CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.(600030)
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光大证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
2024年3月28日 公司研究 经营业绩稳健,投资收益持续增长 ——中信证券(600030.SH/6030.HK)2023 年年报点评 A 股:增持(维持) 要点 当前价:19.35元(人民币) H 股:买入(维持) 事件: 当前价:13.10元(港币) 3月26日,中信证券公布2023年年度财报。公司2023年实现营收600.7亿,同比下 降7.74%;归母净利润197.2亿,同比下降7.49%;公司23年度加权平均ROE7.81%, 较上年同期减少0.86pct;基本每股收益1.30元/股。 作者 分析师:王一峰 点评: 执业证书编号:S0930519050002 2023 年营收与盈利同比下滑。23 年公司实现营收 600.7 亿,同比-7.74%;Q4 单 010-57378038 季营收142.6亿,季环比-0.3%;Q4单季归母净利润33.1亿,季环比-35.3%。23 年 公 司 经 纪 / 资 管 / 投 资 / 承 销 / 其 他 业 务 占 总 营 收 比 重 分 别 为 市场数据 25%/18%/33%/10%/14%,同比分别+0/-1/+9/-3/- ...
兴业证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
公 司 研 证券研究报告 究 ##iinndduussttrryyIIdd## 证券 #investSuggestion# # #d 中yCo 信mp 证any#券 ( 600030 ) investSu 0国000际09化 业 务增长明 显#,title#受 益于 行业马太效应 ggestion 增持 ( 维持 ) Change ——中信证券 2023 年报点评 # # createTime1# 2024年 3月 27日 公 相关报告 投资要点 司 #⚫ sum中ma信ry#证 券发布2023年报,报告期内分别实现营收和归母净利润600.68和 《业绩具有韧性,看好杠杆提升 点 空间——中信证券2023年三季 197.21亿元,同比分别-7.7%和-7.5%;单四季度分别实现营收和归母净利 报点评》2023-10-31 评 润 142.61 和 33.07 亿元,环比分别-0.3%和-35.3%。加权平均 ROE 同比 《全能投行优势尽显,杠杆提升 报 空间可期——中信证券2023年 -0.86pct至7.8%;剔除客户资金后经营杠杆为4.27倍,较年初增长7.1%。 中报点评》2023-08-30 告 ⚫ ...
国信证券· 2024-03-27 16:00
Investment Rating - The investment rating for CITIC Securities (600030.SH) is "Buy" [1][4] Core Views - In 2023, CITIC Securities reported a revenue of 60.068 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.74%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of 19.721 billion yuan, down 7.49% year-on-year. The basic earnings per share were 1.30 yuan, a decline of 8.45% year-on-year [1] - The decline in revenue is primarily attributed to the cyclical impact on brokerage and investment banking businesses, with other business segments also experiencing a downturn except for investment operations [1] - The company plans to increase its dividend payout to 4.75 yuan per 10 shares, which represents 36.67% of the net profit attributable to shareholders, an increase of 1.8 percentage points from 2022 [1] - Investment income rose by 23.87% year-on-year to 21.846 billion yuan, driven by a favorable fixed income market and a shift towards FICC client business [1] - The investment banking revenue fell by nearly 30% to 6.293 billion yuan due to a slowdown in IPO activity, with expectations of further contraction in IPO scale under stringent regulatory conditions [1] - Brokerage and credit businesses faced pressure, with brokerage revenue down 8.47% to 10.223 billion yuan and credit business revenue down 30.60% to 4.029 billion yuan [1] - The company is enhancing its overseas business and wealth management services, with a focus on integrated operations across domestic and international markets [1] Financial Forecasts - The forecast for net profit attributable to shareholders for 2024, 2025, and 2026 is 22.672 billion yuan, 24.895 billion yuan, and 26.727 billion yuan, respectively, reflecting year-on-year growth rates of 15.0%, 9.8%, and 7.4% [1][2] - The projected PE ratios for 2024, 2025, and 2026 are 12.8, 11.7, and 10.9, while the PB ratios are 1.1 for all three years [1][2] - The return on equity (ROE) is expected to improve slightly from 7.6% in 2023 to 9.3% in 2026 [2][8]
信达证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
[Table_Title] 证券研究报告 经营业绩稳健, 行业龙头或迎增量政策机遇 公司研究 [Table_ReportDate] 2024年03月27日 [Table_ReportType] 公司点评报告 [T事ab件le:_S中um信ma证ry券] 发布 2023 年年报。2023 年,公司实现营收/归母净利润 [中Ta信bl证e_券Sto(c6k0A0n0d3R0an)k ] 600.68/197.21 亿元,同比-7.74%/-7.49%,加权平均 ROE7.81%,同比减 少0.86个百分点。 投资评级 点评: 上次评级 ➢ 2023 年公司经纪/投行/资管/信用/自营业务累计收入分别为 [王Ta舫b朝le _ A u t h o非r]银 金融行业首席分析师 102.23/62.93/98.49/40.29/218.46 亿 元 , 同 比 执业编号:S1500519120002 -8.5%/-27.3%/-10.0%/-30.6%/+23.9%。 邮 箱 ➢ 自营业务全年贡献明显业绩增量,费类业务、信用业务受市场下行所累。 1)经纪业务方面,202 ...
广发证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for both A and H shares of the company, with a current price of CNY 19.60 and HKD 13.24, and a target value of CNY 25 and HKD 16.89 [4][28]. Core Insights - The overall performance in 2023 was relatively stable, with a revenue of CNY 600.68 billion, down 7.74% year-on-year, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of CNY 197.21 billion, down 7.49% year-on-year. The weighted ROE was 7.81%, a decrease of 0.86 percentage points [2][9][10]. - The company's comprehensive advantages and domestic and international collaboration have highlighted the resilience of its light asset business. The brokerage business revenue was CNY 102.23 billion, down 8% year-on-year, while the revenue from selling financial products increased by 0.63% to CNY 16.94 billion [2][16][18]. - The heavy asset business showed steady growth, with proprietary investment income rising by 17% to CNY 174.04 billion. However, investment banking revenue faced pressure, declining by 27.3% to CNY 62.93 billion [2][22][24]. Summary by Sections Performance Overview - Revenue decreased by 7.74% year-on-year to CNY 600.68 billion, and net profit decreased by 7.49% to CNY 197.21 billion. The adjusted leverage ratio increased to 4.27 times, and the weighted ROE was 7.81% [2][9][10]. Business Optimization and Advantages - The investment business saw a recovery, with proprietary investment income increasing by 17% to CNY 174.04 billion. The brokerage business faced challenges, with net income of CNY 102.23 billion, down 8% year-on-year [2][12][16]. - Wealth management showed slight growth, with financial product sales revenue increasing by 0.63% to CNY 16.94 billion, accounting for 15% of brokerage business revenue [2][18]. - Asset management revenue decreased by 38% to CNY 19.32 billion, while fund business revenue was CNY 76.35 billion, down 3% [2][19]. Investment Banking and Capital Intermediation - Investment banking revenue decreased by 27.3% to CNY 62.93 billion, with a market share in domestic equity underwriting increasing to 24% [2][22][24]. - Capital intermediation income grew by 2.67% to CNY 88.05 billion, with financing and securities lending interest income at CNY 83.43 billion, down 5.2% [2][27]. Profit Forecast and Investment Recommendations - The report forecasts a net asset value per share of CNY 19.23 for 2024 and CNY 20.58 for 2025, with a target price of CNY 25 per share based on a 1.3 times PB valuation for 2024 [2][28].
平安证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
公 非银行金融 司 2024年03月 27日 报 中信证券(600030.SH) 告 财富管理与自营业务保持稳健,领先优势仍显著 推荐(维持) 事项: 中信证券发布2023年年报,实现营业收入600.68亿元(YoY-7.7%),归母净 股价:19.60 元 利润197.21亿元(YoY-7.5%)。总资产14534亿元,归属母公司净资产2688 亿元。EPS(摊薄)1.33元,BVPS为17.01元。拟每10股派发现金分红4.75 公 主要数据 元(税前),对应股利支付率35.70%。 司 平安观点: 行业 非银行金融 年 公司网址  业绩符合预期,整体凸显韧性。在2023年投资活跃度低迷、股权融资放 大股东/持股 中国中信金融控股有限公司/19.46% 缓的背景下,公司归母净利润同比下滑7.5%,较为稳健,其中23Q4单季 报 实际控制人 度营业收入143亿元(QoQ-0.3%),环比基本持平,净利润33亿元(QoQ- 点 总股本(百万股) 14,821 35%),预计系年末费用集中释放影响。分业务来看,2023年经纪/投行/资 流通A股(百万股) 11,367 管/利息/ ...
国联证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
证券研究报告 公 2024年03月27日 司 报 告 中信证券(600030) │ 行 业: 非银金融/证券Ⅱ 金 投资评级: 买入(维持) 融 当前价格: 19.60元 机构业务维持优势,扩表速度加快 - 公 目标价格: 27.69元 司 年 事件: 基本数据 报 点 中信证券发布 2023 年报,公司累计实现营业收入 601 亿,同比-7.7%;归 总股本/流通股本(百万股) 14,820.55/13,865. 28 评 母净利润197.2亿,同比-7.5%;ROE7.81%,较去年同期减少0.86pct。 流通A股市值(百万元) 220,405.98 ➢ 收费类业务:投行持续巩固龙头地位,机构业务优势尽显 每股净资产(元) 17.01 1)公司 2023 年累计实现经纪业务收入 102.2 亿,同比-8.5%,占证券主 资产负债率(%) 81.13 营收入(剔除大宗商贸和政府补助)比重为18.8%。23Q4单季度实现经纪 一年内最高/最低(元) 26.10/18.78 业务收入23.9亿元,同比+1%/环比-6%,主因23年股基成交量有所下滑 以及新发基金规模减少,拖累公司经纪业务收入。 股价相对走势 ...
东吴证券· 2024-03-26 16:00
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·证券Ⅱ 中信证券(600030) 2023 年报点评:强者恒强,综合优势依旧 2024 年 03月 27日 买入(维持) 证券分析师 胡翔 执业证书:S0600516110001 [Table_EPS] 盈利预测与估值 2022A 2023A 2024E 2025E 2026E 021-60199793 营业总收入(百万元) 65,109 60,068 63,179 71,485 82,166 证券分析师 葛玉翔 同比 -14.92% -7.74% 5.18% 13.15% 14.94% 执业证书:S0600522040002 归母净利润(百万元) 21,317 19,721 20,844 24,022 29,278 021-60199761 同比 -7.72% -7.49% 5.69% 15.25% 21.88% EPS-最新摊薄(元/股) 1.44 1.33 1.41 1.62 1.98 研究助理 罗宇康 P/E(现价&最新摊薄) 13.45 14.54 13.76 11.94 9.80 执业证书:S060012 ...
申万宏源· 2024-03-26 16:00
上 市 公 司 非银金融 2024年03月27日 中信证券 (600030) 公 司 研 究 ——投行为业绩主拖累,公募业务保持韧性 / 公 司 点 报告原因:有业绩公布需要点评 评 事件:中信证券公布2023年报,与业绩快报一致。1)2023年公司实现营业收入600.7亿元 买入 (维持) /yoy-7.7%,归母利润197.2亿元/yoy-7.5%。加权ROE 7.81%/yoy-0.86pct。2)单季度看, 4Q23营收143亿/yoy-7%/qoq+0%,归母利润33亿/yoy-30%/qoq-35%。3)2023年分 红计划:每股派息0.475元,现金分红比例36.7%。 证 市场数据: 2024年03月26日 ⚫ 收入拆分:投行、净利息业务为公司营收主拖累,投资业务为唯一正增业务:2023 年净 券 收盘价(元) 19.6 投资224亿/yoy+21%,经纪收入102亿/yoy-8%,投行收入63亿/yoy-27%;净利息 研 一年内最高/最低(元) 26.1/18.78 40.3亿/yoy-31%,主因利息成本增加:2023年负债成本4.55%/yoy+1.2pct;资管收入 究 市净率 1. ...
国泰君安· 2024-03-26 16:00
股 票 研 究 [Table_industryInfo] 综合金融/金融 [ Table_Main[中ITnaf 信bol]e 证_Ti券tle]( 600030) [评Tab级le_:Inv est] 增持 上次评级: 增持 投行拖累业绩,政策利好专业化龙头 目标价格: 35.04 上次预测: 35.04 公 ——中信证券 2023 年年报点评 当前价格: 19.60 司 刘欣琦(分析师) 王思玥(研究助理) 2024.03.27 更 021-38676647 021-38031024 [交Ta易bl数e_M据a rket] 新 52周内股价区间(元) 19.13-25.20 证书编号 S0880515050001 S0880123070151 报 总市值(百万元) 290,483 本报告导读: 总股本/流通A股(百万股) 14,821/11,367 告 流通 B股/H股(百万股) 0/2,620 投行业务收入同比下滑致使业绩下滑;公司龙头地位不断巩固,业务专业化能力持续 流通股比例 94% 提升,有望受益于围绕功能性 ...