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第一上海证券· 2024-07-10 05:31
披露事项与免责声明 第一上海证券有限公司 公司评论 第一上海研究部 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
第一上海证券· 2024-07-03 11:31
公司评论 第一上海研究部 第一上海 公司评论 第一上海并不是美国一九三四年修订的证券法(「一九三四年证券法」)或其他有关的美国州政府 法例下的注册经纪-交易商。此外,第一上海亦不是美国一九四零年修订的投资顾问法(下简称为 「投资顾问法」,「投资顾问法」及「一九三四年证券法」一起简称为「有关法例」)或其他有关的 美国州政府法例下的注册投资顾问。在没有获得有关法例特别豁免的情况下,任何由第一上海提 供的经纪及投资顾问服务,包括(但不限于)在此档内陈述的内容,皆没有意图提供给美国人。此 文件及其复印本均不可传送或被带往美国、在美国分发或提供给美国人。 第一上海证券有限公司 免责声明 ©2024 第一上海证券有限公司 版权所有。保留一切权利。 披露事项 本报告由第一上海证券有限公司("第一上海")编制并只作私人一般阅览。未经第一上海书面批 准,不得复印、节录,也不得以任何方式引用、转载或传送本报告之任何内容。本报告所载的内 容、资料、数据、工具及材料只提供给阁下作参考之用,并非作为或被视为出售或购买或认购证 券或其它金融票 ...
申万宏源· 2024-06-28 03:01
传媒 | --- | --- | |--------------------------|-------------------------------| | 市场数据: | 2024 年 06 月 27 日 | | 收盘价(港币) | 374.40 | | 恒生中国企业指数 | 6477.24 | | 52 周最高/最低(港币) | 401.00/260.20 | | H 股市值(亿港币) | 35764.62 | | 流通 H 股(百万股) | 9362 | | 汇率(人民币/港币) | 1.0956 | 资料来源:Bloomberg 2024 年 06 月 27 日 腾讯控股 (00700) ⚫ DNF 手游下架部分安卓应用市场,游戏利润率天花板有望抬升。根据游戏官方公告。6.20 起 DNF 手游将不再上架部分安卓平台的应用商店。我们认为腾讯对安卓手机应用市场的核 心诉求是降分成,一般而言安卓应用市场分成较高(50%),但精品化趋势下头部产品议 价能力增强,且社交/短视频/垂直渠道(相对低的渠道成本)也能很好地满足拉新需求,因 此我们认为下架安卓应用市场本质上是头部产品能用更低的成本在其他渠道获取用户 ...
第一上海证券· 2024-06-27 10:01
公司评论 第一上海研究部 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------|---------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
广发证券· 2024-06-27 05:31
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Tencent Holdings with a target price of HKD 507.55 per share [56][76] Core Views - Tencent's strategy focuses on high-quality growth, with key investments in overseas gaming, short video, and enterprise services since 2021 [89] - The company's core businesses remain stable, while new growth drivers such as video accounts and mini-games are emerging, contributing to mid-term performance growth [89] - Long-term growth is expected from generative AI investments, which are exploring new user scenarios and technological advancements [89] Financial Projections - Revenue is projected to reach RMB 658.9 billion in 2024 and RMB 726.1 billion in 2025, representing year-on-year growth of 8% and 10%, respectively [4][76] - Adjusted net profit attributable to shareholders is expected to grow by 29% in 2024 and 14% in 2025, reaching RMB 203 billion and RMB 231.2 billion, respectively [32][76] - Gross margin is forecasted to improve to 52.8% in 2024 and 53.2% in 2025, driven by higher-quality business streams [32] Business Segments Gaming - Domestic gaming revenue reached RMB 126.7 billion in 2023, up 2% YoY, while overseas gaming revenue grew 14% YoY to RMB 53.2 billion [74] - Tencent's overseas gaming investments have been a key focus since 2021, with contributions to overall gaming revenue steadily increasing [74] - The company plans to launch new games, such as "Dungeon & Fighter: Origin," which is expected to drive growth in 2024 [88] Financial Technology - WeChat Pay's revenue growth is closely tied to the overall mobile payment market, which saw transaction volume increase by 16.81% YoY to 1.851 trillion transactions in 2023 [2] - Non-payment businesses, such as credit and wealth management services, have significant growth potential, with WeBank playing a key role in expanding these services [8][10][119] Advertising - Advertising revenue is expected to grow by 19% in 2024 and 16% in 2025, driven by inventory expansion on WeChat, video accounts, and mini-games [40] - Video accounts' total viewing time grew by 100% YoY in 2023, with further growth of 80% YoY in Q1 2024, providing strong monetization opportunities [17] Enterprise Services - Tencent's enterprise services are benefiting from the growth of video accounts and mini-programs, with live-streaming e-commerce and technical service fees contributing to revenue [38] - The company is also investing in generative AI, which is expected to enhance SaaS tool efficiency and create new revenue streams in the medium to long term [152] Valuation - Using the SOTP valuation method, Tencent's core businesses are valued at HKD 4.26 trillion, with gaming and advertising contributing HKD 1.56 trillion and HKD 1.23 trillion, respectively [83] - The company's secondary market investments are valued at HKD 494.7 billion, contributing HKD 52.84 per share to the total valuation [135] Strategic Investments - Tencent has made significant investments in overseas gaming companies, including Riot Games, Supercell, and Epic Games, which have contributed to its global gaming presence [108][110] - The company is also investing in generative AI, with its Hunyuan large model and Tencent Yuanbao AI assistant launched in 2023 and 2024, respectively [132]
国信证券· 2024-06-24 02:01
证券分析师: 张伦可 0755-81982651 执证编码:S0980521120004 1 安卓渠道 2014年,华为、OPPO、vivo、联想、魅族等当时主流安卓手机厂商联手玩咖传媒组建"硬核联 盟",共同商定了手机厂商和游戏商 5:5 分成的比例(苹果为 3:7)。直到现在,如果开发者想要在联盟渠 道里上架游戏,就要遵守 50%分成比例的规矩。安卓渠道 50%的分成还需要在扣除支付通道费后分成这意 味着在国内安卓渠道游戏厂商只能拿到不足 50%的分成,利润率低于 iOS 平台。 腾讯控股(00700.HK) DNF 手游下架安卓应用商店后重回畅销榜首,优质内容议价能 力或持续提升 8.5% 7.4% 8.4% 10.8% 11.9% A19 10.2% 6 3 28 53 13.5% 16.4% 11.8% 18.7% 50% 8.5% ap i ap:15J 25.0% 17.4% 25,1% 14.4% 21,0% 15.0% 14.9% 29.3% 27.7% 26.9% 22.3% 23,3% 14.0% 0% 王者荣耀 羊了个羊 微乐摄蛋 开心 ...
信达证券· 2024-06-21 08:31
证券研究报告 [腾讯控股 Table_Title](0700.HK)24Q1 业绩点评:高毛利业务支撑盈利 | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
东兴证券· 2024-06-19 09:31
金融科技及企业服务收入 523.0 亿元,同比增长 7%。其中金融科技 服务同比增速放缓,主要由于线下消费支出增长放缓以及提现收入 减少,而理财服务收入增长强劲;企业服务业务收入同比增速实现 十几个点的同比增长,源于部分云服务收入及视频号商家技术服务 费增长; 腾讯于 1998 年 11 月在中国深圳成立, 2004 年 6 月在香港联合交易所主板上市。 腾讯以技术丰富互联网用户的生活。通过通 信及社交平台微信和 QQ 促进用户联系, 并助其连接数字内容和生活服务,尽在弹指 间。通过高效广告平台,协助品牌和市场营 销者触达数以亿计的中国消费者。通过金融 科技及企业服务,促进合作伙伴业务发展, 助力实现数字化升级。 资料来源:公司公告 未来 3-6 个月重大事项提示: 无 发债及交叉持股介绍: 无 A 股/B 股(万股) -/- 52 周日均换手率 0.233 资料来源:恒生聚源、东兴证券研究所 用户使用时长同比增长超 80%,视频播放量上升;小程序用户使用时长 持续增长,非游戏类小程序日均使用次数同比实现双位数百分比增长, 小游戏流水同比增长 30%。腾讯视频发布多部热门自制电视剧和动画系 列,如《繁花》、《 ...
国泰君安· 2024-06-05 03:31
[Table_Industry] 传播文化业 | --- | --- | |-----------------|---------------------------| | | | | [table_Authors] | 秦和平 ( 分析师 ) | | | 0755-23976666 | | | | | 登记编号 | S0880523110003 | [Table_Invest]评级:增持 [当前价格 Table_CurPrice] :(港元) 377.40 股 票 研 究 腾讯元宝 APP 上线,内容生态优势显著 投资要点: 腾讯控股(0700) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------|---------|-------------------------------|---------|---------|---------|---------| | 财务摘要(百万人民币) | 2020A | 2021A | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | ...
腾讯控股:再认知系列深度报告I:“强运营”赋能,Supercell 拐点来临;射击玩法迭代有望繁荣《和平精英》生态
华创证券· 2024-06-02 06:01
传媒 2024 年 06 月 01 日 腾讯控股(00700.HK)再认知系列深度报告 I 投资主题 公司研究 证监会审核华创证券投资咨询业务资格批文号:证监许可(2009)1210 号 证监会审核华创证券投资咨询业务资格批文号:证监许可(2009)1210 号 2 报告亮点 2) 对射击游戏演化历史的复盘;从玩法与移动端适配度的层面看好"地铁 逃生"模式对《和平精英》的拉动。 总的来说,对于腾讯游戏,我们认为 Supercell 驱动将海外游戏业务重拾 增速、国内最困难的时候已经过去。具体而言: 《和平精英》将于暑期上线成熟的"塔科夫 like"玩法地铁逃生。该模式曾 经在海外版本《PUBGM》流水企稳中贡献过正面价值。我们看好这个强调收 集的乐趣、适配移动端的玩法模式进一步丰富《和平精英》游戏内容,强 化体验,提供新的付费点,进而对流水起到拉动作用。 由于《DNFM》、《荒野乱斗》的超预期表现,我们上调公司 24-26 年收入预 期 至 6741/7377/7962 亿 元 ( 原 预 测 为 6740/7331/7854 亿 元 ), YOY+11%/9%/8%; NON-IFRS 口径下归母净利润预期 ...