、广州、长沙、成都、西安周边路网,北京—石家庄、杭州—宁波、广州—深圳、成都—重庆、西安—郑州之间通道。 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP ...
投资界· 2024-02-03 03:38
为什么现在的顶流歌手,还是十几前的那批人? 这个问题曾被网友反复讨论,并被视为这个时代音乐创作能力普遍下降的表现。其实顶流消失并不只发生在音乐界,也不止发生在国内,从PGC到UGC,再到推荐算法日益精进的今天,去顶流化的趋势在内容生态领域逐渐蔓延。作为内容形式之一,音乐自然也不例外。 当然,“去顶流化”指的不是没有热门歌手,而是说流量和资源不会像唱片时代一样多维度长时间地集中在固定音乐人身上。这个变化是从唱片时代到流媒体时代的自然演化,一方面跟供给侧的由PGC转向UGC有关,一方面也跟平台和用户的选择有关,尤其是头部平台对于数据和算法的运用程度。 这也就导致了,家喻户晓的顶流依然还是十几年前被冠以多维度资源的那些人,而流媒体时代后出名的艺人或歌手,更多的是被推荐算法推向特定的人群。 理论上来讲,这本身是一件好事,没有人长期霸占太多资源,不断有新血液涌入,促进音乐多元化及收益多元化,同时也能满足听众日益个性化的听歌需求,对多方来说都可谓是“节能减排”。而作为音乐人与听众之间的直接媒介,音乐平台的推荐算法在其中起到了巨大的作用。 音乐平台是否将推荐算法视为自身音乐服务的核心引擎,从这一点来看,目前国内的音乐平台可 ...
财联社· 2023-12-23 17:59
【网易游戏回应游戏新规:不会对网易业务造成本质影响】《科创板日报》23日讯,针对网游新规征求意见,网易方面回应《科创板日报》表示,过去的几年间,在行业主管部门的指导下,游戏行业一直保持良好发展势头,在未成年人保护等重点领域也取得了长足的进步。网易认为本次征求意见稿的发布主要是弥补2019年以后相关管理办法缺失问题,不会对网易业务造成本质影响。网易游戏始终严格贯彻落实未成年人防沉迷等各项规章制度和要求。对于新发布的征求意见稿,网易会积极参与意见反馈。相信新规的出台,将会更有利于消费者权益保护,有利于游戏企业不断进步,进而推动整个游戏行业持续高质量、健康有序发展。(记者 张洋洋) ...
网易-S(09999) - 2023 Q3 - 业绩电话会
2023-11-16 12:00
Good day and welcome to the NetEase 2023 Third Quarter Earnings Conference Call. Today's conference is being recorded. At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Ms. Margaret Shee, Senior IR Director of NetEase. Please go ahead, ma'am. Thank you, operator. Please note the discussion today will contain forward-looking statements relating to the future performance of the company and are intended to qualify for a safe harbour from liability, as established by the US Private Securities Mitigation ...
网易-S(09999) - 2023 Q3 - 季度业绩
2023-11-16 10:05
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(「香港聯交所」)對本公告 的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示概不會就本公 告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 NetEase, Inc. (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限責任公司) (股份代號:9999) 2023年 9月 30日止第三季度未經審計的財務業績公告及 第三季度股息公告 網易股份有限公司(「公司」)在此公佈 2023 年第三季度的季度股息及業績公告,其 中包含截至2023年9月30日的三個月未經審計的財務業績。本業績公告可於香港聯交 所網站www.hkexnews.hk及公司網站http://ir.netease.com閱覽。 承董事會命 NetEase, Inc. 丁磊 董事 中國杭州,2023年 11月16日 於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括董事丁磊先生;以及獨立董事唐徽女士、鄭玉芬女 士、唐子期先生及梁民傑先生。 媒體和投資者請聯繫: Margaret Shi ...
网易-S(09999) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-21 10:00
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(「香港聯交所」)對本公告 的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示概不會就本公 告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 NetEase, Inc. (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限責任公司) (股份代號:9999) 2023年 6月 30日止第二季度未經審計的財務業績公告、 第二季度股息公告及中期報告 謹此提述網易股份有限公司(「公司」)2023年 8月 24日公佈的截至 2023年 6月 30 日的三個月和六個月未經審計的財務業績公告(「第二季度業績公告」)。本次的業 績公告包含第二季度業績公告中的信息,並包括根據美國公認會計準則編製截至 2023 年 6月 30日六個月的公司未經審計財務業績與國際財務報告準則的調節表,根據上市 規則第 13.48(1)條,本業績公告也將作為 2023年的中期報告提供給股東。本業績公 告可於香港聯交所網站 www.hkexnews.hk及公司網站 http://ir.netease.com閱覽。 承董事會命 NetEase, Inc. 丁磊 董事 中國杭州,2023年 9月2 ...
网易-S(09999) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-24 10:30
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(「香港聯交所」)對本公告 的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示概不會就本公 告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 NetEase, Inc. (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限責任公司) (股份代號:9999) 2023 年 6 月 30 日止第二季度未經審計的財務業績公告及 第二季度股息公告 網易股份有限公司(「公司」)在此公佈 2023 年第二季度的季度股息及業績公告,其 中包含截至 2023 年 6月 30 日的三個月和六個月未經審計的財務業績。本業績公告可於 香港聯交所網站 及公司網站 閱覽。 承董事會命 NetEase, Inc. 丁磊 董事 中國杭州,2023 年 8 月 24 日 於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括董事丁磊先生;以及獨立董事唐徽女士、鄭玉芬女 士、唐子期先生及梁民傑先生。 網易 NETEASE 1 媒體和投資者請聯繫: Margaret Shi 郵箱 電話:(+ ...
网易-S(09999) - 2023 Q1 - 季度业绩
2023-05-25 09:17
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司(「香港聯交所」)對本公告 的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示概不會就本公 告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 NetEase, Inc. (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限責任公司) (股份代號:9999) 2023年 3月 31日止第一季度業績公告及第一季度股息公告 網易股份有限公司(「公司」)在此公佈 2023 年第一季度的季度股息及業績公告,其 中包含截至2023年3月31日的三個月未經審計的財務業績。本業績公告可於香港聯交 所網站www.hkexnews.hk及公司網站http://ir.netease.com閱覽。 承董事會命 NetEase, Inc. 丁磊 董事 中國杭州,2023年5月25日 於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括董事丁磊先生;以及獨立董事唐徽女士、鄭玉芬女 士、唐子期先生及梁民傑先生。 媒體和投資者請聯繫: Margaret Shi 郵箱 ...
网易-S(09999) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-27 12:07
Financial Performance - Net revenue increased from RMB 87.61 billion in 2021 to RMB 96.50 billion in 2022, representing a growth of approximately 10.1%[6] - Gross profit rose from RMB 46.97 billion in 2021 to RMB 52.77 billion in 2022, an increase of about 12.3%[6] - Net profit attributable to the company's shareholders grew from RMB 16.86 billion in 2021 to RMB 20.34 billion in 2022, a rise of approximately 20.6%[6] - Net revenue increased from RMB 73.67 billion in 2020 to RMB 96.50 billion in 2022, representing a growth of 31.0% over two years[22] - Gross profit rose from RMB 38.98 billion in 2020 to RMB 52.77 billion in 2022, a 35.4% increase over two years[22] - Operating profit grew from RMB 14.54 billion in 2020 to RMB 19.63 billion in 2022, a 35.0% increase over two years[22] - Net profit attributable to the company's shareholders increased from RMB 12.06 billion in 2020 to RMB 20.34 billion in 2022, a 68.7% growth over two years[22] - Net profit for 2022 reached RMB 19,843,290 thousand, a significant increase from RMB 12,330,235 thousand in 2020[25] - Net profit attributable to the company's shareholders in 2022 was RMB 20,724,629,000, reflecting a significant increase compared to previous years[172] - Total net revenue for the company increased from RMB 73,667,133 thousand in 2020 to RMB 96,495,809 thousand in 2022, reflecting a 31% growth[159] - Total gross profit for the company grew from RMB 38,983,402 thousand in 2020 to RMB 52,766,126 thousand in 2022, a 35% increase[159] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased from RMB 153.64 billion in 2021 to RMB 172.26 billion in 2022, reflecting a growth of about 12.1%[6] - Total liabilities rose from RMB 54.22 billion in 2021 to RMB 63.89 billion in 2022, an increase of approximately 17.8%[6] - The company's total equity increased from RMB 99.28 billion in 2021 to RMB 108.74 billion in 2022, a growth of approximately 9.5%[6] - Total assets grew by 12.4% from RMB 153,643,924 thousand in 2021 to RMB 172,760,985 thousand in 2022[19] - Total liabilities increased by 17.8% from RMB 54,220,048 thousand in 2021 to RMB 63,887,505 thousand in 2022[20] - Shareholders' equity rose by 9.5% from RMB 99,278,638 thousand in 2021 to RMB 108,737,040 thousand in 2022[21] - Total assets as of December 31, 2022, amounted to RMB 156,385,005,000, indicating growth from RMB 153,643,924,000 in 2021[174] - Total liabilities as of December 31, 2022, were RMB 54,415,183,000, slightly higher than RMB 54,220,048,000 in 2021[174] - The company's total equity as of December 31, 2022, was RMB 101,969,822,000, up from RMB 99,278,638,000 in 2021[174] Revenue Breakdown - The company recognized RMB 74.6 billion in revenue from games and related value-added services for the year ended December 31, 2022[12] - The company's revenue is primarily derived from online game services, educational services, smart hardware sales, online music services, live streaming, advertising, e-commerce, and other paid value-added services[43] - Net revenue for the Games and Related Value-Added Services segment increased from RMB 58,719,895 thousand in 2020 to RMB 74,566,471 thousand in 2022, representing a growth of 27% over the two-year period[159] - Net revenue for the Youdao segment grew from RMB 3,167,515 thousand in 2020 to RMB 5,013,182 thousand in 2022, with a peak of RMB 5,354,357 thousand in 2021[159] - Net revenue for the Cloud Music segment rose from RMB 4,895,731 thousand in 2020 to RMB 8,992,221 thousand in 2022, marking an 84% increase over the two years[159] Investments and Impairments - Equity method investments and long-term equity investments without readily determinable fair values amounted to RMB 5,239.2 million and RMB 10,463.3 million respectively as of December 31, 2022[13] - Impairment provisions of RMB 197.7 million and RMB 85.2 million were recognized for equity method investments and long-term equity investments without readily determinable fair values respectively for the year ended December 31, 2022[13] - The impairment assessment for equity method investments and long-term equity investments without readily determinable fair values involves significant judgment and is considered a significant risk due to high estimation uncertainty[13] - Long-term investments under the equity method increased from RMB 3,776.2 million in 2021 to RMB 5,239.2 million in 2022[109] - Equity method investment income for 2020, 2021, and 2022 was RMB 172.5 million, RMB 1,575.5 million, and RMB 1,259.9 million, respectively[110] - The company fully impaired its investment in Yixin (formerly Hangzhou Yixin Technology Co., Ltd.) due to underperformance, amounting to RMB 197.7 million in 2022[110] - Fair value losses on equity investments with readily determinable fair values were RMB 3,414.7 million in 2022, compared to gains of RMB 720.6 million in 2020 and RMB 91.1 million in 2021[111] - Gains from the sale of equity securities without readily determinable fair values were RMB 36.1 million, RMB 172.5 million, and RMB 1,784.9 million in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively[112] - Impairment provisions for certain equity investments were RMB 55.6 million, RMB 19.2 million, and RMB 85.2 million in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively[112] Cash Flow and Liquidity - Cash and cash equivalents increased by 71.7% from RMB 14,498,157 thousand in 2021 to RMB 24,889,000 thousand in 2022[19] - Net cash inflow from operating activities rose to RMB 27,709,233 thousand in 2022, up from RMB 24,888,171 thousand in 2020[25] - Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash increased to RMB 27,588,325 thousand at the end of 2022, up from RMB 17,376,115 thousand at the end of 2021[27] - Cash and cash equivalents increased from RMB 1,541,763 thousand in 2021 to RMB 2,303,280 thousand in 2022, a growth of 49.4%[31] - Operating cash flow decreased from RMB 1,548,858 thousand in 2021 to RMB 788,498 thousand in 2022, a drop of 49.1%[33] Tax and Regulatory Matters - Certain Chinese subsidiaries qualified as high-tech enterprises, enjoying a preferential tax rate of 15% in 2020, 2021, and 2022[118] - Total tax exemptions and rate reductions increased from RMB 1,969,414 thousand in 2020 to RMB 2,631,764 thousand in 2022[120] - Basic earnings per share impact from tax benefits rose from RMB 0.60 in 2020 to RMB 0.81 in 2022[120] - Total income tax expense grew from RMB 3,041,849 thousand in 2020 to RMB 5,031,838 thousand in 2022[121] - Effective tax rate increased from 19.8% in 2020 to 20.7% in 2022[122] - Net operating tax loss carryforwards amounted to RMB 15,124,930 thousand as of December 31, 2022[123] - Deferred tax assets increased from RMB 1,297,954 thousand in 2021 to RMB 1,480,789 thousand in 2022[126] - Deferred tax liabilities rose from RMB 1,345,874 thousand in 2021 to RMB 2,126,120 thousand in 2022[126] - Withholding tax liabilities increased from RMB 1,056.9 million in 2020 to RMB 2,144.4 million in 2022[129] - Total taxes payable decreased from RMB 4,537,050 thousand in 2021 to RMB 2,813,096 thousand in 2022[130] VIE Arrangements and Risks - The company has a series of agreements with VIE entities, granting it the right to determine significant economic activities and enjoy economic benefits, consolidating VIE entities in financial statements[37] - The company believes its VIE arrangements comply with Chinese law, but uncertainties in the legal system could limit enforcement and impact business operations[39] - Potential risks include government actions such as revoking business licenses, restricting operations, or requiring restructuring, which could severely disrupt the company's business[39] - VIE entities accounted for 84.4%, 85.9%, and 86.4% of NetEase's total net revenue in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively[192] - VIE entities' total assets (excluding receivables from other NetEase Group companies) represented 8.5% and 7.1% of NetEase's consolidated total assets as of December 31, 2021, and December 31, 2022, respectively[192] - NetEase's operations in China rely on contractual arrangements with VIE entities to comply with foreign investment restrictions and regulations[192] - Contractual arrangements with VIE entities include voting rights agreements, loan agreements, operating agreements, and equity pledge agreements[193] - NetEase faces significant uncertainties regarding the enforceability of VIE contractual arrangements under current and future Chinese laws and regulations[193] - The Foreign Investment Law in China does not explicitly classify contractual arrangements as a form of foreign investment, creating potential regulatory risks[194] - A significant portion of NetEase's revenue is generated by VIE entities, which hold licenses for key businesses such as online gaming, music streaming, and online education[194] - If VIE entities are deemed non-compliant with Chinese laws or regulations, NetEase may face severe penalties or be forced to relinquish control over these entities[194] - The dissolution of VIE entities could severely impact NetEase's operations and lead to a significant decline in the value of its securities[194] - NetEase's ability to consolidate VIE entities' financial results into its consolidated financial statements may be affected by future regulatory actions in China[194] Regulatory and Legal Risks - The company faces risks related to VIE arrangements, including potential regulatory actions that could impact its ability to consolidate VIE entities[40] - The company believes the likelihood of losing control over VIE entities due to regulatory actions is low, and such actions would not lead to liquidation[40] - The company's financial performance could be significantly impacted if it loses control over its subsidiaries and VIEs in China, potentially leading to an inability to repay debts and a decline in the value of its ADS or ordinary shares[195] - Chinese government regulations, including those related to offshore securities issuance, antitrust investigations, and data privacy compliance, pose risks to the company's operations and stock value[195] - The company may face regulatory actions or sanctions if it fails to obtain necessary approvals from Chinese authorities for overseas securities issuance or maintaining its ADS trading status[195] - The Foreign Company Accountability Act (HFCAA) could result in the company's ADS being delisted if PCAOB is unable to inspect its auditors for two consecutive years[197] - The company was identified as a "Commission-Identified Issuer" under HFCAA in 2022 but expects to avoid this designation after the PCAOB's updated decision in December 2022[197] - Future PCAOB determinations on the ability to inspect auditors in China and Hong Kong could impact the company's compliance with HFCAA and its trading status in the U.S.[197] - Risks related to increased restrictions on online gaming imposed by the Chinese government[200] - Risks associated with the uncertainty of obtaining approvals for new games[200] - Risks related to legal, regulatory policies, and guidelines affecting the live streaming and online entertainment industry[200] - Risks associated with the international operation of the company's online games[200] - Risks related to third-party platforms for distributing mobile games and collecting payments[200] - Risks associated with maintaining existing game copyrights or intellectual property rights[200] - Risks related to illegal game servers, player cheating, and the trading of game accounts and virtual items on third-party auction sites[200] - Risks related to changes in the business strategy and service content of Youdao[200] - Risks related to compliance with the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Burden of Homework and Off-campus Training for Students in Compulsory Education" and its implementation rules[200] - Risks related to the company's ability to attract and retain users for its music streaming services and obtain necessary music content licenses[200] Earnings Per Share and Shareholder Equity - Basic earnings per share grew from RMB 3.65 in 2020 to RMB 6.23 in 2022, a 70.7% increase over two years[23] - Basic earnings per ADS increased from RMB 18.25 in 2020 to RMB 31.16 in 2022, a 70.7% growth over two years[23] - Total comprehensive income attributable to the company's shareholders rose from RMB 12.27 billion in 2020 to RMB 21.60 billion in 2022, a 76.0% increase over two years[23] - Total equity attributable to shareholders increased to RMB 108,737,040 thousand in 2022, up from RMB 82,997,804 thousand in 2020[24] - Retained earnings grew by 17.5% from RMB 77,494,475 thousand in 2021 to RMB 91,074,675 thousand in 2022[21] - Retained earnings increased to RMB 91,074,675 thousand in 2022, up from RMB 64,162,689 thousand in 2020[24] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) attributable to shareholders for 2020, 2021, and 2022 were RMB 3.65, RMB 5.07, and RMB 6.23, respectively[149] - Diluted EPS attributable to shareholders for 2020, 2021, and 2022 were RMB 3.60, RMB 5.01, and RMB 6.17, respectively[149] - The weighted average number of shares outstanding (basic) for 2020, 2021, and 2022 were 3,305,448 thousand, 3,325,864 thousand, and 3,263,455 thousand, respectively[149] - The weighted average number of shares outstanding (diluted) for 2020, 2021, and 2022 were 3,349,759 thousand, 3,367,478 thousand, and 3,296,014 thousand, respectively[149] - The total number of restricted share units with anti-dilutive effects excluded from diluted EPS calculations for 2020, 2021, and 2022 were approximately 6.0 million, 6.7 million, and 11.3 million shares, respectively[149] Revenue Recognition and Accounting Policies - The company's key audit matters included estimating the average playtime of paying players to confirm revenue related to in-game virtual items[11] - The company's financial statements were prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers[8] - The company's revenue from mobile games is generated through the sale of in-game virtual items, with revenue recognized proportionally over the estimated average playtime of paying players[45] - For PC games, the company uses two revenue models: time-based and item-based. Time-based revenue is recognized proportionally based on playtime, while item-based revenue is recognized based on usage or expiration time[46] - The company's revenue recognition for in-game items depends on their usage type: one-time use, limited use, or unlimited use. Unlimited use items are recognized over the estimated average playtime of paying players[46] - The company estimates the average playtime of paying players based on historical player churn rates, average playtime, and other behavioral patterns, with adjustments made quarterly[46] - The company's financial statements are prepared under US GAAP, and management makes estimates and assumptions that affect reported revenue and expenses, including estimates for in-game virtual item revenue[42] - The company's tutoring services, including online live courses, digital learning content, and customized learning plans, are recognized as revenue proportionally over the estimated average learning period[47] - Smart hardware revenue, such as dictionary pens and translation devices, is recognized when the goods are transferred to customers, typically upon delivery to end customers or distributors[48] - Online music service revenue, including subscription fees and digital album sales, is recognized over the subscription period or upon transfer of control to customers[49] - Live streaming service revenue from virtual gifts is recognized either upon consumption or proportionally over the usable period of time-based virtual items[50] - Advertising service revenue is recognized over the display period, with performance-based arrangements tied to impressions or actions (e.g., clicks)[51] - E-commerce revenue from NetEase Yanxuan is recognized when control of goods is transferred to customers, typically upon delivery, with discounts treated as reductions in revenue[52] - Paid value-added services revenue, such as online reading and email services, is recognized over the subscription period or upon service provision[53] Investments and Fair Value Measurements - Short-term investments decreased by 37.9% from RMB 12,281,548 thousand in 2021 to RMB 7,622,673 thousand in 2022[19] - Short-term investments are measured at fair value, with changes reflected in "Other Income/(Expenses)" in the consolidated financial statements[64] - Long-term