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东吴证券· 2024-11-17 15:26
证券研究报告 汽车周观点: 第一周交强险同比+23.1%,继续看好汽车板块! 证券分析师 :黄细里 执业证书编号:S0600520010001 联系邮箱 2024年11月17日 ( 全板块最新周观点 ◼ 本周复盘总结:十一月第一周交强险符合预期(同环比+23.1%/-10.9%)。本周SW 汽车指数-2.5%,细分板块涨跌幅排序:SW乘用车(0.7%)>SW商用载客车(-1.3%)>S W汽车(-2.5%)>SW汽车零部件(-3.5%)>SW商用载货车(-3.7%)>SW摩托车及其他(-8. 7%) 。本周已覆盖标的上汽集团、爱玛科技、旭升集团、雅迪控股、瑞玛精密涨幅较 好。 ◼ 行业大事:1)广州车展符合预期(全面电动化/智能化);2)零跑三季报超预期;3) 吉利汽车三季报符合预期,极氪控股领克;4)重卡以旧换新效果开始显现。 ◼ 本周团队研究成果:外发德赛西威公司深度。 2 Q4投资策略要点 ( ◼ 板块景气度:政策托底景气度,智能化引领汽车创新。乘用车以旧换新政策效果继续彰显, 2024Q4预测乘用车内需同比+14%(超预期),新能源内需同比+54%,出口同比+1 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 14:49
证券研究报告·行业跟踪周报·电力设备 电力设备行业跟踪周报 锂电淡季不淡开启新周期、光伏静待供给侧 改革深化 2024 年 11 月 17 日 增持(维持) 证券分析师 曾朵红 执业证书:S0600516080001 021-60199793 证券分析师 阮巧燕 执业证书:S0600517120002 021-60199793 研究助理 孙瀚博 执业证书:S0600123040064 行业走势 -26% -21% -16% -11% -6% -1% 4% 9% 14% 19% 2023/11/17 2024/3/17 2024/7/16 2024/11/14 电力设备 沪深300 相关研究 《光伏主链整体环比改善,辅材业绩 承压持续分化》 2024-11-12 《新型水性粘结剂,市场空间广阔》 2024-11-11 [Table_T [Table_Summary] ag] 投资要点 ◼ 电气设备 7563 下跌 2.66%,表现强于大盘。(本周,11 月 11 日-11 月 15 日,下同),锂电池 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 14:42
Current Divergence Between A-Shares and Other Asset Classes - **A-Shares and RMB Exchange Rate Divergence**: Since mid-October, A-shares have shown strong upward momentum while the RMB has depreciated The divergence index suggests that the current trend of RMB depreciation and A-share gains may have peaked, with potential scenarios of "RMB appreciation + A-share rise" or "RMB depreciation + A-share decline" to correct the divergence [1][16][18] - **A-Shares and Hong Kong Market Divergence**: A-shares have surged due to improved liquidity and risk appetite post-Fed rate cuts and domestic policy shifts, while the Hong Kong market remains stagnant due to its reliance on fundamentals and sensitivity to external factors such as US-China relations and tightening global liquidity [2][23][28] - **A-Shares and Commodities Divergence**: A-shares reflect "strong expectations" while commodities, especially black metals and globally priced goods, show "weak reality" due to structural domestic recovery and global trade friction risks The divergence is expected to converge as economic data confirms recovery [2][29][31] - **A-Shares Large vs Small Cap Divergence**: The market has shown a "style seesaw" with small caps outperforming initially, but the large-cap style is now gaining dominance as the small-cap style index has retreated from 20% to 15% [3][36][37] Industry Trends and Opportunities - **AI Industry Chain**: AI Agent advancements are driving hardware and software growth, with overseas AI applications entering monetization phases Domestic AI applications like Doubao and Kimi are also gaining traction Overseas, AI models like OpenAI's Sora and Claude 3.5 Sonnet are making significant progress [41][42][43] - **Humanoid Robots**: The humanoid robot market is projected to grow from $3.28 billion in 2024 to $66 billion by 2032, with domestic players like Huawei and Xiaomi accelerating their layouts Tesla's Optimus is expected to enter mass production by 2026 [44][46] - **Autonomous Driving**: Overseas, Tesla's FSD v12.5 has improved safety and comfort, with v13 expected to launch soon Domestically, Xiaopeng's P7+ and Huawei's Zhijie are making rapid progress, while is preparing for an IPO [47][48] - **New Energy**: The new energy sector is at a cyclical bottom, with supply-demand dynamics improving, especially in photovoltaics and lithium batteries Solid-state batteries are a key focus, with CATL expanding its R&D team [49][51][53] - **Localization and Domestic Substitution**: The Trump administration's tech restrictions have reinforced the need for domestic substitution in key areas like semiconductors, EDA software, and high-end manufacturing The domestic chip industry is expected to face ongoing challenges but also opportunities for growth [56][57][60] - **Low-Altitude Economy and Commercial Aerospace**: The low-altitude economy is gaining momentum with central and local government support, while commercial aerospace is seeing opportunities in satellite exports and global partnerships [62][66] Key Companies and Market Trends - **Photovoltaics**: Supply-side reforms are underway, with new technologies like BC batteries and silver paste cost reduction driving the next wave of industry transformation [52] - **Lithium Batteries**: The industry is seeing a rebalancing of supply and demand, with solid-state batteries expected to enter mass production by 2026-2028 [53] - **Semiconductors and Localization**: Key areas include chip manufacturing, EDA software, and high-end materials, with domestic players like Huawei and SMIC facing challenges but also opportunities for growth [56][57] - **Low-Altitude Economy**: The market is expected to grow from 530 billion yuan in 2023 to over 1 trillion yuan by 2028, with significant investments from local governments [62] - **Commercial Aerospace**: Satellite exports and global partnerships are opening new opportunities, with companies like Geespace leading the way in providing global satellite communication services [66]
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 11:44
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·软件开发 同花顺(300033) 事件点评:云软件产品暂停销售 3 个月,整 体业绩影响有限 2024 年 11 月 17 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------|-------|-------------|--------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 3,559 | 3,564 | | 3,784 4,391 | 5,030 | | 同比( % ) | 1.40% | 0.14% | 6.18% | 16.03% | 14.55% | | 归母净利润(百万元) | 1,691 | 1,402 | 1,443 | 1,657 | 1,902 | | 同比( % ) | -11.52% | -17.07% | 2.90% | 14.82% | 14. ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 10:48
证券研究报告·公司点评报告·生物制品 百济神州-U(688235) 2024 年三季报点评:海外销售快速放量,血 液瘤行业领先 2024 年 11 月 17 日 买入(维持) | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------|-------------|------------|------------|--------|--------| | 盈利预测与估值 [Table_EPS] | 2022A | 2023A | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业总收入(百万元) | 9566 | 17423 | 25530 | 34062 | 42383 | | 同比( % ) | 26.06 | 82.13 | 46.53 | 33.42 | 24.43 | | 归母净利润(百万元) | (13,642.04) | (6,715.86) | (3,115.58) | 274.33 | 635.65 | | 同比( % ) | (39.95) | 50.77 | 53.61 | 108.81 | 131.7 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 10:09
证券研究报告 原油周报:国内外成品油价格下跌,国际油价下跌 能源化工首席证券分析师:陈淑娴,CFA 执业证书编号:S0600523020004 联系方式 2024年11月17日 投资要点 ◼ 【美国原油】 ◼ 1)原油价格:本周Brent/WTI原油期货周均价分别71.9/68.1美元/桶,较上周分别-3.1/-3.5美元/桶。 ◼ 2)原油库存:美国原油总库存、商业原油库存、战略原油库存、库欣原油库存分别8.2/4.3/3.9/0.3亿桶,环比 +266/+209/+57/-69万桶。 ◼ 3)原油产量:美国原油产量为1340万桶/天,环比-10万桶/天。美国活跃原油钻机本周478台,环比-1台。美国活跃压 裂车队本周222部,环比-5部。 ◼ 4)原油需求:美国炼厂原油加工量为1651万桶/天,环比+18万桶/天;美国炼厂原油开工率为91.4%,环比+0.9pct。 ◼ 5)原油进出口量:美国原油进口量、出口量、净进口量为651/344/307万桶/天,环比+27/+59/-32万桶/天。 ◼ 【美国成品油】 ◼ 1)成品油价格和价差:美国汽油、柴油、航煤周均价分别8 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 08:45
证券研究报告 基础化工周报:纯MDI价格大幅上涨 能源化工首席证券分析师:陈淑娴,CFA 执业证书编号:S0600523020004 联系方式 2024年11月17日 投资要点 ◼ 【聚氨酯板块】本周纯MDI/聚合MDI/TDI行业均价为19240/18320/12760元/吨,环比分别 +530/+10/-220元/吨,纯MDI/聚合MDI/TDI行业毛利分别为5996/6168/556元/吨,环比分别 +543/+72/+113元/吨。 ◼ 【油煤气烯烃板块】①本周乙烷/丙烷/动力煤/石脑油均价分别为1054/4542/660/4581元/吨,环比分 别+72/-3/+0/-162元/吨。②本周聚乙烯均价为8374元/吨,环比+12元/吨,乙烷裂解/CTO/石脑油裂 解制聚乙烯理论利润分别为1778/1874/-13元/吨,环比分别-88/+8/+141元/吨。③本周聚丙烯均价为 7300元/吨,环比+0元/吨,PDH/CTO/石脑油裂解制聚丙烯理论利润分别为-255/1360/-341元/吨, 环比分别-9/+0/+141元/吨。 ◼ 【煤化工板块】本周合成氨/尿素 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 07:14
证券研究报告·行业跟踪周报·煤炭开采 煤炭开采行业跟踪周报 环渤海港口库存高企煤价承压,亟待需求反 弹 2024 年 11 月 17 日 增持(维持) [Table_Tag] [Table_Summary] 行业近况 本周(11 月 11 日至 11 月 15 日)港口动力煤现货价环比下跌 10 元/吨, 报收 837 元/吨。 供给端,本周环渤海四港区日均调入量 188.76 万吨,环比上周减少 0.17 万吨,降幅 0.09%。铁路部门为完成年度运量计划,积极组织煤炭拉运, 港口调入量维持高位。 需求端,本周环渤海四港区日均调出量 175.96 万吨,环比上周增加 5.96 万吨,增幅 3.50%;日均锚地船舶 51 艘,环比上周增加 2 艘,增幅 4.12%。 库存端,环渤海四港区库存 2808.60 万吨,环比上周增加 122.70 万吨, 增幅 4.57%。港口锚地船舶数量维持低位,但是消费旺季来临,预计下 游采购将逐步增加,需求将会逐步改善。 我们分析认为:煤炭价格在 9-10 月淡季未出现大跌,进入 10 月下旬开 始陆续进入传统旺季,即便经济如前期低迷,旺季煤价仍旧上涨动能较 强。且国际标准煤 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 07:13
证券研究报告 大炼化周报:下游织企库存增加,涤纶长丝偏弱运行 能源化工首席证券分析师:陈淑娴,CFA 执业证书编号:S0600523020004 联系方式 2024年11月17日 投资要点 ◼ 【国内外重点炼化项目价差跟踪】国内重点大炼化项目本周价差为2489.59元/吨,环比+123.28元/吨(环比 +5.21%);国外重点大炼化项目本周价差为958.12元/吨,环比+48.98元/吨(环比+5.39%)。 ◼ 【聚酯 板块】本周POY/FDY/DTY行业均价分别为6950/7500/8521元/吨,环比分别-86/-86/-71元/吨, POY/FDY/DTY行业周均利润为69/168/249元/吨,环比分别-19/-19/-9元/吨,POY/FDY/DTY行业库存为 17.6/21.3/22.3天,环比分别+2.5/+2.4/+2.9天,长丝开工率为89.40%,环比-0.12pct。下游方面,本周织机开 工率为69.04%,环比+0.00pct,织造企业原料库存为9.08天,环比-0.82天,织造企业成品库存为23.17天,环比- 0.83天。 ◼ 【炼油板块】 ...
东吴证券· 2024-11-17 07:04
证券研究报告·行业跟踪周报·机械设备 机械设备行业跟踪周报 看好内需改善后工程机械的盈利弹性;锂电 光伏新技术进展利好设备商 2024 年 11 月 17 日 增持(维持) [Table_Tag] [1.Table_Summary] 推荐组合:北方华创、三一重工、中微公司、恒立液压、中集集团、拓荆科技、海天 国际、柏楚电子、晶盛机电、杰瑞股份、浙江鼎力、杭叉集团、迈为股份、先导智能、 长川科技、华测检测、安徽合力、精测电子、纽威股份、芯源微、绿的谐波、海天精 工、杭可科技、伊之密、新莱应材、高测股份、纽威数控、华中数控。 2.投资要点: 【工程机械】小松开机小时数再次破百,中大挖景气度回升 2024 年 10 月中国区小松挖掘机开工小时数 105.3 小时,同增 4.3%,连续 4 月实现同 比增长。中大挖是小松在国内份额的主要支撑,开机小时数破百反映中大挖景气度有 所回暖。我们认为,中大挖景气度回暖带动主机厂销量结构持续优化,盈利能力有望 进入上行通道。2024 年 10 月销售各类挖机 16791 台,同比+15.1%,其中内销 8266 台, 同增 21.6%(CME 预测+18%);外销 8525 台 ...