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轨交设备Ⅱ:1—11月份全国铁路客货运量稳步增长 有效推动经济持续回升向好
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:39
华福证券 轨交设备Ⅱ 2024 年 12 月 14 日 研 轨交设备Ⅱ 1—11 月份全国铁路客货运量稳步增长 有效推 动经济持续回升向好 投资要点: 1—11 月份,全国铁路旅客发送量创历史新高 1—11 月份,全国铁路旅客发送量完成 40.15 亿人次,同比增长 12.6%,年度旅客发送量首次突破 40 亿人次大关,创历史新高;旅客 周转量完成 14840.61 亿人公里,同比增长 7.8%。11 月当月,全国铁 路旅客发送量完成 3.04 亿人次,同比增长 8.8%;旅客周转量完成 981.35 亿人公里,同比增长 2.5%。铁路运输服务水平不断提升,在综合交通 运输体系中的骨干作用发挥更加充分。 1—11 月份,全国铁路货运发送量稳定增长 1-11 月份,全国铁路货运发送量 47.15 亿吨,同比增长 2.5%。11 月当月,全国铁路货运发送量 4.55 亿吨,同比增长 6.4%;货运周转量 3245.21 亿吨公里,同比增长 2.4%。关系国计民生的粮食、煤炭等重 点物资运输得到有效保障,为服务国民经济平稳运行、降低全社会物 流成本贡献了铁路力量。 此外,今年 1-11 月份,全国铁路固定资产投资累 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:39
华福证券 机械设备 特斯拉机器人野外行走,中国机器狗首次交付海外电力 巡检 投资要点: 特斯拉发布 Optimus 最新视频,野外崎岖地形行走表现亮眼 近日特斯拉又发布了一个最新的机器人演示视频:Optimus 在崎岖 的室外地面上跌跌撞撞的行走,虽然坎坷,但是始终保持住了平衡, 没有摔倒。马斯克表示,Optimus 可以利用神经网络控制电动肢体,在 高度多变的地面上行走,Optimus 是在"蒙着眼睛"的情况下做这个动 作的,未把视觉纳入不平地形控制闭环的一部分。 中国首例,大型行业应用机器狗成功交付新加坡电网 日前,云深处与官方合作伙伴 Eastern Green Power(EGP)深度合作, 采用自研的 X30 四足机器人和数字化技术,成功交付新加坡能源集团 (下称 SP 集团)电力隧道巡检解决方案。据悉,X30 也是国内第一台 在海外电力系统落地应用的行业级四足机器人,SP 集团将该套隧道巡 检解决方案的机器狗命名为"SPock"。而就在近日,景业智能与云深处 签订战略合作协议,双方进一步深度联合面向核工业等行业需求拓展 多个特种机器人应用场景,并在未来积极合作探索研制特种领域的新 一代四足机器人、 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:38
Industry Investment Rating - Stronger than the market (maintained rating) [4] Core Views - The US microreactor developer NANO Nuclear Energy has signed multiple cooperation agreements, including with the US Department of Energy, the government of Togo, and Canadian startup Vert2Grow Energy Solutions [2] - Uzbekistan has signed several nuclear energy cooperation memorandums, aiming to establish productive cooperation and share experiences in atomic energy utilization [2] - Nuclear power is highlighted as a clean, safe, and efficient energy source, with an annual utilization rate exceeding 7,000 hours, making it a key force in promoting green energy transformation [3] Company Focus - **Jiadian Co Ltd**: The main helium fan is the only power equipment in the primary circuit of the fourth-generation high-temperature gas-cooled reactor, and its subsidiary Hadian Electric's nuclear main pump products lead in the nuclear power business segment [3] - **Guoguang Electric**: The company's diverters and blanket systems are key components of the ITER project [3] - **Lanzhou LS Heavy Equipment**: Covers the upstream nuclear fuel system, midstream nuclear power plant equipment, and downstream spent fuel reprocessing [3] - **Kexin Electromechanical**: Manufactures high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power products and has achieved import substitution for new fuel transport containers [3] - **Hailu Heavy Industry**: Services include third and fourth-generation reactors as well as thermonuclear fusion reactors (ITER) [3] - **Jiangsu Shentong**: Secured over 90% of the orders for nuclear-grade butterfly valves and ball valves in China's new nuclear power projects [3] - **Xianheng International**: The company's products are already applied in the operation and maintenance of nuclear power fields [3]
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:05
华福证券 基础化工 2024 年 12 月 14 日 上 基础化工 行业周报:赢创公布大规模重组方案,华鲁恒升 尼龙 66 项目投产 投资要点: 本周板块行情:本周,上证综合指数下跌 0.36%,创业板指数下跌 1.4%, 沪深 300 下跌 1.01%,中信基础化工指数下跌 0.73%,申万化工指数下跌 0.09%。 化工各子行业板块涨跌幅:本周,化工板块涨幅前五的子行业分别为其他 塑料制品(2.12%)、食品及饲料添加剂(1.93%)、印染化学品(1.18%)、改性塑料 (1.15%)、粘胶(0.93%);化工板块跌幅前五的子行业分别为钾肥(-3.97%)、磷肥 及磷化工(-2.03%)、膜材料(-1.9%)、橡胶助剂(-1.55%)、轮胎(-1.52%)。 团队成员 分析师: 李骥(S0210524080008) 分析师: 周丹露(S0210524050020) 本周行业主要动态: 赢创公布大规模重组方案。德国特种化学品巨头赢创工业集团 12 月 13 日 公布大规模重组方案,原先归于四个业务部门的业务线,将由执行董事会成 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:01
Industry Investment Rating - Stronger than the market (maintained rating) [3] Core Views - PA6 prices increased month-on-month, while spandex prices slightly decreased [2][12] - High operating rates maintained in the supply side [2][30] - Fabric exports increased year-on-year, while US apparel inventory rose slightly month-on-month [2][42] - Domestic demand improvement and overseas inventory reduction are expected to boost fiber demand [2] - Industry concentration is expected to increase after this round of expansion, with a potential slowdown in future expansion pace, leading to an upward trend in industry prosperity [2] Price Analysis - PA6 price: 12,700 RMB/ton, up 2.0% month-on-month [2][11] - Spandex price: 23,750 RMB/ton, down 1.0% month-on-month [2][11] - Caprolactam price: 11,275 RMB/ton, up 5.4% month-on-month [2][11] - Adipic acid price: 8,150 RMB/ton, up 2.2% month-on-month [2][11] - Nylon staple fiber price: 13,950 RMB/ton, up 2.2% month-on-month [2][11] - Acrylic staple fiber price: 14,250 RMB/ton, unchanged month-on-month [2][11] - Viscose staple fiber price: 13,850 RMB/ton, down 0.4% month-on-month [2][11] - PA66 price: 23,900 RMB/ton, down 1.4% month-on-month [2][11] Supply Analysis - Spandex operating rate: 87%, inventory: 49 days [2][30] - Acrylic operating rate: 51.1%, inventory: 16 days [2][30] - Viscose staple fiber operating rate: 89%, inventory: 5 days [2][30] Downstream Demand Analysis - Textile yarn, fabric, and related product exports: $12.3 billion, up 23.7% year-on-year [2][42] - Apparel and clothing accessories exports: $130.9 billion, up 8.1% year-on-year [2][42] - US apparel and fabric wholesaler inventory: $281.61 billion, up 0.3% month-on-month [2][42] Investment Recommendations - Focus on differentiated nylon leader Juheshun and cost-advantaged spandex leader Huafon Chemical [2]
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:01
华福证券 证 券 研 究 报 告 基础化工 2024 年 12 月 14 日 ने 基础化工 氯碱 11 月月报:液碱、PVC 价格走弱,氧化铝、 造纸需求同比增长 行情回溯 截至 12/13,中信氯碱指数收 1261.6 点,本月涨跌幅为 6.9%,中 信基础化工指数涨跌幅为 0.5%,沪深 300 指数涨跌幅为 0.4%。。 价格价差:液碱、PVC 价格走弱 据卓创资讯,截至 12/14,液碱价格 1030 元/吨,环比上月-3.3%, 片碱价格 3775 元/吨,环比上月 0.2%,液氯价格 244.5 元/吨,环比上 月-0.7%,乙烯法 PVC 价格 5850 元/吨,环比上月-1.7%,电石法价格 4750 元/吨,环比上月-4.0%,电石价格 2812.5 元/吨,环比上月 4.4%。 供给端:开工维持高位,供给整体充足 据卓创资讯,截至 12/12,烧碱产量 82.61 万吨,开工负荷率为 88.94%;烧碱企业库存 13.695 万吨。PVC 开工负荷为 78.91%。PVC 企业库存 27.438 万吨,电石开工负荷 72.02%。 下游需求:氧化铝、造纸需求同比增长,地产竣工仍在下行 团 ...
华福证券· 2024-12-15 06:00
华福证券 基础化工 2024 年 12 月 14 日 ने 基础化工 煤化工 11 月月报:尿素、DMF 价格下跌,EVA 出口同比高增 投资要点: 行情回溯 截至 12/13,申万煤化工指数收 5836.4 点,本月涨跌幅为 0.4%, 申万基础化工指数涨跌幅为 1.8%,沪深 300 指数涨跌幅为 0.4%。 价格价差:甲醇价格环比改善,尿素、DMF 价格下跌 据卓创资讯,截至 12/13,甲醇价格 2170 元/吨,环比上月 8.0%; 醋酸价格 2793.3 元/吨,环比上月 3.8%;尿素价格 1839.9 元/吨,环比 上月-1.7%;醋酐价格 4880 元/吨,环比上月 1.5%;DMF 价格 4231.3 元/吨,环比上月-4.5%;合成氨价格 2617.9 元/吨,环比上月-5.5%;炭 黑价格 7350 元/吨,环比上月-8.7%;碳酸二甲酯价格 3700 元/吨,环 比上月-8.6%;醋酸乙酯价格 5253.3 元/吨,环比上月 0.2%;EVA 价格 10000 元/吨,环比上月 0.2%;三聚氰胺价格 5825 元/吨,环比上月-4.9%。 供给端:尿素继续累库,DMF 库存去化 团 ...
电子行业海外科技周跟踪:AI驱动有源铜缆需求快速增长,博通乐观展望AI XPU市场规模
华福证券· 2024-12-15 05:36
Industry Investment Rating - The electronic industry is rated as "Outperform" (强于大市) [5] Core Viewpoints - AI/ML workloads are driving rapid growth in demand for active copper cables (有源铜缆), with the market for active copper cable chips expected to grow from $100 million in 2023 to over $1 billion by 2027, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 70% [2][3] - Broadcom's AI revenue surged by 220% YoY to $12.2 billion, accounting for 41% of its total semiconductor revenue [8] - Broadcom expects the serviceable addressable market for AI XPUs and networking to reach $600-900 billion by 2027, with the company well-positioned to capture a leading market share [8] Market Performance - The Nasdaq Composite Index rose by 0.34%, and the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index increased by 1.75% [1] - Broadcom's stock surged by 24.43%, reaching a new high, with its market cap increasing by $206 billion in a single day, surpassing the $1 trillion mark for the first time [1] - In the semiconductor sector, Broadcom's weekly gain was 25.22%, while Marvell Technology rose by 6.40%, and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) fell by 8.43% [1] - In the internet sector, Google (Alphabet) rose by 8.65%, while Uber fell by 9.32%, and Airbnb dropped by 4.36% [1] - In the software sector, Oracle fell by 9.55%, Snowflake dropped by 8.70%, and Datadog declined by 9.26% [1] AI-Driven Opportunities - The increasing demand for AI/ML workloads is accelerating the adoption of active copper cables (ACC and AEC), which are expected to see significant growth in the coming years [2][3] - Broadcom's AI XPU and networking products are expected to benefit from the trend of hyperscale customers developing their own AI chips, with the company targeting a serviceable market of $600-900 billion by 2027 [8] - Key players in the active copper cable market include MACOM, Semtech, Spectra7, Astera Labs, Broadcom, Credo, Marvell, Maxliner, and Point2 [3] Company Performance - Broadcom's FY24Q4 revenue reached $14.054 billion, up 51% YoY, with semiconductor revenue at $8.23 billion (up 12% YoY) and infrastructure software revenue at $5.82 billion (up 196% YoY) [3] - Broadcom's FY25Q1 revenue guidance is $14.6 billion, representing a 22% YoY increase, with an adjusted EBITDA margin of 66%, up 1 percentage point from FY24Q4 [3] - Broadcom's FY24 revenue grew by 44% YoY to $51.6 billion, driven by the integration of VMware and strong performance in AI XPU and networking products [4][8] Key Companies to Watch - Optical modules: Zhongji Innolight, Eoptolink, TFC Optical Communication [9] - Copper connections: Wolong Electric, Shenyu Communication [9] - PCB: Wus Printed Circuit, Shengyi Technology [9] - Servers and components: Foxconn Industrial Internet, Envicool, Gaoneng, Megmeet [9]
华福证券· 2024-12-15 05:35
华福证券 公用事业 2024 年 12 月 14 日 नी 公用事业 周报(12.9-12.13):二批次农村能源革命试点 公布,分布式光伏开发有望提速,节水减排促进 降碳 投资要点: 行情回顾:12 月 9 日-12 月 13 日,电力板块上涨 0.02%,燃气、水务、环 保板块分别下跌 1.00%、1.15%、1.20%,同期沪深 300 指数下跌 1.03%。 团队成员 分析师: 严家源(S0210524050013) 分析师: 尚硕(S0210524050023) 联系人: 闫燕燕(S0210123070115) 相关报告 1、周报(12.02-06):新型经营主体助力构建新 型 电力系统,世界在役最大火电厂致力于打造能源 超市——2024.12.08 2、周报(11.25-11.29):漳州 1 号投产,CCUS 市场化&商业化提速,垃圾焚烧下半场之提标改 造——2024.12.01 3、【华福电力公用】电力行业 2025 年度投资策 略:纲举目张,助推双碳——2024.11. ...
华福证券· 2024-12-15 01:48
华福证券 56019 煤炭 高库存下煤价承压,关注高股息标的提估值机会 投资要点: 动力煤 截至 2024 年 12 月 13 日,秦港 5500K 动力末煤平仓价 790 元/吨, 周环比-22 元/吨(-2.7%)。产地价格大跌,晋陕蒙三省煤矿开工率为 84.5%,周环比+0.6pct。本周电厂日耗小涨、库存小跌,煤企、港口库 存微涨;非电方面,甲醇、尿素开工率微涨,仍处于历史同期偏高水 平,截至 12 月 12 日,甲醇开工率为 87.4%,周环比+0.6pct,年同比 +9.8pct;截至 12 月 11 日,尿素开工率为 82.4%,周环比+0.1pct,年 同比+1.9pct。 焦煤 截至 12 月 13 日,京唐港主焦煤库提价 1620 元/吨,环比持平,产 地价格相对平稳。当前处开工淡季,铁水产量环比微跌,样本钢厂煤 焦库存小涨,随着一揽子政策陆续落地,焦煤价格无需悲观。本周焦 炭价格小跌、螺纹钢价格持平,截至 12 月 13 日,山西临汾一级冶金 焦出厂价 1700 元/吨,环比-50 元/吨(-2.9%),螺纹钢现货价格 3410 元,环比持平,焦炭第四轮提降落地,大型焦化开工率微涨,截至 ...