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软件与服务行业2024年第49计算机行业周报:OpenAI 12天连续发布,看好AI应用
长江证券· 2024-12-11 00:50
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 行业研究丨行业周报丨软件与服务 [Table_Title] OpenAI 12 天连续发布,看好 AI 应用 2024 年第 49 计算机行业周报 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 上周计算机板块震荡上涨,整体上涨 2.51% 。在长江一级行业中排名第 17 位,两市成交额占 | | | 比为 13.30% ,机器人、 AI 相关标的表现活跃。上周中国汽车工业协会、中国半导体行业协会、 中国互联网协会、中国通信企业协会集体发布声明建议相关企业谨慎采购美国芯片;中共中央 | | | 办公厅、国务院办公厅发布《关于推进新型城市基础设施建设打造韧性城市的意见》,明确指出 ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 09:15
%% %% 公司研究丨深度报告丨西高院(688334.SH) [Table_Title] 西高院:高压电气检测龙头焕新发展 丨证券研究报告丨 | --- | |-------| | | | | | | | | | | 分析师及联系人 [Table_Author] SAC:S0490514040001 SAC:S0490522030001 SAC:S0490520080002 SFC:BQK482 SFC:BUD284 邬博华 曹海花 司鸿历 袁澎 SAC:S0490524010001 请阅读最后评级说明和重要声明 2 / 29 资料来源:Wind [Table_Report] 西高院(688334.SH) cjzqdt11111 [Table_Title2] 西高院:高压电气检测龙头焕新发展 公司研究丨深度报告 [Table_Summary2] 大国电力铸就高压检测龙头 公司前身为成立于 1958 年的西安高压电器研究所,是我国"一五"计划期间 156 项重点建设 工程之一。目前,公司直接控股股东为中国西电,隶属于中国电气装备集团,主要业务包括电 气设备领域的检测服务及其他技术服务等,全面覆盖高压开关设备、绕 ...
环保:政治局会议定调2025年“更加积极的财政政策”,关注To G及顺周期资产
长江证券· 2024-12-10 09:13
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 行业研究丨点评报告丨环保 [Table_Title] 政治局会议定调 2025 年"更加积极的财政 政策",关注 To G 及顺周期资产 | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 报告要点 | | | | [Table_Summary] 中共中央政治局 12 月 9 日召开会议,分析研究 | 2025 年经济工作,提出明年实施更加积极的财 | | | 关注对 To G | 政政策和适度宽松的货币政策;协同推进降碳减污扩绿增长,加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型。 业务现金流改善的水务、垃圾焚烧方向;叠加"十四五" ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 02:25
%% %% 联合研究丨公司深度丨新天然气(603393.SH) [Table_Title] 新天然气系列深度(三):气-油-煤全覆盖,新疆 资源龙头蓄势待发 丨证券研究报告丨 | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 2024 年 11 月,公司公告竞得三塘湖矿区七 ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 01:37
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 港股研究丨公司点评丨敏华控股(1999.HK) [Table_Title] 敏华控股 FY2025H1 点评:内销承压、修复 可期,外销增速佳,盈利端有所提升 | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 公司发布 FY2025H1 业绩( 2024 年 4 月至 9 月),期间实现主营收入 / 归母净利润 83.05/11.39 | | | 亿港元,同比 -7%/+0.3% 。收入端, FY2025H1 内销承压而近期国补提振下有修复,外销整体 延续较优增势。盈利端, FY2025H1 毛利率及利润率均有改善,与原材料降价、费用控制等有 | | | 关。近期家居国补积极推进,需求 ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 01:35
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 行业研究丨行业周报丨建筑与工程 [Table_Title] 特殊再融资专项债发行超 2 万亿 | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 今年 2 万亿新增专项债额度得到有效落实,根据各地政府披露信息,今年来各地特殊再融资新 | | | 增专项债发行 158 笔,计划发行金额 22072 亿元。其中,用于置换存量隐性债务的特殊再融资 | | | 专项债共计 116 笔,计划发行金额 19987 亿元,规模占比 91% ;用于偿还存量债务的特殊再 | | | 融资专项债共计 42 笔,计划发行金额 2085 亿元,规模占比 9% 。今年 1 月、 6 月、 7 月和 8 | | | 月均未发行任何特殊再融资新增专项债。 | | 分析师及联系人 [Table_Author] 张弛 张智杰 袁志芃 SAC:S ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 01:35
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 行业研究丨行业周报丨建材 [Table_Title] 二手房高频成交景气,玻纤龙头再获增持 ——建材周专题 2024W47 | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------|-------|-------| | | | | | 报告要点 | | | | [Table_Summary] 二手房高频成交持续景气 | | | | 玻纤龙头再获增持,重视底部价值 | | | | 基本面:水泥出货季节性下行,玻璃库存小幅下降 | | | | 政策底部转向,建材板材如何配置? | | | 分析师及联系人 [Table_Author] 范超 张佩 李金宝 李浩 董超 SAC:S0490513080001 SAC:S0490518080002 SAC:S0490516040002 SAC:S0490520080026 SAC:S0490523030002 SFC:BQK473 请阅读最后评级说明和重要声明 相关研究 二是凯盛科技,作为集团显示及新材料平台,多个领域走在国产替代前列:1)UTG 玻璃已向 下游开始 ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 01:34
%% %% 证券研究 行业研究丨深度报告丨化工 [Table_Title] 全球轮胎龙头复盘之二:韩泰后来居上,有何成 功启示? 丨证券研究报告丨 | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------| | | | | 报告要点 | | | [Table_Summary] 韩泰轮胎于 1941 年在韩国成立,经过 80 余年的发展,公司已经成为韩国第一、世界领先的轮 | | | 胎供应商,也是首个足以挑战欧美日轮胎厂商的亚洲公司。 2024 年全球轮胎企业 75 强中,韩 | | | 泰以 66.4 亿美元的销售额位居全球第七。目前,韩泰在韩国、中国、美国、匈牙利、印度尼西 | | | 亚等地拥有 8 个生产基地、 5 个技术研发中心,全球雇员超过 2.2 万人,年轮胎产能达 1.02 亿 | ...
长江证券· 2024-12-10 00:47
Investment Rating - The report assigns a "Buy" rating to Juneyao Airlines (603885 SH) with a target PE valuation of 32x 15x and 11x for 2024 2025 and 2026 respectively [3] Core Views - Juneyao Airlines' profit curve is characterized by a jumpy growth pattern rather than a steady linear one driven by its unique business model and entrepreneurial style [3] - The company is expected to benefit from both industry recovery and its own capital expenditure cycle leading to accelerated profit growth [3] - Juneyao Airlines' dual-brand strategy (full-service and low-cost) differentiates it from peers like Spring Airlines resulting in higher gross margins but also higher operating expenses [7][8] Business Model Analysis - Juneyao Airlines operates a dual-brand strategy with its main brand focusing on full-service operations targeting mid-to-high-end business and leisure travelers while its subsidiary JiuYuan Airlines adopts a low-cost model [7][8] - The company's profit model can be summarized as "high gross margin + low subsidies + high expenses" essentially earning from "resources" compared to Spring Airlines' cost-focused model [7][8] - Historical profitability has been impacted by two major capital expenditure cycles in 2011-2012 and 2017-2019 leading to increased costs and reduced utilization [8][9] Industry Outlook - The aviation sector is expected to see a cyclical recovery driven by rigid supply constraints and demand recovery signals [8] - Industry profitability is projected to improve due to supply-demand dynamics and cost reductions (fuel and FX) [8] - Historical data shows that aviation stocks have outperformed during bull markets with significant absolute returns in past cycles [8][115] Company-Specific Advantages - Juneyao Airlines benefits from its positioning in first and second-tier cities with competitive revenue advantages [9] - The company's private ownership structure allows for greater efficiency and flexibility [9] - Expansion into long-haul international routes and improved utilization of wide-body aircraft (B787) provide additional growth potential [9] - Capital expenditure has peaked leading to reduced financial burdens and improved cash flow [9] Financial Projections - The report forecasts Juneyao Airlines' net profit attributable to shareholders to reach RMB 1 03 billion RMB 2 2 billion and RMB 2 9 billion in 2024 2025 and 2026 respectively [3] - Corresponding PE valuations are projected at 32x 15x and 11x for the same periods [3] Historical Performance - Juneyao Airlines has historically underperformed Spring Airlines in terms of profitability and valuation with a 30% average PE discount during 2017-2019 [7] - The company's ROE averaged 22 3% from 2011-2019 ranking second among major Chinese airlines behind Spring Airlines [44] - Profitability has been volatile due to capital expenditure cycles with significant impacts from aircraft acquisitions and investments in China Eastern Airlines [8][9]
长江证券· 2024-12-10 00:44
%% %% 丨证券研究报告丨 行业研究丨行业周报丨投资银行业与经纪业 [Table_Title] 市场回暖叠加券业并购提速,看好非银板块景气 度上行——每周一话 | --- | |-------| | | | | | | | | | | 分析师及联系人 [Table_Author] 吴一凡 谢宇尘 程泽宇 SAC:S0490519080007 SAC:S0490521020001 SAC:S0490524090001 SFC:BUV596 请阅读最后评级说明和重要声明 投资银行业与经纪业 cjzqdt11111 2024-12-09 行业研究丨行业周报 [Table_Title 市场回暖叠加券业并购提速,看好非银板块景 2] 气度上行——每周一话 [Table_Summary2] 投资建议:市场回暖叠加券业并购提速,看好非银板块景气度上行 市场回暖叠加券业并购提速,看好券商板块景气度上行。1)市场端,本周两市日均成交额 17,245.62 亿元,环比+13.23%,沪深 300 指数上涨 1.44%,两市交投有所回升,权益市场整 体回暖;本周并购重组迎来新的进展,浙商证券获准成为国都证券主要股东,国联证券与国 ...