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赣锋锂业:控股子公司Minera Exar完成5000万美元境外债券发行
财联社· 2024-12-04 11:50
财联社12月4日电,赣锋锂业公告,控股子公司Minera Exar已在阿根廷完成5000万美元境外债券的发 行。 发行主体为Minera Exar S.A.,发行对象为社会公众、公司企业及金融机构等。 发行方式为间接发行,首次发行规模为5000万美元,发行币种为美元。 债券基本情况包括发行金额5000万美元,利率8%,每半年度支付利息,起息日为2024年11月8日,到期 日为2027年11月11日。 本次发债已履行相关审批程序。 ...
东方财富· 2024-11-28 10:23
]yrtsudnI_elbaT[ 公 司 研 究/ 有 色 金 属/ 证 券 研 究 报 告 [Table_Title] 赣锋锂业(002460)2024年三季报点评 锂资源自给率显著提升 2024 年 11 月 28 日 公司资源自给率将大幅提升。公司阿根廷 Cauchari-Olaroz 项目已 于 2023 年投产,大约产出 6000 吨碳酸锂, 2024 年预计产出约 20,000 吨-25,000 吨碳酸锂。该项目目前产能爬坡进展顺利,二期 也在规划中。阿根廷 Mariana 项目预计于今年底开始试车,2025 年 则预计进行产能爬坡,主要生产氯化锂。公司资源自给率近两年会有 较大提升,主要来自于 Cauchari-Olaroz、Goulamina、Mariana 等 项目的逐步放量。 公司固态电池布局全面。公司具备硫化物电解质核心原材料硫化锂的 生产能力,采用粉碎、球磨等粉碎工艺,精准控制球磨时间,制备出 的硫化锂粒度分布均匀,一致性高,粒度小、结晶性好。金属锂负极 而言,公司一方面有全球最大的金属锂产能,为金属锂负极的生产提 供充足保障,另一方面公司的超薄锂带产品是固态锂金属负极的关键 技术。固 ...
2024-11-24 16:08
今天我们以赣峰礼业作为我们破冰巡礼系列的一个收尾为什么选赣峰呢因为他就是当之无愧的礼行业的龙头无论是说从冶炼端还是从资源端来看都是整个A股其实目前是体量最大的一家企业那在 和各位领导汇报相关之前呢我们还是和各位领导强调一下我们对于礼矿板块的一个态度还是继续强烈的去看好礼矿板块未来权力端的一个表现机会最重要的因素呢就是在于目前我们和市场对于供给端的一个差异 我们这两周密集交流下来其实市场还是普遍认为明年的供给量可能会往150万吨去靠但是我们在这边想和各位领导去这个重点强调的就是明年大概率供给端能够贡献的量就是在140万吨这样的一个量级了那需求端的只要能有超预期的表现 继续延续今年四季度的这种供需紧张的格局的话明年一季度会是一个持续去库的一个过程到了二季度就进入到传统的一个小旺季了对于碳酸铝的需求会进一步的加剧到时候就会发现库存很低现货可能都买不到货这样的一个局面了所以到时候碳酸铝的价格会有一波超预期的表现带动权益端的一个表现 所以呢还是各位领导强调一下我们对于礼矿的一个强迫态度啊那今天呢和各位领导简单汇报一下赣峰理业的整个投资要点所在啊赣峰呢各位领导肯定都不陌生了甚至之前可能都持有过他的股票啊简单来说呢其实赣峰 ...
赣锋锂业、富临精工在四川成立锂业公司 注册资本1亿元
财联社· 2024-11-21 08:25
赣锋锂业、富临精工在四川成立锂业公司 注册资本1亿元 财联社11月21日电,四川锋富锂业有限公司成 立,法定代表人为曾锦秋,注册资本1亿人民币,经营范围为基础化学原料制造、化工产品销售、电子 专用材料销售。 股权全景穿透图显示,该公司由赣锋锂业旗下四川赣锋锂业有限公司、富临精工旗下江西升华新材料有 限公司分别持股51%、49%。 ...
固态电池热度升温!港股锂电股借势反弹 赣锋锂业H股涨近5%
财联社· 2024-11-11 06:34
财联社11月11日讯(编辑 冯轶)今日港股锂电股跟风A股固态电池热度出现逆市反弹。 截至发稿,赣锋锂业(01772.HK)涨近5%,天齐锂业(09696.HK)涨超3%,中创新航(03931.HK)涨超2%, 比亚迪电子(00285.HK)跟涨。 消息面上,中信证券发布报告称,全球锂供应过剩量逐步收窄,短期供需已经改善。报告指出,锂价下 跌导致全球主要锂产区陷入亏损并减停产,在建项目的投产节奏也大幅放缓。 中信证券预计,锂行业供应过剩幅度将从2024年的9.4万吨收窄至2026年的2.5万吨。9月份国内锂盐产量 及锂精矿进口量均环比下滑,锂盐需求量连续三个月增长,9月份国内碳酸锂供应由过剩转为短缺1.1万 吨。预计四季度国内锂电池及正极材料需求有望环比提高,锂行业基本面持续改善。 另一方面,11月以来,A股固态电池概念热度高涨,也带动市场对锂电板块持续关注。 11月7日下午,长安汽车联合太蓝新能源正式发布无隔膜固态锂电池技术,实现了全固态锂电池的多项 关键技术突破。 而据早前报道,宁德时代在今年增加了对全固态电池的研发投入,已将全固态电池研发团队扩充至超 1000人。 此外,长安汽车、广汽集团、奇瑞等行业龙头 ...
华安证券· 2024-11-07 09:31
赣锋锂业( [Table_StockNameRptType] 002460) 公司点评 Q3 业绩超预期,一体化布局持续推进 [Table_Rank] 投资评级:买入(维持) 报告日期: 2024-11-06 主要观点: | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------| | | | | [Table_BaseData] 收盘价(元) 近 12 个月最高 / 最低(元) | 36.05 45.70/24.90 | | 总股本(百万股) | 2,017 | | 流通股本(百万股) | 1,209 | | 流通股比例( % ) | 59.92 | | 总市值(亿元) | 727 | | 流通市值(亿元) | 436 | [公司价格与沪深 Table_Chart] 300 走势比较 -52% -32% -13% 7% 27% 11/23 2/24 5/24 8/24 11/24 赣锋锂业 沪深300 [Table_Author] 分析师:许勇其 执业证书号:S0 ...
光大证券· 2024-11-04 10:42
2024 年 11 月 4 日 公司研究 归母净利润近 4 季度首次转正,全球化资源布局步入收获期 ——赣锋锂业(002460.SZ)2024 年三季报点评 要点 事件:公司发布 2024 年三季报,公司前三季度实现营业收入 139.25 亿元,同 比-45.78%;公司前三季度实现归母净利润-6.4 亿元,同比-110.66%。公司 Q3 实现营业收入 43.36 亿元,同比-42.46%;公司 Q3 实现归母净利润 1.2 亿元, 同比-24.85%。 点评:Q3 业绩为近 4 季度首次转正。公司 Q3 业绩环比扭亏主要系公允价值变 动净收益转正,由 Q2 的-6.05 亿元变为 Q3 的 3.03 亿元。但锂价仍处于下跌态 势,2024 年 Q3 碳酸锂和氢氧化锂平均价格分别为 8.03 万元/吨和 7.56 万元/ 吨,环比 Q2 下滑 28%和 21%。 全球资源端步入收获期,远期冶炼产能规划达到 60 万吨。根据公司公告,阿根 廷 Cauchari-Olaroz 项目已于去年投产,2023 年大约产出 6000 吨碳酸锂,2024 年预计产出约 20,000 吨-25,000 吨碳酸锂;阿根廷 M ...
2024-11-03 17:16
进行这个交流首先呢我们还是分两个环节先请任总给我们对整个三级包的一个情况进行一个介绍后面我们再进入这个交流的一个环节任总要不先请您给我们介绍一下整个三级包的一个情况以及项目的一个情况吧 好的好的,谢谢南总,谢谢各位投资人参加这次投资者交流会那么首先我还是简单介绍一下我们三级报的情况因为三级报的这个情况信息不多我们应该在三季度实现了大概43.36亿的收入规模的信息润大概是一个多亿 后飞的利润当然有一些亏损还是亏了两个亿但是这个主要跟我们的留个减值的准备有关因为我们其实在三季度根据会计的谨慎性原则因为确实是在三季度末它其实是有一些价格的压力的特别是在三季度末的话因为看得到李嘉年来到了全年的比较应该是最低点 所以我们也比较谨慎提了一部分的重合减值但是这一块一方面它其实是一个不是那么它可以随着女价的波动进行调整所以其实这一块的话我相信主要还是看后面的价格它会怎么波动那么我们整体而言我觉得目前来看的话从干坤爷爷我们的角度因为三级制度 相当于也是一个从编剧改善比较明显的一个剧组就是无论是年还是说是这个这个理电板块这两个板块看起来的话他们都有一些这个就是可能还是做的蛮不错的一些地方特别是在我觉得目前这个价格沉压的情况下吧就 ...
华泰证券· 2024-10-31 07:55
证券研究报告 经营预测指标与估值 精华促业 (002460 CH) 锂价下跌,公司三季度业绩承压 年春研究 2024 年 10 月 31 日 | 中国内地 李报点评 希有全属 赣锋锂业发布三季报:Q3 实现营收 43.36 亿元(yoy-42.46%,qoq-4.29%), 妇母净利 1.20 亿元(yoy-24.85%,qoq+137.32%)。2024 年 Q1-Q3 实现 营收 139.25 亿元(yoy-45.78%), 归母净利-6.40 亿元(yoy-110.66%), 扣非净利-3.58 亿元(yoy-108.22%)。铿价下跌,公司三季度业绩承压,公 司为行业龙头,锂价见底后公司或率先迎来利润释放,维持"增持"评级。 键价下跌,公司三季度业绩承压 公司 24Q3 毛利率 9.33%,环比下降 6.61pct,公司毛利下降主要系三季度 碳酸锂均价 8.00 万元/吨,环比下降 24.46%。费用方面,公司 24Q3 合计 期间费用率为 10.57%,环比-9.59pct,费用下降较多主要系三季度财务费 用为-6228.56 万元。此外公司三季度公允价值变动净收益 3.03 亿元,对公 司业绩形成 ...
赣锋锂业(002460) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报
2024-10-30 12:54
Financial Performance - Revenue for the third quarter was RMB 4.34 billion, a decrease of 42.46% year-over-year[2] - Net profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 119.99 million, down 24.85% year-over-year[2] - Revenue decreased by 45.78% to 13.93 billion RMB due to declining lithium salt and battery product prices[6] - Operating costs decreased by 41.21% to 12.48 billion RMB due to lower raw material prices[6] - Total operating revenue for the period was 13,925,192,758.32, a decrease from 25,681,961,591.04 in the previous period[21] - Operating costs amounted to 12,484,746,872.10, down from 21,234,442,163.66 in the prior period[21] - Net profit for the period was -1,032,090,204.23, compared to 5,879,497,228.39 in the previous period[22] - Net profit attributable to parent company shareholders was -640,389,644.06, a significant drop from 6,009,847,045.29 in the prior period[22] - Basic earnings per share were -0.32, down from 2.98 in the previous period[22] - Total comprehensive income for the period was -1,381,196,744.89, compared to 6,819,462,407.48 in the prior period[22] - Comprehensive income attributable to parent company shareholders was -987,754,676.64, a decrease from 6,871,085,499.96 in the previous period[22] - Comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders was -393,442,068.25, compared to -51,623,092.48 in the prior period[22] Cash Flow - Operating cash flow for the period was RMB -197.19 million, a decrease of 182.46% year-over-year[2] - Net cash flow from operating activities increased by 399.90% to 4.11 billion RMB due to reduced payments for goods and services[7] - Net cash flow from financing activities decreased by 88.11% to 966.47 million RMB due to increased debt repayments[7] - Operating cash flow increased to RMB 4,105,916,332.03 from a negative RMB 1,369,100,406.14 in the previous period[24] - Cash received from tax refunds rose to RMB 337,378,261.22 from RMB 179,667,043.18[24] - Cash paid for goods and services dropped to RMB 10,555,407,220.96 from RMB 23,870,541,042.84[24] - Investment cash outflow totaled RMB 9,327,781,479.69, slightly lower than the previous RMB 9,809,885,032.73[24] - Financing cash inflow decreased to RMB 12,313,896,717.51 from RMB 14,838,773,620.36[25] - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period stood at RMB 6,945,994,348.65, down from RMB 8,721,510,630.13[25] - Cash paid for debt repayment increased to RMB 8,256,446,540.33 from RMB 3,609,894,174.59[25] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 7.61% to RMB 98.67 billion compared to the end of the previous year[2] - The company's construction in progress increased by 71.21% to RMB 19.34 billion due to project investments[5] - Goodwill surged by 706.45% to RMB 142.06 million due to non-controlling business acquisitions[5] - Long-term receivables grew by 53.56% to RMB 88.29 million due to new installment sales[5] - Other non-current financial assets decreased by 34.38% to RMB 3.44 billion due to fair value declines[5] - The company's debt investments increased by 299.06% to RMB 1.64 billion due to long-term deposits[5] - Other receivables doubled to RMB 198.79 million due to increased deposit payments[5] - Minority shareholders' equity increased by 54.34% to 8.15 billion RMB due to the consolidation of the Mali project[6] - Accounts payable increased by 33.40% to 3.58 billion RMB due to increased bank acceptance bills for material payments[6] - Deferred tax liabilities increased by 100.13% to 966.38 million RMB due to temporary differences in income tax[6] - Total assets increased to 98.67 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 91.70 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18][19][20] - Current assets decreased to 21.93 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 28.18 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18] - Non-current assets increased to 76.75 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 63.51 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18][19] - Total liabilities increased to 46.55 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 39.38 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[19][20] - Owner's equity slightly decreased to 52.13 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 52.32 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[20] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased to 7.01 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 9.48 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18] - Accounts receivable decreased to 3.53 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 4.95 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18] - Inventory remained stable at 8.26 billion RMB in Q3 2024 compared to the beginning of the year[18] - Fixed assets increased to 13.95 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 12.29 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[18] Investments and Joint Ventures - The company plans to establish a joint venture with Nanjing Public Development and Environment Group to build a 300,000-ton waste battery recycling base in Jiangsu Province, with a total investment of 1 billion RMB[12] - The joint venture will have a registered capital of 100 million RMB, with the company holding a 35% stake, Nanjing Public Development holding 35%, and Environment Group holding 30%[12] - The company's subsidiary, Jiangxi Ganfeng Recycling Technology, plans to invest 40 million RMB in a joint venture with Nanjing Public Development and Environment Group, holding a 40% stake[13] - The company's subsidiary, Minera Exar, plans to issue bonds of up to 200 million USD overseas to support its international business development[14] - The company's subsidiary, Ganfeng Lithium Technology, plans to establish a joint venture in Turkey with YIGIT AKU to build a 5GWh lithium battery production project, with a total investment of 500 million USD[15] - The company's subsidiary, Ganfeng International, has completed the acquisition of a 14.8% stake in Argentina's PGCO for 70 million USD to support the development of the Pastos Grandes lithium salt lake project[16] - The company plans to issue medium-term notes of up to 5 billion RMB and short-term financing bills of up to 1.5 billion RMB to optimize its debt structure and reduce financing costs[17] - The company invested 367.5 million RMB to establish the Nanchang New Energy Technology Industry Investment Fund with partners[18] Shareholders and Equity - The number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period was 315,137[8] - Minority shareholders' equity increased by 54.34% to 8.15 billion RMB due to the consolidation of the Mali project[6] - Owner's equity slightly decreased to 52.13 billion RMB in Q3 2024 from 52.32 billion RMB at the beginning of the year[20] Sales and Revenue - Sales revenue from goods and services decreased to RMB 16,293,510,620.36 from RMB 26,785,884,974.11 year-over-year[24]