国信证券· 2024-12-27 09:37
90% 804 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 光伏发电及同电 生物质 险 废处置 环境维护 图21:绿色环保主营业务收入拆分 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250,0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0,0 2020 2023 2021 2022 其他 图22: 绿色环保物质业务主要原材料采购平均价格(元/吨) 资科来源:Wind,国信证券经济研究所整理 资料来源:债券评级报告,国信证券经济研究所整理 环保水务:业绩相对稳健。光大水务是光大环境旗下唯一的水务运营平台, 2021-2023 年,该公司分别实现营业收入 69.12 亿港元、67.28 亿港元和 67.05 亿港元,其中污水处理业务是公司的核心主业,同期业务收入分别为 48.59亿港 元、49.47 亿港元和 57.25 亿港元,2022 年持续增长主要系新项目投运、部分 项目水价调整、新收购天津项目贡献 2 个月收入以及 2021 年末出台的有关资源 综合利用的增值税免税优惠政策综合所致,2023年增幅主要系新项目投运及部分 项目水价调整所致。 11 个污水处理厂获批调价,处理费回收承压。 ...
民生证券· 2024-12-27 08:55
Investment Rating - The report gives a "Recommend" rating to Shenzhou International (2313 HK) [189] Core Views - Shenzhou International is a global leader in knitted manufacturing with strong innovation R&D vertical integration and early globalization positioning it as a stable leader with upward growth potential [189] - The company is expected to achieve net profits of 5 701 6 530 and 7 410 billion yuan in 2024-2026 with year-on-year growth rates of 25 1% 14 5% and 13 5% respectively [189] - The PE ratios for 2024-2026 are 15x 13x and 12x respectively indicating a valuation advantage compared to peers [189] Financial Performance - In 2023 Shenzhou International achieved revenue of 24 970 million yuan a year-on-year decrease of 10 1% and net profit of 4 557 million yuan a year-on-year decrease of 0 1% [94] - The company's revenue is expected to grow to 27 980 31 172 and 34 399 million yuan in 2024-2026 with year-on-year growth rates of 12 1% 11 4% and 10 4% respectively [94] - The gross margin is expected to gradually increase to 28 4% 28 7% and 29 1% in 2024-2026 driven by improved capacity utilization and overseas expansion [186] Product and Market Analysis - Sportswear is the main driver of revenue growth with sales expected to reach 19 530 21 896 and 24 300 million yuan in 2024-2026 [16] - The European market showed growth with revenue increasing from 3 890 million yuan in 2019 to 5 027 million yuan in 2023 accounting for 20 13% of total revenue [96] - The company has diversified its customer base with major clients including Nike Uniqlo Adidas and Puma [30] Industry Trends - The global sportswear market is expected to grow from 1 92 trillion USD in 2024 to 2 35 trillion USD in 2028 with a CAGR of 4 20% [106] - The top five global sportswear brands (Nike Adidas Puma Skechers and Lululemon) accounted for 31 2% of the market in 2023 with Nike leading at 15 8% [105] - The global sportswear manufacturing market grew from 85 53 billion USD in 2009 to 158 26 billion USD in 2023 with a CAGR of 4 2% [171] Competitive Advantages - Shenzhou International has a strong R&D capability with 767 patent applications and 505 authorized patents by the end of 2022 [18] - The company has a vertical integration model that shortens production and delivery cycles making it highly favored by brand customers [19] - Shenzhou International has established dedicated factories for major clients like Nike Puma Adidas and Uniqlo ensuring independence and confidentiality in production [137] Future Outlook - The company is expected to benefit from the increasing concentration of suppliers to leading brands with Adidas and Nike reducing their number of manufacturing partners [146] - Shenzhou International has expanded its cooperation with new brands like FILA Lululemon and Lacoste which are expected to drive future growth [183] - The company is actively promoting automation and digitalization in its production processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs [166]
国元国际控股· 2024-12-27 03:16
一般声明 特别声明 国元国际控股有限公司 香港中环康乐广场 8 号交易广场三期 17 楼 电话:(852)37696888 传真:(852)37696999 服务热线:400-888-1313 公司网址:http://www.gyzq.com.hk 证 券 研 究 报 告 请务必阅读免责条款 | --- | --- | |---------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
国元国际控股· 2024-12-27 03:15
亿胜生物科技(1061.HK) 2024-12-24 星期二 主要股东 更新报告:亿胜生物科技(1061.HK)- 20210316 、公司年报、国元证券经纪(香港)整理 公司 24 年中期综合营收 8.12 亿港元,较去年同期减少 9.8%。眼科业 较去年同期减少 1.6%;外科业务较去年同期减少 15.8%。公司期内溢利 为 1.57 亿港元,较去年同期减少 7.3%。主要原因是由于医疗行业监管 政策的收紧,导致市场环境不利。 ➢ 贝伐珠单抗研发推进加快 2022 2023 2024E 2025E 2026E 1637.66 1318.00 1706.56 1682.00 1823.00 1982.00 -19.52% 29.48% -1.44% 8.38% 8.72% 345.98 225.75 275.00 264.93 284.58 304.20 -34.75% 21.82% -3.66% 7.41% 6.90% 17.13% 17.13% 16.11% 15.75% 15.61% 0.40 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.54 4.83 7.42 6.08 6.31 5.88 5.50 报告正文 ...
国元国际控股· 2024-12-27 03:15
证 券 研 究 报 告 昆仑能源(0135.HK) 2024-12-24 星期二 | --- | |------------| | | | | | 目标价: | | 现 价: | | 预计升幅 : | 2024H1,公司 LNG 加工与储运业务实现收入人民币 56.62 亿元,同比增 长 9.14%;除所得税前溢利人民币 16.48 亿元,同比增长 22.89%。其中 LNG 工厂税前盈利 0.35 亿元,实现历史性扭亏。上半年公司 14 座持续 运行工厂平均生产负荷率为 58.4%,同比提升 19.5 个百分点。实现自产 自销 4.66 亿立方米,实现委托加工量 13.07 亿立方米,同比分别增长 11.48%及 92.49%。公司目标全年 LNG 接收站负荷率达到 90%,预期 LNG 产业链整体盈利趋势向好。 公司公布 2023-2025 年的三年股息分派计划,年度派息比例将逐步提升 至 45%;2024H1 公司首次派发中期股息 16.41 分,派息比例为 43%。公 司盈利稳定增长,未来派息具备较大提升空间,中长期投资价值显现。 我们更新公司目标价 10.6 港元,相当于 2024 年和 2025 ...
国元国际控股· 2024-12-27 03:14
| --- | --- | |------------|-------------| | | | | 目标价: | 8.28 港元 | | 现 价: | 4.74 港元 | | 预计升幅 : | 74.6% | 主要股东 相关报告 | --- | |-------------------------| | | | | | | | 研究部 | | 姓名:林兴秋 | | SFC : BLM040 | | 电话: 0755-21519193 | | Email:linxq@gyzq.com.hk | 买入 创新推动业绩持续增长,创新药 RDC 管线丰富 24 年中期公司实现营收约 60.47 亿港元,同比增长 1.0%(剔除汇 率影响后增长 5.4%)。期内,公司拥有人应占溢利约为 15.58 亿港 元,同比增长 51.4%(剔除汇率影响后增长 58.0%)。主要业务板 块中,核药抗肿瘤及心脑血管精准介入诊疗科技产品表现尤为突 出,录得收入 3.43 亿港元,同比增长 140.8%,主要得益于核心产 品易甘泰®钇[90Y]的临床需求快速增加。新药如呼吸及危重症板 块的恩卓润®比斯海乐®和恩明润®比斯海乐®、心脑血管 ...
民生证券· 2024-12-27 01:52
Investment Rating - The report gives a "Recommend" rating for NetEase Cloud Music (9899.HK) [19] Core Views - NetEase Cloud Music focuses on increasing paid users and improving ARPPU, with future growth driven by both factors [2] - The company is expected to achieve net profits of 1.3/1.5/1.7 billion yuan in 2024/2025/2026, with corresponding P/E ratios of 18/16/14X [2] Business Model and Revenue - Revenue mainly comes from online music services and social entertainment services, accounting for 63% and 37% of total revenue in 24H1 respectively [2] - Online music subscription revenue accounts for 84% of online music service revenue, with advertising and digital albums making up the remaining 16% [2] - Social entertainment service revenue is driven by MAU, payment rate, and ARPPU, with paid users increasing from 5800 in 2018 to 1.6 million in 2023 [10] Financial Performance - NetEase Cloud Music achieved its first annual profit in 2023, with a net profit of 700 million yuan and a net profit margin of 9% [2] - In 24H1, the company's net profit reached 800 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 20% [2] - Gross margin improved significantly from -4% in 21Q1 to 33% in 24Q3 [2] Industry Overview - The global music market is recovering, driven by the growth of streaming services, with China having the highest growth rate in 2023 [81][82] - The global streaming music market is relatively fragmented, with Spotify leading with a 32.1% market share in 2023 [103] - In China, the online music market has formed a "one super, one strong" competitive landscape, with Tencent Music and NetEase Cloud Music as the main players [105] Competitive Advantages - NetEase Cloud Music is one of the largest online incubators for independent musicians in China, with registered independent musicians increasing from 400,000 in 2021 to 684,000 in 2023 [121] - The platform has a strong community attribute, with over 48% of listeners browsing the comment section as of June 2021 [113] - The platform's user base is young, with 72% of users being post-00s in 2023 [112] Future Outlook - The company's strategy focuses on increasing paid users and improving ARPPU, with expected net profits of 1.3/1.5/1.7 billion yuan in 2024/2025/2026 [2] - Gross margin is expected to continue to improve, reaching 34%/36%/37% in 2024/2025/2026, with net profit margins of 16%/17%/18% [142]
东方证券· 2024-12-27 00:23
本报告主要以电子版形式分发,间或也会辅以印刷品形式分发,所有报告版权均归本公司所有。未经本公司 事先书面协议授权,任何机构或个人不得以任何形式复制、转发或公开传播本报告的全部或部分内容。不得 将报告内容作为诉讼、仲裁、传媒所引用之证明或依据,不得用于营利或用于未经允许的其它用途。 经本公司事先书面协议授权刊载或转发的,被授权机构承担相关刊载或者转发责任。不得对本报告进行任何 有悖原意的引用、删节和修改。 提示客户及公众投资者慎重使用未经授权刊载或者转发的本公司证券研究报告,慎重使用公众媒体刊载的证 券研究报告。 HeadertTabl e_Address 东方证券研究所 地址: 上海市中山南路 318 号东方国际金融广场 26 楼 电话: 021-63325888 传真: 021-63326786 网址: www.dfzq.com.cn 东方证券股份有限公司经相关主管机关核准具备证券投资咨询业务资格,据此开展发布证券研究报告业务。 东方证券股份有限公司及其关联机构在法律许可的范围内正在或将要与本研究报告所分析的企业发展业务关系。因此,投资者应当考虑到本公司可能存在对报告的客 观性产生影响的利益冲突,不应视本证 ...
浙商证券· 2024-12-26 05:23
http://www.stocke.com.cn 资料来源:公司 2024 年中报,浙商证券研究所 http://www.stocke.com.cn 5/28 请务必阅读正文之后的免责条款部分 廉诺亚-B(02162)公司深度 1.2 股权:核心高管研发经验丰富 公司股权结构清晰,核心高管经验丰富。康诺亚于 2016年在成都成立,并于 2021 年 7 月在港交所主板上市。裁至 2024H1,Moonshot Holdings Limited 持有公司 27.79%的股份, 为公司最大股东。Moonshot 由 4名股东全资持有,其中 Bo Chen 拥有 Moonshot 65.36%的股 份,为公司的实际控制人及行政总裁,在创新药物开发方面拥有超过20年的经验,负责抗 体发现及项目管理。Wang 博士为广受赞誉的免疫肿瘤学领军专家,曾共同参与全球首创的 PD-1 抗体(即百时美施贵宝的 Opdivo)的研发。徐刚现任公司高级副总裁,在创新药物开 发方面拥有超过 10年的经验,负责抗体人源化及蛋白质工程。其余高管也拥有丰富的专业 水平及行业经验,为公司持续发展保驾护航。 图2:康诺亚股权结构图 Bo Che ...
甬兴证券· 2024-12-26 03:04
协鑫科技(03800) 公司研究/公司点评 证 券 研 究 报 告 公 司 研 究 公 司 点 评 配售+可转债融资超 50 亿元,有效补充 公司流动性 ◼ 核心观点 12 月 19 日,公司发布公告,公司与配售代理订立配售协议,承配人将认 购最多 15.6 亿股股份,配售价为每股 1 港元,假设所有配售股份获悉数 配售,预期配售事项的所得款项总额合共约为 15.6 亿港元,而预期所得 款项净额合计约 15.3 亿港元。同时,公司正与潜在独立投资者磋商可能 发行及认购可换股债券,预期本金总额最高达 5 亿美元。 我们认为公司此次配售+可转债折合人民币将累计融资超 50 亿元,将有 效补充公司现金流,增强公司面对未来市场波动风险的能力。 2024 年内,公司现金成本不断降低,2024 年现金成本从第一季度 37.84 元/kg,降低至第三季度 33.18 元/kg。虽然当前多晶硅价格依然较低,但 是若随着硅耗、能耗、生产效率等进步,现金成本能够实现前期预测的 30 元/kg 以下水平,当前价格将可以覆盖颗粒硅现金成本。我们认为随着公 司成本优势越发显著,充足现金流叠加产品优势将助公司穿越周期。 ◼ 投资建议 我 ...