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信达证券· 2024-07-18 13:01
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Tencent Holdings (0700 HK) [2] Core Views - Tencent's 24Q2 revenue is expected to reach 1618 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8 5% [2] - Non-IFRS net profit is projected to be 502 billion yuan, up 33 6% year-on-year [2] - The company's gaming business is performing well, with domestic and overseas game revenues expected to grow by 8% and 14% respectively [2] - Advertising revenue is anticipated to increase by 22% to 305 billion yuan, driven by WeChat video ads and mini-program ads [2] - Financial technology and enterprise services revenue is forecasted to grow by 7% to 520 billion yuan [2] Business Segment Analysis Gaming Business - Domestic gaming revenue is expected to reach 343 billion yuan, up 8% year-on-year, with new game "DNF Mobile" performing exceptionally well [2] - Overseas gaming revenue is projected to grow by 14% to 145 billion yuan, with "Brawl Stars" and "Squad Busters" contributing significantly [2] - Several new games are scheduled for release in the second half of 2024, including "Need for Speed: United" and "World Genesis" [2] Advertising Business - WeChat video ads are expected to drive growth, with the integration of video e-commerce into the WeChat ecosystem [2] - Mini-program ads are also performing strongly, benefiting from small game and short drama advertising [2] Financial Technology and Enterprise Services - Payment revenue growth has slowed due to weak offline consumption, but enterprise services continue to grow rapidly [2] - The company's AI capabilities, including the upgraded Hunyuan model and Yuanbao APP, are expected to enhance long-term competitiveness [2] Financial Projections - Revenue for FY2024-2026 is projected to be 6710/7333/7957 billion yuan, with year-on-year growth of 10 2%/9 3%/8 5% [2] - Non-IFRS net profit for the same period is expected to be 2180/2488/2729 billion yuan, with year-on-year growth of 38 3%/14 1%/9 7% [2] - The company's PE ratio under the Non-IFRS framework is projected to be 15/13/12x for FY2024-2026 [2]
华创证券· 2024-07-18 10:07
证 券 研 究 报 告 腾讯控股(0700.HK)再认知系列深度报告 II 推荐(维持) 量化分红、回购的财务影响,从股东回报和 业务发展看公司合理估值区间 ❖ 引言:股东回报重要性抬升,如何量化与认知。2022 年以来,腾讯整体收入 开始放缓,降本增效与股东回报开始成为新的关注点。而我们也确实观察到腾 讯近两年现金分红比例的持续提升,和屡创纪录的回购金额,股东回报开始清 晰。而重视股东回报后的腾讯,究竟会释放出多大的财务改善?聚焦这一变化, 本文主要探讨三个问题:1)如何量化股东回报的影响?2)持续股东回报的底 气从何而来?提升潜力还有多大?3)新范式下,腾讯估值如何参考? ❖ 如何量化股东回报与增长新范式: .1 派息和回购或将为 24 年带来中性/乐观 3.2/4.1%的税后股东回报。腾讯 当前的股东回报分为现金分红和回购两部分。现金分红率在近两年显著 提升(21 年 10.7%/23 年 18.5%)。回购方面,大额回购开始于 22 年中 大股东宣布长期减持计划后,并在 23 年 12 月征求意见稿后金额被进一 步加大。在 23 年报中,公司宣布将在 24 年将回购金额翻倍到千亿港币 以上;截止 24 ...
华创证券· 2024-07-18 09:01
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
第一上海证券· 2024-07-18 07:01
李京霖 + 852 25321962 行业 市值 总股本 52 周高/低 每股账面值 股价表现 2024 年 7 月 16 日 星期二 腾讯《地下城与勇士:起源》登顶 6 月全球手游畅销榜 根据 Sensor Tower 商店情报平台显示,《地下城与勇士:起源》位居 6 月全球手游 畅销榜第一,《王者荣耀》、《和平精英》、《金铲铲之战》位居二三四名。 由腾讯发行的《地下城与勇士:起源》自 5 月 21 日正式公测后,连续 38 天位居国 内 iPhone 总榜和手游畅销榜的双榜首。截至 7 月 10 日,其在中国 iOS 市场的收入 已超 4 亿美元,同时登顶 6 月全球手游畅销榜,终结了过去 7 个月《MONOPOLY GO!》 对该榜单的垄断。 2024 年 6 月共 37 个中国厂商入围全球手游发行商收入榜 TOP100,合计收入 19.2 亿美元,占本期全球 TOP100 手游发行商收入 37%,腾讯蝉联第一。 腾讯首款开放世界赛车手游《极品飞车:集结》7 月 11 日公测 2024 年微信小游戏开发者大会将于 7 月 16 日在北京举办 ...
国泰君安· 2024-07-17 01:31
股 票 研 究 游戏广告增长良好,盈利能力持续改善 | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------------------------------------|----------------------| | | | | | | [table_Authors] 秦和平 ( 分析师 ) | 李奇 ( 分析师 ) | | | 0755-23976666 | 0755-23976888 | | | | | | 登记编号 | S0880523110003 | S0880523060001 | [Table_Industry] 传播文化业 | --- | --- | |---------------------------|---------------| | | | | [Table_Market] 交易数据 | | | 周内股价区间 港元 | | | 52 ( ) | 262.20-397.00 | | 当前股本 ( 百万股 ) | 9,355 | | 当前市值 ( 百万港元 ) | 3, ...
申万宏源· 2024-07-16 08:31
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------------|-------------------------|-------------------------|----------|-----------------------|-------------------| | | 收入 24E (亿人民币) | 利润 24E (亿人民币) | 估值方式 | 对应市值 (亿人民币) | 对应股价 ( 港元 ) | | 端游 | 456 | 203 | 15x PE | 3,038 | 35 | | 手游 | 1,724 | 704 | 25x PE | 17,593 | 205 | | 非游戏增值业务 | 803 | 72 | 20x PE | 1,433 | 17 | | 广告业务 | 1,015 | 358 | 25x PE | 8,939 | 104 | | 云业务 | 434 | | 4x PS | 1,735 | 20 | | 金融业务 | 1,685 | | 5x PS | 8,423 | 98 | | 投资 | | | | 4,104 | 48 ...
招银国际· 2024-07-15 03:22
CMBIGM 不是美国的注册经纪交易商。因此,CMBIGM 不受 U.S.关于研究报告准备和研究分析师独立性的规则。主要负责本研究报告内容的研究分析师未在金融业监管局 ( "FINRA " ) 注册或获得研究分析师资格。分析师不受 FINRA 规则的适用限制,旨在确保分析师不会受到可能影响研究报告可靠性的潜在利益冲突的影响。本报告仅在美国发布给 "美国主要机 构投资者 ",如美国《 1934 年证券交易法》第 15a - 6 条所述,不得提供给美国的任何其他人。收到本报告副本并接受本报告的每个主要美国机构投资者均表示并同意其不得向任何其 他人分发或提供本报告。任何 U.S.本报告的收件人希望根据本报告中提供的信息进行任何买卖证券的交易,只能通过美国S.- 注册经纪交易商。 本文件在新加坡的收件人 本报告由 CMBI (新加坡) Pte 在新加坡分发。有限公司 ( CMBISG ) ( 公司注册。不。201731928D),《财务顾问法》 (第110) 由新加坡金融管理局监管。CMBISG 可以根据《财务 顾问条例》第 32C 条的安排分发其各自的外国实体、附属公司或其他外国研究机构制作的报告。如果报告在新加坡 ...
腾讯控股:Earnings growth stability continues
招银国际· 2024-07-15 03:01
15 Jul 2024 CMB International Global Markets | Equity Research | Company Update Earnings growth stability continues | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | (YE 31 Dec) | FY22A | FY23A | FY24E | FY25E | FY26E | | Revenue (RMB mn) | 554,552 | 609,015 | 658,280 | 712,260 | 764,432 | | Gross margin (%) | 43.1 | 48.1 | 53.1 | 53.8 | 54.3 | | Adjusted net profit (RMB mn) | 115,649.0 | 157,688.0 | 198,794.6 | 218,584.6 | 2 ...
华泰证券· 2024-07-14 13:02
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------|-------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 图表 6 : | 腾讯财务预测 \n腾讯财务预测 \n人民币(亿) | 1Q23 | 2Q23 | 3Q23 | 4Q23 | 1Q24 | 2Q24E | 2023 | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | | 1.收入 | 1500 | 1492 | 1546 | 1552 | 1595 | 1611 | 6090 | 6656 | 7311 | 7943 | | | YOY ( % ) | 11% | 11% | 10.4% | 7.1% | 6.3% | 8.0% | 10% | 9% | 10% | 9% | | | a.增值服务 | 793 | 742 ...
国海证券· 2024-07-14 13:01
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| | 总收入 | 2023 \n609,015 | 2024E \n673,025 | 2025E \n754,773 | 2026E \n830,644 | 1Q23 \n149,986 | 2Q23 \n149,208 | 3Q23 \n154,625 | 4Q23 \n155,196 | 1Q24 \n159,501 | 2Q24E \n163.034 | 3Q24E \n173 ...