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西南证券· 2024-12-02 12:43
[Table_StockInfo] 2024 年 11 月 04 日 证券研究报告•2024 年三季报点评 买入 (首次) 当前价:15.27 元 北 大 荒(600598)农林牧渔 目标价:18.76 元(6 个月) [Table_QuotePic] 相对指数表现 土地资源丰富,主业稳健增长 [Table_Summary 业绩总结:公司发布 ] 2024年三季度报告。前三季度,营收约 43.58亿元,同比 增加 9.5%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润约 13.47 亿元,同比增加 4.13%。 2024Q3 实现营收 12.60 亿元,同比+20.16%,归母净利润为 3.6 亿元,同比 +9.09%。 点评:土地业务稳健增长。公司收入、利润增长主要因经营机制改革、竞价发包 机制的实施,土地承包业务收入同比增加所致。近年来,土地租金随粮食价格上 涨而持续上升,公司土地资源丰富,主业业务受益稳健增长。 公司是我国目前规模大种植业上市公司,土地资源丰富。公司拥有 16 家农业分 公司,主要生产水稻、玉米、大豆等农产品。公司所属区域内土地资源丰富,地 处世界三大黑土带之一的三江平原,地势平坦、土壤肥沃,生态环境良好 ...
北大汇丰智库· 2024-11-09 14:16
各位投资人大家上午好,中泰民业王家博,很高兴大家参加我们QG策略会的电视上交流部分。今天很高兴邀请到北大方的正代黄总为我们分享公司的一些近况,并接受投资者的提问。那我们就直接邀请黄总。 家伯总好各位投资者好非常高兴有机会通过咱们中泰这个这个平台和交流跟各位投资者进行交流先我简单汇报一下公司三级报的基于数据然后也简单介绍一下因为刚才家伯总说了一下那个可能有个投资者是新进来的一会儿我也简单介绍公司的情况首先还是 我先还是简单介绍一下咱们公司的商机报的相关数据可能相对来说时间现在已经过去过去接近几长时间了大家也有比较多的分析商机报公司实现营业收入是43.58亿元收入贷款跟上年同比接近占涨了10%大概是占涨了9.5%实现营业利润 是13.73亿元,到上年来也是增长了4.7%,近一个是13.42亿元,同比增长4.6。大体来讲,归属母公司的,归属上市公司股东的,这个经济都是13.47亿元。 0.53亿元增长了4.13%这个收入和应征增长最主要还是因为咱们土地承包贷款土地承包费规模的扩大和收益的提升以及今年底下的个别公司整个经营的情况有所突破有所改良但是我现在这块跟各位投资者再汇报一下是什么情况 就是收入的增长接近10%9 ...
证券时报网· 2024-11-01 02:56
证券时报e公司讯,10月31日,北大荒农垦集团党委书记、董事长王兆成在集团总部与黑龙江八一农垦 大学党委书记解宗军,围绕深化校企合作进行座谈。 王兆成表示,下一步,希望发挥各自资源优势,聚焦北大荒集团主责主业,围绕统筹推进"四个农 业""五良融合",加快建设大基地、大企业、大产业,率先实现"五化"目标等内容,创新合作模式,拓 展合作空间,深化合作内容,在高端人才培养、科技成果转化、科研平台建设、技术创新攻关、北大荒 精神研究等方面加强合作,实现校企合作双向赋能、产教融合互利共赢。 ...
北大荒(600598) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-28 09:28
单位:元 币种:人民币 黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 证券代码:600598 证券简称:北大荒 黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司 2024 年第三季度报告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证季度报告内容的真实、准确、完整,不存 在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并承担个别和连带的法律责任。 公司负责人、主管会计工作负责人及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)保证季度报告中财务信息 的真实、准确、完整 第三季度财务报表是否经审计 □是 √否 一、 主要财务数据 (一) 主要会计数据和财务指标 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------|------------------|------------- ...
浙商证券· 2024-09-27 10:03
基本数据 收盘价 ¥13.77 总市值(百万元) 24,478.65 总股本(百万股) 1,777.68 财务摘要 [Table_Forcast] (百万元) 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 营业收入 5044.44 5343.41 5635.05 5986.13 (+/-) (%) 18.37% 5.93% 5.46% 6.23% 归母净利润 1063.71 1133.90 1211.56 1274.89 (+/-) (%) -18.15% 6.60% 6.85% 5.23% 每股收益(元) 0.60 0.64 0.68 0.72 P/E 23.01 21.59 20.20 19.20 资料来源:公司公告,浙商证券研究所 北大荒(600598) 报告日期:2024 年 09 月 27 日 坐拥千万亩黑土良田,向着成为我国农业"航母"前进 ——北大荒深度报告 投资要点 ❑ 夯实粮食生产基地建设,整体经营业绩稳步增长 北大荒集团地处黑龙江省东北部小兴安岭南麓、松嫩平原和三江平原地区,从一 片荒原发展成为中国重要的农业生产基地,现有耕地 4874.4 万亩,是国家级生态 示范区、国家现代化大农业示 ...
北大国民经济研究中心· 2024-05-07 14:48
感谢大家参加本次大家好欢迎参加中泰荣业北大荒中泰正确2024春季上市公司交流会下面开始播报你的声明声明播完毕后主持人可直接开始发言本次电话会议服务于中泰 各位投资者大家上午好我是中泰农业的王家博欢迎大家参加我们中泰证券春季的商业公司交流会 现场部分啊今天呢我们很高兴邀请到了北大荒的这个正代黄总为我们分享公司刚刚发布的2023年年报以及一级报的情况啊那黄总交代完之后呢我们就进入这个投资的问答环节那么首先我们邀请黄总为我们分享公司的最新的情况黄总 好的 王总辛苦了各位投资者也辛苦这么早我们这块可能有时差跟上海那边有一个小时时差所以我们这块相对来说还好就是都很正常我先简单介绍一下那个公司2023年的年报情况然后把一期报的情况简单的跟各位跟王总跟各位投资者汇报一下那个2023年公司的营业收入是50.4亿同比增长了18.4% 规模的利润是10.64亿 通币涨涨了9.1%扣费的金额也是10.64亿元 通币涨涨了14.8%现金流的金额是15.2亿元 通币涨涨了20.3%从这几个方面来看不管是利润也好 还是收入也好 还是经营的现金流也好都表现还可以 也符合投资者的预期 公司的资产稳重向好 总资产现在已经是87亿 同比增长5. ...
北大荒(600598) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-29 08:28
Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for the first quarter of 2024 reached 956,190,486.30 RMB, a year-on-year increase of 10.28%[4] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 554,734,945.42 RMB, up 3.61% compared to the same period last year[4] - Total operating revenue for Q1 2024 reached 956,190,486.30 RMB, up from 867,078,769.89 RMB in Q1 2023[18] - Revenue for Q1 2024 reached RMB 941,744,625.65, a 8.7% increase from RMB 866,377,350.09 in Q1 2023[29] - Net profit for Q1 2024 was RMB 555,751,738.40, an increase of 3.2% compared to RMB 538,289,544.22 in Q1 2023[30] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders increased to 554.73 million yuan, up from 535.39 million yuan in the same period last year[21] Asset and Liability Changes - Total assets at the end of the reporting period were 14,653,306,666.61 RMB, a 68.44% increase from the end of the previous year[5] - The company's total assets increased to 14,653,306,666.61 RMB as of March 31, 2024, compared to 8,699,471,081.80 RMB at the end of 2023[15][17] - The company's monetary funds surged to 7,150,796,568.06 RMB as of March 31, 2024, from 2,370,282,191.86 RMB at the end of 2023[14] - Inventory increased significantly to 1,119,838,601.50 RMB as of March 31, 2024, compared to 244,773,037.47 RMB at the end of 2023[14] - Contract liabilities grew to 4,385,038,540.73 RMB as of March 31, 2024, up from 4,004,007.95 RMB at the end of 2023[16] - The company's total liabilities increased to 6,806,411,664.26 RMB as of March 31, 2024, compared to 1,399,107,136.98 RMB at the end of 2023[16] - Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company rose to 8,051,666,022.38 RMB as of March 31, 2024, from 7,503,446,906.65 RMB at the end of 2023[17] - The company's total current assets increased to 9,727,607,504.92 RMB as of March 31, 2024, compared to 3,699,311,904.39 RMB at the end of 2023[15] - The company's total non-current assets decreased slightly to 4,925,699,161.69 RMB as of March 31, 2024, from 5,000,159,177.41 RMB at the end of 2023[15] - Total assets grew to RMB 14,556,273,880.66 in Q1 2024, compared to RMB 8,596,347,433.69 at the end of 2023[27] - Total liabilities increased to RMB 6,364,816,562.46 in Q1 2024, up from RMB 960,641,853.89 at the end of 2023[28] - Shareholders' equity rose to RMB 8,191,457,318.20 in Q1 2024, compared to RMB 7,635,705,579.80 at the end of 2023[28] - The company's monetary funds increased significantly to RMB 7,104,425,936.54 in Q1 2024, up from RMB 2,336,094,979.57 at the end of 2023[25] - Inventory grew to RMB 1,073,365,935.33 in Q1 2024, a substantial increase from RMB 192,814,495.27 at the end of 2023[25] Cash Flow and Operating Activities - Net cash flow from operating activities was 5,103,494,325.08 RMB, a year-on-year increase of 6.84%[4] - Operating cash flow increased to 5.10 billion yuan, up from 4.78 billion yuan in the same period last year[23] - Net cash flow from investment activities was negative RMB 320,042,825.87 in Q1 2024, an improvement from negative RMB 375,055,332.38 in the same period last year[24] - Cash outflow for investment activities totaled RMB 521,392,825.87 in Q1 2024, slightly lower than RMB 526,515,375.83 in the same period last year[24] - Operating cash flow for Q1 2024 was RMB 5,090,019,130.32, an increase of 6.3% compared to RMB 4,787,058,520.13 in Q1 2023[32] - Cash received from sales of goods and services in Q1 2024 was RMB 5,434,663,968.47, an increase of 4.6% compared to RMB 5,197,014,963.10 in Q1 2023[32] - Cash paid for goods and services in Q1 2024 was RMB 586,255,273.30, a decrease of 24.4% compared to RMB 775,175,384.99 in Q1 2023[32] - Investment cash outflow in Q1 2024 was RMB 500,000,000.00, unchanged from Q1 2023[32] - Net cash flow from financing activities in Q1 2024 was negative RMB 1,698,565.04, compared to negative RMB 518,494.33 in Q1 2023[33] - Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in Q1 2024 was RMB 4,768,329,627.91, an increase of 8.1% compared to RMB 4,411,646,895.14 in Q1 2023[33] - Ending cash and cash equivalents balance for Q1 2024 was RMB 7,101,779,809.14, a decrease of 3.5% compared to RMB 7,360,246,424.39 in Q1 2023[33] - Cash and cash equivalents increased to RMB 7,146,096,847.50 at the end of Q1 2024, up from RMB 2,363,954,313.33 at the beginning of the period[24] Earnings and Shareholder Information - Basic earnings per share (EPS) were 0.312 RMB, up 3.65% compared to the same period last year[4] - Weighted average return on equity (ROE) was 7.13%, a decrease of 0.05 percentage points[4] - The top shareholder, Beidahuang Nongken Group Co., Ltd., holds 64.14% of the company's shares[9] - The number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 112,188[9] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) stood at 0.312 yuan, compared to 0.301 yuan in the previous year[21] - Total comprehensive income reached 546.53 million yuan, compared to 529.56 million yuan in the previous year[21] Expenses and Income - Operating costs for Q1 2024 were 408,379,828.78 RMB, compared to 326,930,262.45 RMB in Q1 2023[18] - R&D expenses rose to 14.58 million yuan, compared to 13.39 million yuan in the previous year[19] - Management expenses increased to 102.36 million yuan, up from 88.84 million yuan in the same period last year[19] - Investment income increased to 6.14 million yuan, up from 1.81 million yuan in the same period last year[19] - Interest income rose to 28.19 million yuan, compared to 55.97 million yuan in the previous year[19] - Sales expenses increased to 11.52 million yuan, up from 6.08 million yuan in the same period last year[19] - Operating costs for Q1 2024 were RMB 292,317,799.66, up 7.8% from RMB 271,064,877.89 in Q1 2023[29] - Interest income for Q1 2024 was RMB 28,060,183.36, a decrease of 49.5% compared to RMB 55,594,656.23 in Q1 2023[30] Non-Recurring Items - Non-recurring gains and losses amounted to 1,265,082.20 RMB, primarily from government subsidies and other non-operating income[6] - The increase in total assets was mainly due to the advance collection of annual land contracting fees and agricultural service fees, leading to a significant rise in monetary funds[7]
北大荒(600598) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-03-28 16:00
2023 年年度报告 公司代码:600598 公司简称:北大荒 黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告 ...