C&D INC.(600153)
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国金证券· 2024-04-30 01:30
2024 年 4月 29日公司发布2024年一季报,1Q24 实现营收1313.4 亿元,同比-21.6%;归母净利润6.0 亿元,同比-23.9%。 营收利润均下滑,各业务板块当期业绩承压:1Q24 公司营收下滑 主要由于供应链经营货物量价下滑所致,归母净利润下滑主要因 为三大业务板块当期业绩均有一定下滑。 供应链板块:1Q24年分部实现营收1226.4亿元,同比-24.1%, 实现归母净利润7.7 亿元,同比-8.67%。1Q24 供应链业务毛 利率2.42%,同比提升0.52pct。 房地产板块:1Q24 年分部实现营收65.9 亿元,同比+13.3%, 实现归母净利润-5778 万元,去年同期为-5247 万元。受市场 下行影响,1Q24 板块毛利率为 14.55%,同比下滑1.95pct。 家居商场运营板块:1Q24 年分部实现营收 21.1 亿元,实现 人民币(元) 成交金额(百万元) 归母净利润-1.11 亿元(去年同期未并表)。分部贡献亏损主 12.00 1,600 要由于美凯龙商场出租率出现阶段性下滑,给予商户优惠致 1,400 11.00 1,200 使营收利润下滑,同时投资性 ...
建发股份(600153) - 建发股份关于召开2023年度和2024年第一季度业绩说明会暨参加投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告
2024-04-29 09:28
股票代码:600153 股票简称:建发股份 公告编号:临2024—027 债券代码:185248 债券简称:22建发 01 债券代码:185791 债券简称:22建发 Y2 债券代码:185929 债券简称:22建发 Y3 债券代码:137601 债券简称:22建发 Y4 债券代码:115755 债券简称:23建发 Y1 债券代码:240217 债券简称:23建发 Y2 债券代码:240650 债券简称:24建发 Y1 厦门建发股份有限公司 关于召开 2023 年度和 2024 年第一季度业绩说明会 暨参加投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告 本公司董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述 或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任。 重要内容提示: 活动时间:2024年5月16日(星期四)下午14:00-17:00 活动方式:网络文字互动方式 活动平台:投资者可登录“全景路演”网站(http://rs.p5w.net),或 关注微信公众号“全景财经”,或下载全景路演 APP,参与本次互动交流。 投资者可于 2024 年 5 月 14 日(星期二)17:00 前 ...
建发股份(600153) - 2024 Q1 - 季度财报
2024-04-29 09:28
Financial Performance - Revenue for Q1 2024 was RMB 131.34 billion, a decrease of 21.57% compared to the same period last year[4] - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 603.89 million, down 23.94% year-on-year[4] - Total revenue for Q1 2024 was RMB 131.34 billion, a decrease of 21.6% compared to RMB 167.46 billion in Q1 2023[29] - Net profit for Q1 2024 was RMB 411.01 million, a significant decrease of 53.1% compared to RMB 876.02 million in Q1 2023[30] - Basic earnings per share for Q1 2024 were RMB 0.17, down from RMB 0.23 in Q1 2023[34] - Financial expenses for Q1 2024 were RMB 1.02 billion, a significant increase from RMB 279.87 million in Q1 2023[29] - Research and development expenses for Q1 2024 were RMB 50.03 million, up 27.4% from RMB 39.28 million in Q1 2023[29] - The company reported a fair value change loss of RMB 347.98 million in Q1 2024, compared to a gain of RMB 220.85 million in Q1 2023[30] Segment Performance - The supply chain operation segment contributed RMB 12.26 billion in revenue, accounting for the majority of the company's total revenue[8] - The real estate business segment reported a net loss of RMB 1.54 billion, significantly impacting overall profitability[8] - The home furnishing mall operation segment, acquired through the purchase of Red Star Macalline, contributed a net loss of RMB 1.11 billion to the company's consolidated net profit[9] - Excluding the impact of Red Star Macalline, the company's net profit attributable to shareholders would have been RMB 715 million, a decrease of 9.92% year-on-year[9] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 8.65% to RMB 891.87 billion compared to the end of the previous year[4] - Total liabilities increased by 11.39% to RMB 664.11 billion, reflecting the company's expanded operations and acquisitions[10] - The company's equity attributable to shareholders increased by 2.98% to RMB 71.58 billion, driven by growth in the supply chain operation segment[10] - Total assets increased to 891.87 billion yuan as of March 31, 2024, compared to 820.85 billion yuan at the end of 2023[22][23][25] - Current assets rose to 700.53 billion yuan, up from 629.80 billion yuan at the end of 2023[22][23] - Inventory increased significantly to 431.96 billion yuan from 370.19 billion yuan at the end of 2023[23] - The company's monetary funds stood at 99.99 billion yuan as of March 31, 2024, up from 98.35 billion yuan at the end of 2023[22] - Accounts receivable increased to 24.02 billion yuan from 20.92 billion yuan at the end of 2023[22] - The company's total current liabilities increased to 519.91 billion yuan from 457.05 billion yuan at the end of 2023[25] - Short-term borrowings surged to 55.00 billion yuan from 9.61 billion yuan at the end of 2023[25] - Total liabilities increased to RMB 664.11 billion as of March 31, 2024, up from RMB 596.21 billion at the end of 2023[26] - Long-term borrowings stood at RMB 63.55 billion as of March 31, 2024, slightly up from RMB 63.23 billion at the end of 2023[26] - Total equity increased to RMB 227.76 billion as of March 31, 2024, compared to RMB 224.64 billion at the end of 2023[26] - Total assets and liabilities combined amounted to RMB 891.87 billion as of March 31, 2024, up from RMB 820.85 billion at the end of 2023[27] Cash Flow - The company's real estate business saw a decrease in sales proceeds and an increase in land payment amounts, impacting cash flow from operating activities[14] - Sales of goods and services received cash of 157.62 billion RMB in Q1 2024, a decrease of 35.4% compared to 244.02 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Net cash flow from operating activities was -46.52 billion RMB in Q1 2024, compared to -12.06 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Net cash flow from investing activities was -5.25 billion RMB in Q1 2024, an improvement from -5.98 billion RMB in Q1 2023[38] - Net cash flow from financing activities was 48.58 billion RMB in Q1 2024, a significant increase from 32.61 billion RMB in Q1 2023[38] - Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 3.13 billion RMB in Q1 2024, compared to an increase of 14.49 billion RMB in Q1 2023[38] - Total cash inflows from operating activities were 172.98 billion RMB in Q1 2024, down from 256.24 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Total cash outflows from operating activities were 219.50 billion RMB in Q1 2024, down from 268.29 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Cash received from tax refunds increased to 795.57 million RMB in Q1 2024 from 362.40 million RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Cash received from other operating activities increased to 14.57 billion RMB in Q1 2024 from 11.85 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] - Cash paid for goods and services decreased to 192.88 billion RMB in Q1 2024 from 245.81 billion RMB in Q1 2023[37] Shareholder Information - The largest shareholder, Xiamen C&D Group, holds 45.16% of the company's shares, with a total of 1,356,687,985 shares[15] - Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited is the second-largest shareholder, holding 4.99% of the shares, totaling 149,873,878 shares[15] - The Basic Pension Insurance Fund 1003 Portfolio holds 2.03% of the shares, with a total of 60,931,242 shares[15] - China Life Insurance Company holds 1.47% of the shares, totaling 44,054,610 shares[15] - The China Merchants Bank SSE Dividend ETF holds 1.14% of the shares, with a total of 34,377,327 shares[15] - The National Social Security Fund 403 Portfolio holds 1.00% of the shares, totaling 30,177,263 shares[15] - The Agricultural Bank of China CSI 500 ETF holds 0.57% of the shares, with a total of 16,977,517 shares[15] - The China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Enterprise Annuity Plan holds 0.57% of the shares, totaling 16,975,120 shares[15] Other Financial Information - Non-recurring gains and losses amounted to RMB 322,186,508.32, including gains from the disposal of subsidiaries and government subsidies[12] - The company's equity offering plan proposes to issue 3.5 shares for every 10 shares held, aiming to raise up to 4.98 billion yuan[21] - The company's investment property remained stable at 113.09 billion yuan as of March 31, 2024[23] - Fixed assets decreased slightly to 8.18 billion yuan from 8.29 billion yuan at the end of 2023[23]
海通证券· 2024-04-21 09:32
[Table_MainInfo] 公司研究/商业贸易/贸易 证券研究报告 建发股份(600153)公司年报点评 2024年04月21日 [Table_InvestInfo] 投资评级 优于大市 维持 重组收益致利润上升,销售投资保持定力 股票数据 [Table_Summary] 0[4Ta月b1le9_日S收to盘ck价(In元fo)] 10.06 投资要点: 52周股价波动(元) 8.94-12.94 总股本/流通A股(百万股) 3004/2853 总市值/流通市值(百万元) 30221/28705 重组收益增加致净利润大幅上升。2023年,公司实现营业收入7636.78亿元, 相关研究 同比-8.30%;归母净利润 131.04 亿元,同比+108.83%,主要归因于 2023 [Table_ReportInfo] 年 8 月完成美凯龙控制权收购并将其纳入公司合并报表所产生的重组收益 95.22 亿元。具体看,公司供应链运营和房地产业务分别贡献归母净利润 39.53亿元和1.91亿元,同比分别-1.38%和-91.56%,家居商场业务(9-12 月)的归母净利润为-5.63亿元。截至2023年末,公司 ...
西南证券· 2024-04-21 09:30
买入 [2T0a2b4l年e_0S4t月oc1k9In日fo ] (维持) 证券研究报告•2023年年报点评 当前价: 10.06元 建发股份(600153) 交通运输 目标价: 12.90元(6个月) 土储结构持续优化,供应链业务利润平稳 投资要点 西南证券研究发展中心 [T a公ble司_S重u组mm收a益ry显] 著,未来可结算资源充足。2023年公司实现营业收入 7637亿 [分Ta析bl师e_:Au池th天or惠] 元,同比下降 8.3%;实现归母净利润为 131亿元,同比增长 108.8%,主要归 执业证号:S1250522100001 因于美凯龙控制权收购并将其纳入本公司合并报表所产生的重组收益;实现归 电话:13003109597 母扣非净利润为24.1亿元,同比下降34.9%。公司盈利能力总体保持平稳,综 邮箱:cth@swsc.com.cn 合毛利率为4.4%,同比提升0.6pp;净利率为 2.2%,同比提升0.9pp。期末合 分析师:刘洋 同负债2370亿元,较2022年末提升4.2%,可结算资源充足。 执业证号:S1250523070005 电话:18019200867 注重去化 ...
广发证券· 2024-04-21 02:02
[Table_Page] 跟踪研究|物流 证券研究报告 [建Table_发Title] 股份(600153.SH) [公Tab司le_I评nves级t] 买入 当前价格 10.06元 高分红保障高股息,主业温和扩表 合理价值 14.98元 前次评级 买入 [ 核Tabl 心e_Su 观mm 点ary] : 报告日期 2024-04-19 ⚫ 高分红保障高股息。23年公司实现营业收入7637亿元,同比-8%;归 [相Tab对le_P市icQ场uote表] 现 母净利润131亿元,同比+109%(剔除重组收益归母净利润35.82亿 元);实现扣非归母净利润 24 亿元,同比-35%。年度分红 21 亿元, 0% 04/23 06/23 08/23 10/23 12/23 02/24 04/24 -4% 分红比例 58.71%(剔除重组收益后的归母净利润占比);每股分红 7 -9% 毛,对应股息率6.7%,股息率具备性价比。 -13% ⚫ 供应链业务四季度业绩增速走阔。23 年供应链业务实现收入 5934 亿 -18% 元,同比-15%,其中 Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4 营收分别 1616 亿元、1889 -22% 建 ...
中金在线· 2024-04-18 11:12
作者 | 李惠琳 江一苇 编辑 | 谭璐 来源 |21世纪商业评论(ID:weixin21cbr) 凶猛出击的厦门建发,账面盈利陡增。 4月15日,建发股份公布,去年净利润达131亿元,同比翻倍,主要受益于美凯龙的并表。 图片 在掌舵人郑永达治下,这家资产超8200亿的国资企业,以供应链运营、房地产为双主业,很长一段时 间,闷声发财。 这两年,建发高调"抄底",收购红星美凯龙,进入家居商场运营生意,同时积极拿地,成为地产"新十 强"一员。 过去一年,大宗需求疲软,楼市成交低迷,郑永达团队也是压力重重,最后三个月猛踩刹车。 01 主业承压 就盈利来看,建发有些虚胖。 2023年,其净利润增加68.29亿元,并非由业务驱动。 去年,郑永达团队以62.86亿元的对价,收购红星美凯龙29.95%股份,于三季度正式并表,取得重组收 益95.22亿元。 若剔除该项收益及美凯龙的经营损益,建发的净利润仅为41.45 亿元,比上年少了 21.3 亿元,降幅近 34%。 图片 建发的支柱业务,是供应链运营,占总收入七成以上。这一业务涉及纸浆、钢铁、矿产品、农产品、汽 车、酒类等。 建发总经理林茂提到,供应链行业规模大、集中度低 ...
国盛证券· 2024-04-18 06:01
证券研究报告 | 年报点评报告 2024年04月18日 建发股份(600153.SH) 供应链业务保持平稳,股息率具备吸引力 事件:公司2024年4月15日发布2023年年报,2023年公司实现营业 买入(维持) 收入7637亿元(YoY-8.3%),归母净利润131亿元(YoY+108.8%), 股票信息 剔除美凯龙并表产生的重组收益(95.2亿元)以及美凯龙9-12月的经营 损益(-5.6亿元)后的归母净利润为41.5亿元(YoY-34%),扣非归母 行业 物流 净利润24.1亿元(YoY-34.9%)。 前次评级 买入 4月17日收盘价(元) 10.40 减值计提和毛利率下滑致房地产业绩承压,拿地销售积极。2023 年房地 总市值(百万元) 31,242.34 产业务营收1665亿元(YoY+21.9%),归母净利润1.9亿元(YoY-91.6%), 总股本(百万股) 3,004.07 其中建发房产贡献 20.5 亿元,同比减少 0.25 亿元,联发集团贡献-18.6 其中自由流通股(%) 94.98 亿元,同比减少 20.5 亿元。公司业绩大幅下滑主要因为:(1)2023 年 30日日均成交量(百万股 ...
光大证券· 2024-04-18 00:31
2024年4月18日 公司研究 计提减值准备影响盈利,现金分红率大幅提高 ——建发股份(600153.SH)2023 年报点评 要点 增持(维持) ◆事件:公司发布2023年报。公司23年实现营业收入约7637亿元,同比下降 当 前价:9.91元 8.3%(调整后);实现归母净利润131亿元,同比增长109%(调整后);实 现扣非归母净利润24亿元,同比下降34.9%(调整后)。如果剔除并表红星美 作者 凯龙的重组收益,公司23年实现归母净利润35.8亿元,同比下降43.0%。公 分析师:程新星 司拟派发现金股息0.7元/股,现金分红率约68%(剔除重组收益和永续债利息)。 执业证书编号:S0930518120002 ◆宏观经济增速下行,供应链业务盈利同比下降。公司2023年供应链业务实现 021-52523841 营业收入5934亿元,同比下降14.8%,实现归母净利润39.5亿元,同比下降 chengxx@ebscn.com 1.4%。在大宗商品价格剧烈波动的环境下,公司经营业绩较为平稳,得益于公 司稳健的风控能力,同时也体现出公司专业化、国际化、物流支持、投资支持、 市场数据 金融赋能、科技赋能等战略的 ...
建发股份(600153) - 2023 Q4 - 年度财报
2024-04-15 11:31
厦门建发股份有限公司2023年年度报告 公司代码:600153 公司简称:建发股份 厦门建发股份有限公司 2023 年年度报告 ...