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华福证券· 2024-12-02 00:49
汽车 2024 年 12 月 01 日 华福证券 汽车 周观点(1125-1129):特斯拉机器人手部重大更 新,持续关注国内外机器人产业链共振机会 投资要点: 汽车板块:短期看布局机器人的汽零标的、长期看整车 1、近期行情: 本周申万汽车指数上涨 0.3%,申万一级行业排名 27/31 位。 3、行情复盘: 以旧换新政策刺激下,24Q4 销量持续增长。特斯拉推出针对 Model Y 的减 1 万元限时优惠活动,并可叠加五年 0 息金融政策,理想汽车推出全系限 时 3 年 0 息购车政策,各车企年底冲刺销量。我们预计明年以旧换新政策 大概率延续,但面临退坡风险,政策或提早透支市场需求,同时比亚迪要 求供应商降价的消息引发市场担忧,明年市场竞争将更加激烈,"价格战" 或将持续。行业基本面看,智驾渗透率、自主品牌渗透率有望进一步提升, 尤其是自主豪华车市占率有望大幅提升。若明年一季度行业淡季板块迎来 调整,建议积极布局。 4、节奏建议: 优选整车龙头和布局机器人的汽零。 强于大市(维持评级) 1)对于整车,受益政策刺激下整车销售强劲,库存去化较快,存在合理加 库存的需求,交易性机会仍然显著。长期看好格局变化过程中 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-02 00:49
Investment Rating - The report maintains an "Outperform" rating for the automotive industry, indicating that the industry is expected to perform better than the market benchmark over the next 6 to 12 months [1]. Core Insights - The report highlights the launch of the Zun Jie S800, a D+ class luxury sedan by GAC and Huawei, which is expected to reshape the luxury car market in China with its advanced features and intelligent driving capabilities [10][11]. - GAC Group and Huawei have signed a deepened cooperation agreement to create a new high-end intelligent electric vehicle brand, leveraging their respective strengths in product development and marketing [11][13]. - The automotive sector has shown a year-to-date increase of 14.4%, ranking 6th among 31 sectors in the Shenwan classification [16]. Summary by Sections Weekly Highlights - The Zun Jie S800 was officially launched on November 26, with a pre-sale price range of 1 to 1.5 million yuan and received 2,108 orders within 48 hours [10]. - GAC and Huawei's collaboration has a history dating back to 2021, with multiple joint projects aimed at enhancing smart vehicle technology [12]. Market Performance - From November 25 to November 29, the automotive sector increased by 0.3%, underperforming the CSI 300 index, which rose by 1.3% [16]. - The automotive sector's performance year-to-date is 14.4%, with a ranking of 6th among 31 sectors [16]. Key Industry Data - From November 1 to 24, retail sales of passenger vehicles reached 1.638 million units, a year-on-year increase of 29% [30]. - Wholesale sales of passenger vehicles during the same period totaled 1.935 million units, reflecting a 34% year-on-year growth [30]. Material Prices - The report includes various material price trends relevant to the automotive industry, although specific data points are not detailed in the provided content [43][50][54]. Industry News - Recent developments include a significant price reduction plan for lidar products by Hesai Technology, aimed at enhancing competitive pricing in the advanced driver-assistance systems market [56][57]. - GAC and Volkswagen have extended their joint venture agreement until 2040, reinforcing their long-term partnership [57].
华福证券· 2024-12-02 00:49
华福证券 行 业 定 期 报 告 行 业 研 究 轻工制造 浆系纸价略涨,IP 衍生消费高景气 投资要点: 【周观点】近日文化纸、白卡纸纸价持续修复,关注行业盈利改善;轻工 消费 IP 衍生赛道高景气,轻工制造板块相关制造与销售企业有望受益;英 美烟草在中高端 HNB 设备方面实现进展,关注思摩尔国际。 ➢ 1)家居:1-10 月规模以上家具制造业累计实现营业收入同比+1.6%、 增速环比-1pct,对应 10 月当月营业收入同比-0.7%、增速环比+1pct。 我们维持原有观点,随着各地家居国补落地,叠加 10 月地产数据环比 好转,持续看好行业需求改善、格局改善、估值改善&内需受益逻辑。 公司关注内销为主、经销商实力领先的定制龙头,欧派家居、索菲亚、 志邦家居、金牌家居;存量需求逻辑更为顺畅的软体龙头,慕思股份、 顾家家居、喜临门、敏华控股;政策鼓励的智能家居等新兴产业方向, 好太太、箭牌家居、瑞尔特、奥普科技。 ➢ 2)造纸:截至 2024 年 11 月 29 日:双胶纸价格 5200 元/吨(+87.5 元/吨),铜版纸价格 5420 元/吨(+80 元/吨);白卡纸价格 4190 元 /吨(+30 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-02 00:48
华福证券 钢铁 2024 年 12 月 01 日 北 钢铁 钢铁行业周报(11.25-11.29)铁水下滑原料支撑 下移,关注宏观政策和冬储节奏 投资要点: 本周钢材市场回顾 本周黑色系市场走势偏强震荡,市场表现反复,存在观望心态;宏观围绕 政策预期博弈加大,钢材供需双降铁水减产,铁矿石走强双焦走弱,黑色商品 价格走势纠结。1)开工冶炼方面:本周样本钢厂高炉、电炉开工率继续下降, 日均铁水产量降至 233.9 万吨。2)成材供需方面:本周五大品种钢材产量 861.5 万吨,周环比-0.9%/同比-6.45%,其中仅中厚板产量上升;钢材消费量 877.5 万吨,周环比-0.69%/同比-4.83%,其中冷轧和中厚板消费表现较有韧性。3) 库存方面:五大品种钢材库存下降至 1,173.5 吨,周环比-1.35%/同比-10.35%, 五大品种钢材供需和库存均出现回落,钢厂生产保持克制,基本面矛盾暂时不 显。 上下游产业链情况 1)铁矿石:上周澳洲和巴西铁矿石发运 2,548 万吨,周 环比-0.4%;铁 矿石到港量 2,297 万吨,周环比-17.4%。本周日均疏港量 336 万吨,周环比 +2.7%;港口铁矿石 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:34
epyTtropeR_elbaT|tsriF_elbaT 华福证券 Tabl e_First|Tabl e_Summary 宏 观 研 究 一周综评与展望: \行业名 PMI 景气回升 投资要点: 本周有三方面值得重点关注。 一是中国公布10月工业企业利润数据和11月PMI数据。工业企业利润 方面,1-10月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额58680.4亿元,同比 下降4.3%。从10月份当月数据来看,多数行业盈利较上月好转。具体行业 来看,装备制造业表现亮眼:10月单月利润同比增长4.5%,增速由负转正。 PMI连续两个月景气扩张,制造业PMI为50.3%,比上月上升0.2个百分点。 具体分项来看,11月份产需均出现恢复,但是价格指数波动较大,同时出 口订单与进口均出现一定程度修复。非制造业PMI中服务业和建筑业指数 11月分别为50.1%和49.7%。在政策持续发力的背景下,制造业和非制造 业企业的经营活动预期均出现不同程度回升。 二是当选总统特朗普逐步公布其内阁人选。美国时间11月7日,特朗 普公布其白宫幕僚长人选,近三周来,各重要部门人选逐渐浮出水面。资 本市场较为关心的职位中,财政部长由前华尔街 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:30
华福证券 公用事业 2024 年 12 月 01 日 公用事业 周报(11.25-11.29):漳州 1 号投产,CCUS 市 场化&商业化提速,垃圾焚烧下半场之提标改造 投资要点: 行情回顾:11 月 25 日-11 月 29 日,环保板块上涨 2.40%,水务板块上 涨 0.50%,燃气板块上涨 0.14%,电力板块下跌 0.58%,同期沪深 300 指数 上涨 1.32%。 漳州核电 1 号投产,全年投产三代机组近 4GW:11 月 28 日,中国核 电漳州核电 1 号机组首次并网成功。此前,广西防城港 4 号和山东荣成国 和一号示范工程 1 号先后投产,2024 年共投产 3 台核电机组,装机 393.4 万千瓦,均为三代压水堆核电项目。技术路线分别为华龙一号和国和一号。 "华龙一号"和"国和一号",均为我国具有完整自主知识产权的三代核 电技术。2024 年首次并网投产的首台"国和一号"项目,意味着该型号机 组向商业运行目标迈出关键一步。在"华龙一号"实现批量化规模化建设 之后,"国和一号"的批量化建设有望提速。2024 年中广核、国电投和中 核均投产 1 台核电机组,我们预计 2025 年投产 3 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:30
华福证券 医药生物 商业健康险为行业重大增量,继续重视创新和复苏 主线 投资要点: 行情回顾:本周(2024 年 11 月 25 日- 11 月 29 日)中信医药指数上涨 3.0%, 跑赢沪深 300 指数 1.7pct,在中信一级行业分类中排名第 12 位;2024 年初至 今中信医药生物板块指数下跌 7.7%,跑输沪深 300 指数 21.8pct,在中信行业 分类中排名第 29 位。本周涨幅前五的个股为葫芦娃(+ 49.6%)、大东方 (+31.8%)、博士眼镜(+22.4%)、热景生物(+ 21.8%)、东富龙(+16.7%)。 国家医保药品目录调整结果公布,明确鼓励真实创新的鲜明导向!。 国家医保局公布了 2024 年国家医保药品目录调整结果,本次调整共新增 91 种药品。在今年谈判/竞价环节,共有 117 种目录外药品参加,其中 89 种谈判/竞价成功,成功率 76%、平均降价 63%。以目录外药品入围谈判/ 竞价的通过率来看,24 年体现趋严趋势。24 年目录外药品的通过率为 59.7%,较 23 年 64.4%下降。调整本质上是推进价值购买,"好钢用在刀 刃上",推动真实创新品种惠及广大参保 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:30
华福证券 基础化工 2024 年 12 月 01 日 l 研 基础化工 钛白粉 11 月月报:钛白粉价格承压,行业景气低 谷或将持续 投资要点: 行业景气度仍在向下,钛白粉价格承压 根据卓创资讯数据,截至 11 月 29 日,钛白粉 11 月均价为 14448 元/吨,较 10 月均价下降 349 元/吨。主要由于供应面宽松依旧,需求 面环比下挫。 11 月钛矿均价下降、浓硫酸均价回升,价差继续下行 11 月钛矿均价较 10 月有下滑。根据百川盈孚数据,截至 11 月 30 日,攀枝花钛精矿(TiO2≥46%)11 月均价为 2057 元/吨,较 10 月均 价下降 100 元/吨,下降幅度 4.6%。根据卓创资讯数据,11 月浓硫酸 (98%)全国均价 436 元/吨,较上月上涨 18 元/吨,上涨幅度 4.3%。 价差继续下行,截至 2024 年 11 月 29 日,钛白粉价差为 7345 元/吨, 较上月末下跌 344 元/吨,下跌幅度 4.5%。 钛白粉 11 月产量同环比降,开工率有所下滑,库存略有消化 钛白粉价格11月产量为27.5万吨,同比下降8.8%,环比下降5.2%, 1-11 月产量累计同 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:27
epyTtropeR_elbaT|tsriF_elbaT 华福证券 行 业 研 究 日 行 业 定 期 研 究 有色金属 2024 年 12 月 1 日 有色金属行业周报(11.25-12.1) 强于大市(维持评级) 宏观扰动加剧波动,供需紧缺支撑氧化铝价格 投资要点: ➢ 贵金属:美债和美元走弱,周内金价回调。特朗普赢得美国大 选,市场担心特朗普提议的关税和移民可能会重新引发通胀,周内中 东局势出现一定缓和迹象,金价回吐地缘溢价有所回调。短期来看, 特朗普交易仍未完全消退,市场对未来经济滞涨担忧仍在,预计贵金 属价格震荡为主;中长期角度来看,全球主要经济体货币政策方向明 确,东欧及朝鲜半岛等地缘冲突仍将凸显贵金属避险属性,贵金属中 长期配置价值不改。个股:黄金建议关注中金黄金、紫金矿业、山东 黄金、赤峰黄金,低估弹性关注株冶集团和玉龙股份,其他关注银泰 黄金、湖南黄金及招金矿业;白银建议关注兴业银锡、银泰黄金、盛 达资源。 ➢ 工业金属:宏观扰动加剧波动,供需紧缺支撑氧化铝价格。铜, 供给端,本周铜精矿现货TC持稳处于低位,矿山新增产能有限与冶炼 产能扩张的矛盾仍在继续演绎。需求端,传统消费淡季渐趋来临但因 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-01 19:27
Industry Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Stronger than the Market" rating for the basic chemical industry [4] Core Views - The global tire industry has vast potential, and domestic tire companies are rapidly developing, with key players like Sailun Tire, Sentury Tire, General Tire, and Linglong Tire being highlighted [1] - The consumer electronics sector is expected to recover, benefiting upstream material companies, particularly those in the panel industry chain such as Dongcai Technology, Sike, Lightechem, and Ruilian New Materials [2] - Industries with strong resilience and those experiencing inventory depletion leading to a bottom reversal are worth attention, including phosphorus chemicals, fluorine chemicals, and polyester filament [3] - As the economy improves and demand recovers, leading companies with scale and cost advantages, such as Wanhua Chemical, Hualu Hengsheng, and Baofeng Energy, are expected to benefit significantly [6] - Supply disruptions in the vitamin market, particularly for vitamins A and E, are creating investment opportunities, with companies like Zhejiang Medicine and NHU being recommended [6] Market Performance - The chemical sector outperformed the broader market, with the CITIC Basic Chemical Index rising 1.89% and the Shenwan Chemical Index increasing 1.49% [1] - Top-performing sub-sectors included nylon (6.01%), coatings and pigments (5.06%), and other plastic products (4.95%), while underperformers included potash fertilizer (-1.71%) and titanium dioxide (-1.68%) [1] Key Industry Developments - The construction of the world's largest blue ammonia plant in Qatar, with an investment of 8.8 billion RMB, is set to produce 1.2 million tons of ammonia annually and capture 1.5 million tons of CO2, expected to start operations in Q2 2026 [1] - Wanhua Chemical completed the environmental protection acceptance for its 150,000-ton modified functional plastics project, with 94,000 tons of production capacity already operational, including modified PP, PC, and PA [1] Investment Themes - **Tire Industry**: Domestic companies are gaining competitiveness globally, with growth potential in key players like Sailun Tire and Linglong Tire [1] - **Consumer Electronics Recovery**: Upstream material companies in the panel industry chain are poised to benefit from the recovery in consumer electronics demand [2] - **Resilient and Rebounding Industries**: Phosphorus and fluorine chemicals, along with polyester filament, are highlighted for their strong market positions and recovery potential [3] - **Economic Recovery and Leading Companies**: Large-scale chemical companies with cost advantages are expected to benefit from the economic recovery and rising demand [6] - **Vitamin Supply Disruptions**: Supply constraints in vitamins A and E are creating investment opportunities in companies like Zhejiang Medicine and NHU [6]