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国泰君安· 2024-03-27 16:00
股 票 研 究 [Table_industryInfo] 食品饮料/必需消费 [ Table_Main[双ITnaf 汇bol]e 发_Ti展tle]( 000895) [评Tab级le_:Inv est] 增持 上次评级: 增持 业绩短期承压,量、利有望改善 目标价格: 31.30 上次预测: 31.30 公 ——2023年年报点评 当前价格: 25.87 司 訾猛(分析师) 李美仪(研究助理) 陈力宇(分析师) 2024.03.28 更 021-38676442 021-38038667 021-38677618 [交Ta易bl数e_M据a rket] 新 证书编号 S0880513120002 S0880122070042 S0880522090005 52周内股价区间(元) 24.23-29.97 报 总市值(百万元) 89,631 告 本报告导读: 总股本/流通A股(百万股) 3,465/3,464 流通 B股/H股(百万股) 0/0 公司2023年业绩低于预期,主要受肉价、库存等 ...
国元证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
[Table_Main] 公司研究|日常消费|食品、饮料与烟草 证券研究报告 双汇发展(000895)公司点评报告 2024年03月27日 [Table_Title] 升级肉制品,开发新渠道 [Table_Inves 增t] 持|维持 ——双汇发展 2023 年报点评 [报Ta告ble要_S点um:m ary] [ Table_TargetPr ice]  事件 公司公告2023年报。2023年,公司实现总收入600.97亿元(-4.20%),归母 净利50.53亿元(-10.11%),扣非归母净利47.32亿元(-9.29%)。23Q4,公 [基Ta本bl数e_据Ba se] 司实现总收入137.52亿元(-23.98%),归母净利7.26亿元(-53.35%),扣非 52周最高/最低价(元): 29.97 / 24.23 归母净利6.18亿元(-53.78%)。公司每股拟发放现金股利0.70元(含税),分 红率为48.00%。 A股流通股(百万股): 3464.12  总对外销量同比+2.41%,包装肉制品单价持续提升 A股总股本(百万股): 3464.66 1)总对外销量同比+2.41%。2023 ...
申万宏源· 2024-03-26 16:00
上 市 公 司 食品饮料 2024 年03月 26 日 双汇发展 (000895) 公 司 研 究 ——业绩低于预期,维持高分红水平 / 公 司 点 报告原因:有业绩公布需要点评 评 买入 投资要点: (维持)  事件:公司发布2023年年报。根据公司公告,2023年公司实现营业总收入600.97亿, 同比下降4.2%,归母净利润50.53亿,同比下降10.11%,公司业绩低于预期。2023年 证 市场数据: 2024年03月26日 券 公司拟向全体股东按每 10 股派 7元(含税)的比例实施利润分配,叠加 23年中分红每 收盘价(元) 28.57 研 一年内最高/最低(元) 30.1/24.04 10股派7.50元(含税),合计2023年分红总额50.2亿,分红率99.4%。 究 市净率 4.8 报 息率(分红/股价) 2.63  投资评级与估值:由于猪价持续下行拖累屠宰业务表现,下调 2024~2025 年盈利预测, 告 流通A股市值(百万元) 98970 上证指数/深证成指 3031.48/9449.43 新增2026年盈利预测,预测2024~2026年公司归母净利润分别为53.4,56.4,59. ...
国海证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
2024 年 03 月 27 日 公司研究 评级:增持(维持) 研究所: 证券分析师: 刘洁铭 S0350521110006 Q4 业绩承[ 压Tab ,le_ 期Titl 待e] 猪价反转 证券分析师: 秦一方 S0350523120001 ——双汇发展( ) 年报点评 000895 2023 联系人 : 景皓 S0350124030009 最近一年走势 事件: 2024年3月26日,公司发布2023年年报。2023年实现营业收入598.93 亿元(不含其他类金融业务收入),同比-4.29%;归母净利润50.53亿 元,同比-10.11%;扣非归母净利润47.32亿元,同比-9.29%。2023Q4 实现营业收入137亿元(不含其他类金融业务收入),同比-24.07%;归 母净利润7.26 亿元,同比-53.35%;扣非归母净利润6.18 亿元,同比 -53.78%。公司拟每10股派现7元,结合中期每10股派现7.5元,年分 红率达99.43%。 相对沪深300表现 2024/03/26 投资要点: ...
华创证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
公司研 究 证 券研究 报 告 肉制品 2024年03月27日 双 汇发展(000895)2023年报点评 强 推 (维持) 目标价:34元 肉制品销量承压,高分红政策延续 当前价:28.57元 事项: 华创证券研究所  双汇发展发布2023年年报。23年实现总营业收入601.0亿元,同减4.2%,归 证券分析师:欧阳予 母净利 50.5亿元,同减 10.1%。23Q4 总营业收入 137.5 亿元,同减 24.0%, 归母净利7.3亿元,同减53.3%。同时,公司拟每10 股派息7.0元(含税), 邮箱 结合中期每10股派息7.5元(含税),年分红率达99.4%,对应年股息率5.1%。 执业编号:S0360520070001 评论: 证券分析师:范子盼  肉制品业务:春节错期及前期库存致销量低于预期,吨利保持较高水平。23 邮箱 年肉制品营收同减 2.8%,其中销量、吨价分别同比-3.6%、+0.8%;吨均利润 执业编号:S0360520090001 同增约4.4%,经营利润率同比+0.8pcts至23.6%。单Q4看,肉制品营 ...
双汇发展(000895) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-03-26 16:00
Financial Performance - Revenue for 2023 was RMB 59.89 billion, a decrease of 4.29% compared to 2022[12] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 5.05 billion, down 10.11% year-over-year[12] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) decreased by 10.10% to RMB 1.4584[12] - Weighted average return on equity (ROE) was 23.83%, down 1.60 percentage points from 2022[12] - Total assets increased by 0.72% to RMB 36.68 billion at the end of 2023[12] - Operating cash flow decreased significantly by 55.22% to RMB 3.39 billion[12] - Revenue for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 were RMB 15.67 billion, RMB 14.76 billion, RMB 15.77 billion, and RMB 13.70 billion respectively[14] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 were RMB 1.49 billion, RMB 1.35 billion, RMB 1.49 billion, and RMB 725.52 million respectively[14] - Non-recurring gains and losses for 2023 amounted to RMB 320.67 million, a decrease from RMB 404.16 million in 2022[16] - Government subsidies in 2023 were RMB 329.24 million, slightly down from RMB 345.98 million in 2022[16] - The company's total revenue in 2023 was 601 billion yuan, a decrease of 4.2% year-over-year. Net profit attributable to shareholders was 5.05 billion yuan, a decrease of 10.11% year-over-year[52] - Total operating revenue for 2023 was RMB 59.89 billion, a decrease of 4.29% compared to 2022[53] - Revenue from the meat products industry accounted for 44.10% of total revenue, with a year-on-year decrease of 2.85%[53] - Revenue from the slaughtering industry accounted for 51.71% of total revenue, with a year-on-year decrease of 7.45%[53] - Revenue from other industries increased by 23.85% year-on-year, accounting for 15.06% of total revenue[53] - Gross profit margin for the meat products industry was 31.66%, an increase of 1.24% compared to 2022[54] - Gross profit margin for the slaughtering industry was 5.70%, an increase of 0.57% compared to 2022[54] - Sales volume of fresh pork products increased by 3.03% year-on-year to 1.4052 million tons[55] - Inventory of fresh pork products increased by 76.56% year-on-year to 147,600 tons[55] - Sales volume of packaged meat products decreased by 3.57% year-on-year to 1.5064 million tons[55] - Inventory of packaged meat products decreased by 85.06% year-on-year to 5,900 tons[55] - Sales expenses decreased by 0.69% to 1,913,913,276.54 RMB in 2023 compared to 2022[64] - Management expenses increased by 8.83% to 1,234,518,618.33 RMB in 2023[64] - R&D expenses increased by 18.27% to 199,133,798.75 RMB in 2023[64] - Advertising and promotion expenses decreased by 7.83% to 519,499,400 RMB in 2023[65] - Operating cash flow decreased by 7.28% to 64,576,477,060.10 yuan in 2023, while net operating cash flow dropped by 55.22% to 3,387,718,636.44 yuan[71][72] - Investment cash inflow surged by 148.78% to 20,213,024,634.20 yuan, and outflow increased by 101.42% to 23,391,185,543.99 yuan[71][72] - Financing cash inflow rose by 325.33% to 76,643,537,047.59 yuan, and outflow increased by 226.54% to 79,789,351,176.83 yuan[71][72] - Net cash outflow from financing activities decreased by 3.27 billion yuan, mainly due to increased net inflow from working capital financing and reduced dividend payments[72] - Inventory increased by 5.73% to 8,266,656,574.16 yuan, accounting for 22.54% of total assets, due to higher domestic frozen product and meat raw material reserves[74] - Monetary funds decreased by 8.11% to 2,834,162,998.73 yuan, mainly due to increased inventory, dividend payments, and short-term investments[74] - Investment income was 144,701,735.79 yuan, accounting for 2.18% of total profit, mainly from bank structured deposits and equity investments in associates[73] - Government subsidies contributed 293,251,947.79 yuan to other income, accounting for 4.41% of total profit[73] - Fixed assets increased by 4.91% to 17.07 billion RMB, accounting for 46.56% of total assets, due to the completion of new construction and technical renovation projects[75] - Short-term borrowings rose by 7.67% to 5.98 billion RMB, primarily to optimize capital leverage and supplement working capital[75] - Contract liabilities decreased by 3.15% to 1.97 billion RMB, reflecting the fulfillment of product delivery obligations[75] - Long-term borrowings increased by 2.59% to 961.79 million RMB, as the company optimized its financing structure[75] - Other current assets grew by 4.54% to 3.84 billion RMB, driven by increased short-term debt investments by the company's financial subsidiary[75] - The company's total investment in 2023 was 3.08 billion RMB, a decrease of 49.85% compared to the previous year[79] - The company had 110 million RMB in pledged fixed deposits and 60.18 million RMB in frozen bank deposits due to contractual disputes[78] - The company's commodity futures contracts for hedging purposes had an initial investment of 199.32 million yuan, with a year-end balance of 19.90 million yuan, accounting for 0.09% of the company's net assets[81] - The company's hedging activities resulted in a loss of 3.34 million yuan in the reporting period, primarily due to fluctuations in futures contracts[81] - The company's total raised funds amounted to 6.97 billion yuan, with 708.17 million yuan already utilized, leaving 104.88 million yuan unused and deposited in a dedicated account[85] - The broiler industrialization capacity construction project achieved an investment progress of 103.75%, with a cumulative investment of 3.45 billion yuan[86] - The pig farming capacity construction project reached an investment progress of 103.59%, with a cumulative investment of 1.03 billion yuan[86] - The pig slaughtering and processed products technical transformation project achieved an investment progress of 102.35%, with a cumulative investment of 368.46 million yuan[86] - The meat product processing technical transformation project had an investment progress of 87.61%, with a cumulative investment of 236.55 million yuan[86] - The China Shuanghui headquarters project achieved an investment progress of 97.02%, with a cumulative investment of 696.33 million yuan[86] - The company's total investment in committed projects reached 7.08 billion yuan, with a net loss of 42.96 million yuan in the reporting period[86] - The "Xihua 100 million broiler industrialization capacity construction project" achieved a net profit from January to December 2023, but did not meet the expected benefits due to oversupply and lower-than-expected market consumption, resulting in low broiler and chicken product prices[87] - The "Zhangwu 100 million broiler industrialization capacity construction project" achieved a net profit from July to December 2023, but the full-year net profit for 2023 is not applicable as the project only reached operational status in June 2023[87] - The "Fuxin 500,000-head pig farming capacity construction project" achieved a net profit from September to December 2023, but did not achieve positive returns due to low pig prices and low initial capacity utilization[87] - The "pig slaughtering and processed products technical transformation project" achieved a net profit from January to December 2023 but did not meet expected benefits due to low capacity utilization and high manufacturing costs[87] - The "meat product processing technical transformation project" achieved a net profit from January to December 2023 and met the expected benefits, with a cumulative investment progress of 87.61%[87] - The "China Shuanghui Headquarters Project" reached operational status with a cumulative investment progress of 97.02%[87] - The company pre-invested RMB 55.72 million in self-raised funds for the fundraising projects from May 17, 2020, to September 15, 2020, and later replaced it with raised funds[88] - The total net raised funds after deducting issuance costs amounted to RMB 6,967,681,641.73[88] - The company's subsidiary, Luohe Shuanghui Meat Industry Co., Ltd., achieved a net profit of RMB 524,786,026.38 in 2023[91] - The company anticipates opportunities from national policies to expand domestic demand, industry consolidation, rising consumer quality demands, and improved industrial layout and synergy[93] - The company plans to invest approximately 2.4 billion yuan in 2024 for new projects, continued projects, technological upgrades, and equipment investments to enhance automation, intelligence, and digital transformation[97] - The company aims to expand its meat product business by focusing on new product development, cost control, and price stabilization, while transitioning products to include more meat, eggs, dairy, vegetables, and grains[95] - The company will strengthen its fresh product business by improving procurement models, controlling costs, and expanding sales through increased store construction and upgraded network management[95] - The company plans to accelerate the development of its catering and group meal businesses, leveraging its market network to expand both C-end and B-end channels[103] - The company will continue to expand its sales network by increasing the number and quality of outlets, enhancing market services, and driving industrial scale growth[104] - The company will upgrade its marketing management, optimize its organizational structure, and strengthen brand building through innovative strategies and new media channels[106] - The company will advance its digital transformation by upgrading industrial automation and intelligence, improving its "Cloud Business System" and "Smart Store System," and building a big data platform[107] - The company will focus on talent development by improving recruitment, training, and retention mechanisms to build a strong management team[108] - The company will enhance its risk management and control systems, ensuring food safety, production safety, environmental safety, and legal compliance to support sustainable development[109] - Measures to promote sales growth of meat products in 2023, including frozen product operations planning and strategies to maintain meat product profit margins[110] - Sales performance of new meat products and prepared dishes in 2022, with a focus on future development directions[110] - Q1 2023 meat product sales growth and outlook for the pig farming and poultry industries[110] - Trends in pork deep processing and the operational status of the cooked food business[110] - Sales performance of new products in H1 2023, with a focus on fresh and frozen pork product sales ratios and reforms in the meat product distribution system[110] - Q3 2023 slaughter volume, fresh product sales, meat product sales, and poultry product sales, along with progress in meat product restructuring and R&D directions for prepared dishes[111] - Sales performance of new products from January to September 2023 and reasons for the slight decline in meat product sales in Q3 2023[111] - Development reasons and capacity status of the poultry industry, along with the sales performance and future plans for prepared dish products[111] Dividend Distribution - The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 0.70 per share (tax included) for 2023[3] - The dividend distribution is based on 3.46 billion shares as the base[3] - No stock dividends or capital reserve to share capital conversion will be made[3] - Cash dividend distribution: 2,425,262,849.10 RMB, with a dividend of 7.00 RMB per 10 shares[156] - Cash dividend as a percentage of total profit distribution: 100%[156] Industry Trends and Market Position - The proportion of large-scale pig slaughtering enterprises in China reached 47.3% in 2023, the highest in recent years[20] - Pork remains the dominant meat in Chinese diets, with consumption recovering post-African swine fever[19] - The domestic meat processing industry is expected to see increased deep processing rates, driven by consumer demand for convenience and safety[21] - Cold fresh meat is becoming mainstream due to its freshness, nutritional value, and suitability for modern retail and e-commerce channels[21] - The company anticipates further development opportunities in the standardized and large-scale slaughtering sector, supported by government policies[20] Product Portfolio and Innovation - The company's product portfolio includes packaged meat products, fresh pork products, and fresh poultry products, with a focus on diversification and quality to meet consumer demand[23] - The company's star product, Shuanghui Wang Zhong Wang, has been a best-seller for many years, and new products like "Spicy? Spicy" and "Cheese Explosion Sausage" have shown significant growth potential[23] - The company has introduced a variety of new products, including Shuanghui Eight Bowls, Home Banquet, and other Chinese cuisine products, as well as convenient ready-to-eat products like BoBo Bags and rice/noodle mixes[23] - The company's fresh pork products are produced using advanced technology and cold processing techniques, ensuring high quality and safety[26] - The company's fresh poultry products are sourced from self-bred white-feathered broilers and processed using advanced automated production lines[28] - The company has developed more than 1,000 products, including ham sausages, hams, sausages, canned foods, braised cooked foods, catering ingredients, and fresh products, catering to both national and local markets[49] - Completed R&D projects include differentiated vegetarian product technology and chicken powder production technology[66] - Ongoing R&D projects include fresh meat preservation technology and intelligent key technology for sausage products[67] Marketing and Branding - The company has implemented various marketing strategies, including holiday-themed campaigns, celebrity endorsements, and KOL collaborations, to enhance brand visibility and competitiveness[31][32][33] - The company has engaged in sports sponsorship and public welfare activities, such as sponsoring the Henan Women's Volleyball Team, to promote a healthy and active brand image[34] - The company has adopted innovative marketing methods, such as collaborations with popular games and movies, to attract younger consumers and rejuvenate the brand[35] - The company has strengthened its brand influence through participation in industry exhibitions and events, as well as by opening its factories to the public for tours[37] Sales and Distribution - The company has established a comprehensive sales network covering both online and offline channels, including e-commerce platforms and traditional retail outlets[38] - The company has a total of 23,570 distributors as of December 2023, a net increase of 3,632 from the beginning of the year, representing an 18.22% growth. Among these, 6,785 are located south of the Yangtze River (5.00% increase) and 16,785 are north of the Yangtze River (24.55% increase)[39] - Direct sales revenue in 2023 was 1,295,707.90 million yuan, with a gross margin of 3.53%, a decrease of 1.36 percentage points year-over-year. Distributor sales revenue was 4,693,588.41 million yuan, with a gross margin of 20.79%, an increase of 1.70 percentage points year-over-year[40] - The company operates 22 online stores on platforms such as Tmall,, Taobao, Pinduoduo, and Douyin, and also manages warehouse business on platforms like Alibaba Retail, JD New Road, Meituan Maicai, Taocaicai, and Pupu Supermarket[41] - The company's total procurement amount in 2023 was 46.8 billion yuan, including 23.22 billion yuan for live pigs, 12.02 billion yuan for fresh and frozen meat, and 11.57 billion yuan for auxiliary materials, packaging, and other supplies[42] - The company has 30 modern meat processing bases and supporting industries in 18 provinces (cities) across China, with an annual processing capacity of over 2 million tons of meat products and a single-shift annual slaughter capacity of over 25 million pigs[42] - The company's total meat product sales volume in 2023 was 3.23 million tons, an increase of 2.41% year-over-year[52] - The company has over 1 million sales outlets nationwide, with products able to reach most provinces within a day[46] R&D and Innovation - R&D personnel increased by 16.92% to 311 in 2023, with a significant 22.67% increase in master's degree holders[68] - R&D personnel under 30 years old increased by 32.58% to 118 in 2023[68] - R&D personnel over 40 years old increased by 37.78% to 62 in 2023[68] - R&D investment increased by 8.43% to 860,482,651.79 yuan in 2023, accounting for 1.44% of revenue, up 0.17% from 2022[70] - The number of R&D personnel increased by 45, a 16.92% rise, mainly due to the addition of highly educated professionals with master's degrees or above[70] Corporate Governance and Management - The company has established a transparent performance evaluation and incentive mechanism for directors, supervisors, and senior management, ensuring reasonable evaluation, appropriate constraints, and effective incentives[119] - The company has a scientific and stable shareholder return mechanism, focusing on cash dividends while balancing long-term interests and providing reasonable returns to shareholders[122] - The company's information disclosure has been rated as Grade A by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for five consecutive years, maintaining high transparency and efficiency[123] - The company's assets are independent and complete, with clear ownership of production systems, intellectual property, trademarks, and non-patented technologies[124] - The company has an independent financial management system, including
双汇发展(000895) - 2024年3月26日投资者调研记录
2024-03-26 12:27
000895投资者调研记录 编号:2024-01 河南双汇投资发展股份有限公司 投资者调研记录 时间 2024年3 月26日 地点 香港丽思卡尔顿酒店 投资者关 系活动类 投资者交流会 别 ABCI Paul Pan 参与单位 Alpha Grand Consulting Group Ltd. Joannie Wong 名称及人 Asia Pacific RlM(China) Limited Billy Kan 员姓名 CICC Chen Wenbo BOCI Penny Peng 等40余人 公司接待 公司董事兼总裁马相杰先生、常务副总裁兼财务总监刘松涛先生 人员 等。 会议记录 1、2023 年公司肉制品吨利情况及 2024年肉制品吨利展望? 近几年公司肉制品坚持“两调一控”的经营方针,加强新产品推广、新赛 道开拓、网络建设等工作,2023年公司肉制品吨均经营利润4130元,同比增 长4.4%。预计2024年公司肉制品整体成本同比将有所下降,肉制品整体吨利 将稳中有增。 ...
东吴证券· 2024-02-19 16:00
证券研究报告·公司深度研究·食品加工 双汇发展(000895) 高股息系列:肉制品龙头,高股息价值凸显 2024 年 02月 20日 买入(首次) 证券分析师 孙瑜 [Table_EPS] 执业证书:S0600523120002 盈利预测与估值 2021A 2022A 2023E 2024E 2025E 营业总收入(百万元) 66,798 62,731 62,953 67,890 72,194 证券分析师 罗頔影 同比 -9.65% -6.09% 0.36% 7.84% 6.34% 执业证书:S0600523080002 归母净利润(百万元) 4,866 5,621 5,515 6,027 6,453 同比 -22.21% 15.51% -1.88% 9.28% 7.07% EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) 1.40 1.62 1.59 1.74 1.86 股价走势 P/E(现价&最新摊薄) 21.20 18.36 18.71 17.12 15.99 双汇发展 沪深300 [关Ta键bl词e_:Ta#g股] 息率高 17% 13% [ 投Ta 资 ...
双汇发展(000895) - 2023年11月7日投资者调研记录
2023-11-07 11:22
000895投资者调研记录 编号:2023-08 河南双汇投资发展股份有限公司 投资者调研记录 时间 2023年11月 7日 地点 双汇总部大厦会议室 投资者关 系活动类 投资者交流会 别 中金公司 陈文博、武雨欣、沈旸 上海和谐汇一资产管理有限公司 刘天雨 上海行知创业投资有限公司 顾涵蓓 上海东方证券资产管理有限公司 孟博 宽远资产 刘佳奇 参与单位 嘉实基金 张展志 名称及人 海通国际 肖韦俐 员姓名 长江养老 张喆 浙商基金 邓怡 旌安投资 张艺矾 天风证券 陈炼 共13人 公司接待 公司董事兼总裁马相杰先生、副总裁兼董事会秘书张立文先生。 人员 会议记录 1、公司发展禽产业的原因及产能情况? ...
双汇发展(000895) - 2023年10月25日投资者调研记录
2023-10-25 10:48
000895投资者调研记录 编号:2023-07 河南双汇投资发展股份有限公司 投资者调研记录 时间 2023年10 月25日 地点 电话会议 投资者关 系活动类 2023年三季度业绩交流会 别 中金公司 陈文博、武雨欣 参与单位 中海基金 陈玮 名称及人 富国基金 郭舒洁 员姓名 银华基金 李爽 宽远资产 刘佳奇等40余人 公司接待 公司董事兼总裁马相杰先生、常务副总裁兼财务总监刘松涛先 人员 生、副总裁兼董事会秘书张立文先生等。 会议记录 1、今年元-9月公司新产品销售情况? 今年元-9 月公司新产品销量 12.4 万吨、同比增长 13%,占肉制品总体销 量的10.5%,新产品收入和利润同比也实现较好增长,新产品吨均销价明显高 于老产品。 2、2023 年三季度公司肉制品销量小幅下降的原因? ...