中国经济网· 2024-12-31 06:36
Financial Performance and Market Position - The Hangzhou Branch of CITIC Bank has grown into a mainstream commercial bank with a comprehensive financing balance exceeding 1.2 trillion yuan, and both deposit and loan balances exceeding 500 billion yuan, ranking at the forefront in terms of scale, comprehensive financial service capabilities, asset quality, and regulatory ratings within the province and the CITIC Bank system [1] - The branch has been awarded multiple honors by the Zhejiang Provincial Government, including the "First Prize for Financial Support to Zhejiang's Economic and Social Development" [1] Support for Private Economy - The Hangzhou Branch has introduced the first "Action Plan to Support the Development of the Private Economy" within the system, proposing 30 comprehensive and targeted measures to enhance financial support for private enterprises [2] - The branch focuses on the characteristics and changes of private enterprises at different development stages, continuously optimizing its product system and enriching its credit product toolbox [9] - It provides annual new loan disbursements of 100 billion yuan to private enterprises and offers comprehensive financing exceeding 200 billion yuan through bonds, equity, and other means [18] Innovation and Technology Support - Zhejiang is the only province with two science and technology financial reform pilot zones, and the overall strength of its science and technology enterprises ranks among the top in the country [3] - As of November, the Hangzhou Branch's loan balance for technology-based enterprises exceeded 56 billion yuan, a 5.6% increase from the beginning of the year, ranking first within the system [5] - The branch has established the first Science and Technology Financial Center within CITIC Bank nationwide and set up 12 Science and Technology Pioneer Institutions and two specialized branches for science and technology [10] - It has launched localized "Scorecard" and "Talent Loan" products, specifically addressing the financial needs of early-stage, small, and new technology enterprises [12] Rural Revitalization and Common Prosperity - The branch actively explores the business model of comprehensive land improvement, successfully implementing the first comprehensive land improvement project within the system, setting a new benchmark for innovative financial services supporting rural revitalization [6] - It focuses on 26 mountainous counties, iterating and upgrading the "Common Prosperity Loan" financing model to further support rural revitalization [24] - The branch has introduced localized public wealth management products, such as the "Common Prosperity and Co-creation" series, extending support to 26 mountainous counties to enhance comprehensive financing and wealth management scale [7] Financial Innovation and Social Responsibility - The branch has innovatively introduced charitable wealth management products, donating excess returns to Zhejiang's charitable causes, achieving a balance between economic and social benefits [15] - It has pioneered charitable wealth management products in collaboration with CITIC Wealth Management and the Zhejiang Charity Federation, donating excess returns in the name of investors [26] - The branch has received multiple honors, including the "National Advanced Collective for Social Poverty Alleviation" and the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Chinese Charity" [27] Comprehensive Financial Services - The branch leverages its comprehensive financial advantages, including "finance + industry," "investment banking + commercial banking," and "domestic + international," to provide integrated financial services [18] - It has established a Science and Technology Financial Investment Alliance in Zhejiang, collaborating with key state-owned investment institutions and leading investment firms to serve technology enterprises and facilitate equity financing [5] - The branch has set up the CITIC West Science and Technology Corridor (Hangzhou) Equity Investment Fund, leveraging social capital to participate in the technological upgrading and expansion of regional technology enterprises [5] Historical Context and Future Outlook - CITIC Bank established its presence in Hangzhou in 1994, becoming one of the first joint-stock banks to enter Zhejiang Province [19] - The branch has been a leader in bond underwriting in Zhejiang for seven consecutive years, pioneering several benchmark projects in the bond market [20] - It continues to align with Zhejiang's high-quality economic development, contributing to the province's modernization and common prosperity goals [8][17]
52个月艰苦奋战,20分钟穿越天山(奋进强国路 阔步新征程·重大工程巡礼) --经济·科技--人民网
中国经济网· 2024-12-31 06:01
Project Overview - The Tianshan Shengli Tunnel, the world's longest highway tunnel, was fully completed, reducing the travel time through the Tianshan Mountains from 3 hours to approximately 20 minutes [1] - The tunnel is a significant milestone in China's efforts to accelerate the construction of a transportation powerhouse, representing a major achievement in highway tunnel construction [2] Construction Challenges and Innovations - The tunnel traverses 16 geological fault zones, with 12 located at the entrance end, characterized by complex rock layers and fragile geology, with maximum ground stress reaching nearly 22 MPa [3] - The construction team overcame challenges such as mud surges and rock bursts by installing over 37,800 polyethylene foam concrete pipes to create a 70 cm thick shock-absorbing layer, successfully crossing the F6 Boa Fault Zone in 80 days [3] - Traditional drilling and blasting methods would have required 72 months, but the use of hard rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs) reduced the construction period to 52 months, with a maximum daily progress of 20-30 meters, five times faster than manual excavation [4][5] - The project pioneered the use of TBMs in domestic highway tunnel construction and introduced the "three tunnels + four shafts" construction method, achieving rapid excavation and saving construction time [6] Technological and Engineering Breakthroughs - The "Tianshan" and "Shengli" TBMs were deployed simultaneously from the north and south sides of the Tianshan Mountains, with the "Tianshan" TBM successfully crossing a granite fault alteration zone after 14 months of攻坚 [7] - The project team developed a "main tunnel + central pilot tunnel" excavation scheme, using domestically developed TBMs to create multiple working faces, enabling simultaneous operations and further reducing construction time [10] - A digital monitoring and command center was established to manage over 1,200 personnel and 600-700 vehicle trips daily, utilizing intelligent traffic scheduling systems, vehicle positioning systems, and electronic access control systems to ensure safety and efficiency [11] Ventilation and Environmental Solutions - The project implemented a three-tunnel, long-distance construction ventilation method, reducing the required fan power from 8,700 kW to 2,400 kW, effectively solving the ventilation challenges of extra-long tunnels while achieving energy savings and emission reductions [12] - Four ventilation shafts were constructed, with the deepest reaching over 700 meters, making them the deepest highway ventilation shafts in the world, utilizing advanced equipment and techniques to overcome extreme environmental conditions [12][13] Team and Equipment - The construction team faced numerous challenges, including water inflows and extreme temperatures, with one incident requiring 39 days of continuous effort to resolve a sudden water surge at a depth of 570 meters [13] - The project developed the "Chuangshouhao," the world's first ultra-large and ultra-deep shaft equipment for high-altitude and cold environments, to facilitate the excavation of the ventilation shafts [13]
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:46
据永辉超市官方消息,12月27日至29日,永辉超市南沙万达店开业3日累计销售额达650万元,客流爆发 率达316%,日均销售额超210万元,日均销售额为调改前的6倍。 据悉,接下来,广州还将有更多的永辉"学习胖东来"自主调改店开业。 证券时报e公司讯,12月27日,永辉超市广州首家"学习胖东来"自主调改店在南沙万达广场开业。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:30
证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,九江向元智能科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为余志勇, 注册资本3000万元,经营范围包含:塑料加工专用设备销售,橡胶加工专用设备销售,矿山机械销售, 机械设备研发等。 企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由新元科技全资持股。 ...
莱克电气成立新公司 含新型膜材料销售业务
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:15
企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由莱克电气全资持股。 证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,西安雷鹰智能科技有限公司成立,法定代表人为徐殿青, 注册资本100万元,经营范围包含:气体、液体分离及纯净设备制造;气体、液体分离及纯净设备销 售;新型膜材料销售等。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:02
证券时报e公司讯,针对近期网传的公司大规模人员调整情况,先导智能今日回应记者称,"系正常人员 调整迭代。 对于不愿意接受公司人员调整并选择提前解除劳动合同的员工,公司一直积极与员工进行协商,确保员 工合法权益得到充分保障。 先导智能相关人士还向记者强调,"目前公司整体经营情况良好,订单充足。 "先导智能表示,在企业经营发展过程中,各业务模块随行业发展趋势经历波动是常见现象,公司根据 各事业部的业务发展实况,适时进行人员岗位的动态调整,这是企业运营中的常规管理策略。 此外,先导智能仍在持续不断招聘优秀人才。 " ...
润建股份等成立新公司 含合同能源管理业务
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 05:00
证券时报e公司讯,企查查APP显示,近日,石家庄佳秦新能源有限公司成立,法定代表人为李龙,注 册资本100万元,经营范围包含:合同能源管理;太阳能热利用产品销售;太阳能热发电装备销售;发 电机及发电机组销售等。 企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由润建股份等共同持股。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 04:20
当天上午9时59分,这架C919执行MU500调机航班,从上海浦东国际机场起飞,10时14分抵达上海虹桥 国际机场,入列东航机队。 证券时报e公司讯,12月31日,记者获悉,中国东航第10架C919正式入列。 据悉,这是国产大飞机全球首发用户东航在2024年接收的第6架C919,东航C919机队规模增至10架,是 目前最大的C919机队。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 04:05
经查,2024年11月13日,公司与石家庄常山恒新纺织有限公司签订职工劳动关系变更经济补偿金合同, 约定支付经济补偿金共计9246.3万元,公司未按规定披露订立上述经济补偿金合同情况,违反了相关规 定。 ②常山北明:近日公司及相关责任人收到河北证监局《行政监管措施决定书》。 河北证监局决定对公司采取责令改正的行政监管措施,对公司时任董事长秘勇、时任董事会秘书李鹏韬 采取监管谈话的行政监管措施。 证券时报e公司讯,①山高环能:12月31日,公司全资子公司山高十方环保能源集团有限公司收到温江 区餐厨垃圾处理中心(一期)委托运营服务《中标通知书》,服务周期为5年(考核合格后合同一年一 签)。 ③利民股份:公司全资子公司利民化学有限责任公司获评"绿色工厂"。 ...
证券时报网· 2024-12-31 03:58
证券时报网讯,南京聚隆12月31日在交易所互动平台中披露,截至12月20日公司股东户数为15166户, 较上期(12月10日)减少2958户,环比降幅为16.32%。 具体到各交易日,5次上涨,10次下跌。 证券时报•数据宝统计,截至发稿,南京聚隆最新股价为22.35元,下跌2.40%,本期筹码集中以来股价 累计下跌17.71%。 ...