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国金证券· 2024-12-29 06:24
2024年12月27日 需求:高阶智驾从 1-N,Robotaxi 从 0-1,激光雷达市场迎爆发。 高阶智驾从 1-N,Robotaxi 从 0-1。1、高阶智驾渗透率预计 25 年达到 15%。在政策松绑、成本下探、大算力芯片上 车、软件进阶端到端趋势下,24 年高阶智驾渗透率达到 5%,随着 20 万附近车型集中装车,25 年有望达到 15%。2、 Robotaxi 方案有望迎来商业拐点。Robotaxi 行业加速变化,在政策+技术+运营多重发力下,Robotaxi 每公里成本有 望快速与网约车成本持平,规模化运营有望引来拐点。 激光雷达成为主流方案,目前绝大部分国内高阶智驾车型配有激光雷达,robotaxi 普遍标配多颗激光雷达。激光雷 达对环境感知精度高、可直接获取目标的距离、角度、反射强度、速度等信息且抗干扰能力较强。国内多数主机厂采 用多传感器融合的技术路线,尤其面向高阶 NOA 功能的车型普遍有搭载激光雷达。仅个别车企在效仿特斯拉探索去掉 激光雷达的视觉方案,依靠毫米波雷达和摄像头等传感器实现感知:随着激光雷达的成本不断降低、技术成熟度提升 以及自动驾驶功能的提升,未来几年车辆搭载激光雷达的数 ...
新五丰:国有区域养殖龙头 提质扩量稳健发展
国金证券· 2024-12-29 05:47
投请参阅最后一页特别声明 来源:Ifind,国金证券研究所 敬请参阅最后一页特别声明 5 随着公司生猪养殖量的逐步提升,生猪养殖业务近两年整体营收占比有所提高,2023 年 生猪养殖业务收入占比已经达到了 66.67%;从毛利润表现来看,生猪养殖业务对利润端 的扰动最大,2022 年生猪养殖业务占比为 85.37%,2023 年由于生猪价格低迷,公司整体 毛利润出现较大幅度的亏损。公司利润率水平受猪价影响较大,2020-2023 年整体趋势下 行,今年随着生猪价格的回暖与公司养殖成本的下降,公司前三季度实现毛利率 5.58%, 随着公司的养殖成本持续优化,毛利率有望逐步提升。从费用率方面来看,公司近些年管 理与销售费用率稳步下降,公司经营层面持续优化,扩张过程中近几年财务费用率有所提 升。 受益于生猪价格的上涨以及饲料成本的下降,二季度以来生猪养殖行业实现全面盈利,虽 然 8 月份以后生猪价格的见顶回落使得养殖盈利缩窄,但是受益于养殖成本的全面下降, 目前生猪养殖行业依旧维持较好的利润。截至 12 月底,企业自繁自养生猪头均盈利为 150 元/头,养殖成本控制较好的企业头均利润依旧在 300 元+/头以上。春 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-29 05:47
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company, with an expected revenue of 34.8 billion yuan and net profit of 2.23 billion yuan in 2025 [19][27] Core Views - The company's 2025 operating plan targets revenue of 34.6 billion yuan and aims to increase the net profit margin by more than 1 percentage point [2] - The company is expected to benefit from the domestic construction machinery recovery cycle, particularly in the excavator segment, which accounts for 61.88% of its revenue [12] - The company's share repurchase plan, with a budget of 300-600 million yuan, demonstrates confidence in long-term development [12] Financial Performance - Revenue is projected to grow from 26.48 billion yuan in 2022 to 40.43 billion yuan in 2026, with a CAGR of 11.2% [3] - Net profit attributable to shareholders is expected to increase from 599 million yuan in 2022 to 2.83 billion yuan in 2026, with a CAGR of 47.6% [3] - ROE is forecasted to improve from 3.81% in 2022 to 13.79% in 2026 [3] Market Position - The company's excavator sales in the domestic market grew by 20.5% YoY in November 2024, indicating strong market demand [12] - The company's market share in the domestic construction machinery sector is expected to expand due to the ongoing industry recovery [12] Valuation - The company's P/E ratio is projected to decrease from 19.18 in 2022 to 7.99 in 2026, indicating potential undervaluation [3] - The P/B ratio is expected to remain stable, ranging from 0.73 to 1.29 during the forecast period [3]
国金证券· 2024-12-29 05:45
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------|--------|--------------------------------------|--------|--------------------------------------------------| | 上海 北京 | | | 深圳 | | | 电话: 021-80234211 | 电话: | 010-85950438 | 电话: | 0755-86695353 | | 邮箱: | 邮箱: | | 邮箱: | | | 邮编: 201204 | 邮编: | 100005 | 邮编: | 518000 | | 地址:上海浦东新区芳甸路 1088 号 | | 地址:北京市东城区建内大街 26 号 | | 地址:深圳市福田区金田路 2028 号皇岗商务中心 | | 紫竹国际大厦 5 楼 | | 新闻大厦 8 层南侧 | 1 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-27 09:35
2024年 12月26日 投资逻辑: 山东电力市场优选标的,煤电转型所需配套价格机制完备。在能源 转型和电力市场化改革的大环境中,山东走在全国前列。①山东省 能监办披露 2023 年全省煤电机组分配市场化容量补偿费用 250.9 亿 元;截至 2022 年底,全省电网直调火电装机约 6000 万千瓦,估算 山东火电容量电价在 400 元/KW·年以上,已率先实现对参与现货市 场的煤机进行全容量补偿。②截至 3Q24,山东电网直调公用机组中 前四大发电公司分别为华能集团、华电集团、国能集团和大唐集 团,Top-4 指标值达 88.7%。发电侧高行业集中度以及全容量补偿的 完善价格机制使公司得以避免在电力市场中遭遇恶性竞争所致的量 价风险。③新版《山东电力市场规则(试行)》对"市场力行为事前 监管",引入价格监管机制的同时明确了允许供需紧张时段提高合理 收益率。健全市场机制引导下,山东电力现货市场能够更加真实地 反映电能量的成本和供需,起到价格发现的作用。 一体化经营成本可控性提升,25 年火电盈利有望持续改善。火电业 绩的波动性源自煤价和电价调整频率不同,过高的年度长协电量比 例使得现阶段平滑火电业绩的波动性仍 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-27 07:29
171 155 112 128 147 206 141 40 59 101 151 149 138 82 27 31 63 82 110 88 41 35 44 48 78 105 120 34 35 39 49 40 42 54 35 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 1H24 清洁高效能源装备(亿元) 可再生能源装备(亿元) 新兴成长产业(亿元) 工程及服务(亿元) 现代服务业(亿元) 来源:iFinD,国金证券研究所 图表51:东方电气的清洁高效能源装备中,燃机收入持续高增,1H24 增长 154% 108 139 85 18 38 36 21 29 19 29% 16% 107% 154% 41% 60% 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2022 2023 1H24 火电收入(亿元) 燃机收入(亿元) 核电收入(亿元) 火电收入YOY 燃机收入YOY 核电收入YOY 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 来源:iFinD,国金证券研究所 2 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-26 16:19
氢能:固定式应用场景突破,海外固体氧化物电池迈入商业化; 图表1:12 月 25 日主要市场指数行情回顾 ➢ 重点关注 截至收盘日(2024/12/25),上证指数下跌 0.01%,深证指数下跌 0.64%,北证 50 下跌 3.79%,科创 50 上涨 0.33%, 创业板指下跌 0.55%,中小综指下跌 1.24%,港股休市;沪深两市成交额 12813 亿元。 产品组 编辑 白晓琦(执业 S1130524080003) 行情回顾 研报精选 行情回顾 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------|-----------|-----------|--------------------------|--------|---------------------------------|--------| | | | | 现价 当日涨跌 当日涨跌幅 | | 成交金额(亿元) 年初至今涨跌幅 | | | 000001.SH | 上证指数 | 3,393.35 | -0.18 | -0.01% | 5,22 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-26 08:05
Industry Investment Rating - Buy (Maintained Rating) [22] Core Views - The report is optimistic about the construction boom in the Tibet region, with high concentration in the civil explosives and cement sectors [34] - The civil explosives industry in Tibet benefits from hydropower projects and copper mining, with significant growth potential [6][33] - The cement industry in Tibet shows steady growth, with a CR3 (top three companies' market share) reaching 70% [27] Industry Overview Civil Explosives Industry - The civil explosives market in Tibet is in its early growth stage, with industrial explosive production reaching 48,900 tons in 2023, more than three times the 2019 level [6] - The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of industrial explosive production in Tibet from 2019 to 2023 was 32.2%, compared to a national CAGR of 1.0% [6] - Key players in the region include Gaozheng Minbao, EPC, Guangdong Hongda, and Poly Union [6] - Tibet has significant copper mining potential, with the Julong Copper Mine Phase II expected to be operational by the end of 2025, and Phase III potentially starting in the second half of 2025 [6] Cement Industry - Tibet's cement production in 2023 was 11.98 million tons, a 51% year-on-year increase, with a 3.1% increase from January to November 2024 [10] - The top three companies in the region account for 70% of the market share, with Tibet Tianlu holding a 39.6% share, Huaxin Cement at 17.0%, and Qilian Mountain at 14.0% [27] Infrastructure Development - Tibet's fixed asset investment from January to November increased by 17.5% year-on-year [23] - Key infrastructure projects include the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, Yunnan-Tibet Railway, and upgrades to major highways such as G318 and G219 [7] - The Yarlung Tsangpo River downstream hydropower project has been approved, which is expected to significantly contribute to the region's development and the national "dual carbon" strategy [31] Investment Recommendations - The report recommends focusing on companies in the civil explosives sector such as Gaozheng Minbao, EPC, and Guangdong Hongda, and in the cement sector such as Tibet Tianlu [34]
国金证券· 2024-12-26 06:05
邮箱 邮编:100005 地址:上海浦东新区芳甸路 1088 号 紫竹国际大厦 5 楼 地址:深圳市福田区金田路 2028 号皇岗商务中心 18 楼 1806 国金证券股份有限公司经中国证券监督管理委员会批准,已具备证券投资咨询业务资格。 形式的复制、转发、转载、引用、修改、仿制、刊发,或以任何侵犯本公司版权的其他方式使用。经过书面授权的引用、刊发,需注明出处为"国金证券股份有限 公司",且不得对本报告进行任何有悖原意的删节和修改。 本报告的产生基于国金证券及其研究人员认为可信的公开资料或实地调研资料,但国金证券及其研究人员对这些信息的准确性和完整性不作任何保证。本报告 反映撰写研究人员的不同设想、见解及分析方法,故本报告所载观点可能与其他类似研究报告的观点及市场实际情况不一致,国金证券不对使用本报告所包含的材 料产生的任何直接或间接损失或与此有关的其他任何损失承担任何责任。且本报告中的资料、意见、预测均反映报告初次公开发布时的判断,在不作事先通知的情 况下,可能会随时调整,亦可因使用不同假设和标准、采用不同观点和分析方法而与国金证券其它业务部门、单位或附属机构在 ...
国金证券· 2024-12-26 05:53
新疆煤化工项目新突破,"4+1"工业 AI 产 盈利预测、估值与评级 1.《中控技术公司点评:收入增速回落,剔除工兑影响归 8. 利润增速良好》, 2024. 10.22 2. 《中控技化/ 公司点评: 1.0.22 阅《中空提化》, 2024. 8.20 纪元》, 2024.8.2 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| | 公司基本情况(人民币) \n项目 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024E | 2025E | 2026E | | 营业收入(百万元 ) | 6,624 | 8,620 | 9,580 | 11,130 | 12,958 | | 营业收入增长率 | 46.56% | 30.13% | 11.14% | 16.17% | 16.42% | | 归母净利润(百万元 ) | 798 | 1,102 | 1,200 | 1,448 | 1,689 | | 归母净利润增长率 | 37.18% | 38. ...