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华西证券· 2024-10-20 06:03
证券研究报告|行业研究周报 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 19 日 [Table_Title] 推进中国式现代化,科技要打头阵 | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
华西证券· 2024-10-20 06:03
证券研究报告|行业研究周报 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 19 日 [Table_Title] [Table_Title] Q3 游戏收入创历史新高,看好行业估值持续修 复 传媒行业周报系列 [Table_Title2]2024 年第 42 周 ►市场行情回顾 [Table_Summary] 2024 年第 42 周(实际交易日为 2024.10.14-2024.10.18)上证 指数上涨 1.36%,沪深 300 指数上涨 0.98%,创业板指数上涨 4.49%。恒生指数下跌 5.52%,恒生互联网指数下跌 9.34%,行业 落后恒生指数 3.82pct。SW 传媒指数上涨 7.25%,领先创业板指 数 2.77pct,在申万一级 31 个行业涨跌幅排名中位列第 4 位。子 行业中游戏、互联网服务和广告营销位列前三位,分别为上涨 9.89%、上涨 9.87%和上涨 6.21%。 ►核心观点&投资建议 《黑神话》刺激下,三季度游戏产业收入创历史新高。10 月 16 日消息,中国音数协游戏工委今日发表了 2024 年第三季度中国 游戏产业报告。报告指出,中国游戏市场收入创历史新高,本季 度移 ...
华西证券· 2024-10-19 13:03
证券研究报告|公司点评报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 18 日 [Table_Title] 2024Q3 收入符合市场预期,市场开拓高效推 进 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|------------------------|-----------------------|------------| | [Table_DataInfo] | 评级: 买入 股票代码: | | 003006 | | 上次评级: 买入 | | 52 周最高价/最低价: | 29.36/11.8 | | | 目标价格: 总市值(亿 | ) | 110.29 | | 最新收盘价: | 25.69 | 自由流通市值(亿 ) | 110.12 | | | | 自由流通股数(百万 ) | 428.65 | [Table_Summary] 事件概述 百亚股份发布 2024 年三季度业绩报告。 分析判断: ► 自由点持续放量,收入端符合预期 公司发布 2024 年三季报:2024 前三季度公司实现营收 23.25 亿元、同比增长 57.51%,归母净利 2.39 ...
华西证券· 2024-10-19 08:03
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly mention an industry investment rating for the period 2001-2011 [1][6][22][26] Core Views - Gold experienced a decade-long bull market from 2001 to 2011, driven by factors such as a weak US dollar, rising inflation concerns, geopolitical risks, and increased demand for safe-haven assets [2] - The global financial crisis in 2008 and subsequent quantitative easing policies by central banks further boosted gold prices as investors lost confidence in fiat currencies [2] - Central banks in India, Russia, and China increased their gold reserves during this period, contributing to the market frenzy [2] Copper Market Analysis - Copper prices were low from 2001-2003 due to global economic recession and weak demand, especially in the US [3] - From 2003-2008, copper prices surged due to rapid industrialization and urbanization in China, coupled with supply constraints [3] - The 2008 financial crisis caused a sharp decline in copper prices, but they rebounded strongly from 2009-2011 due to China's 4 trillion RMB stimulus package and global economic recovery [3] - Copper prices rose by 170% from early 2009 to early 2011 before declining by 35% in 2011 due to economic slowdowns in China, the US, and the European debt crisis [3] Aluminum Market Analysis - Aluminum prices remained low from 2001-2003 due to weak industrial demand, particularly in manufacturing and construction [4] - From 2003-2008, aluminum prices rose as China's industrialization and urbanization drove demand, while rising energy costs increased production expenses [4] - The 2008 financial crisis caused a sharp drop in aluminum prices, but they recovered from 2009-2011 due to global economic stimulus measures and infrastructure investments [4] Silver Market Analysis - Silver prices were low from 2001-2003 due to weak industrial demand and a strong US dollar [5] - From 2003-2008, silver prices rose due to increased industrial demand in electronics, solar energy, and other sectors, as well as growing investor interest in precious metals [5] - Silver prices surged from $7 per troy ounce in September 2005 to $20 per troy ounce by March 2008 [5] - The 2008 financial crisis caused silver prices to drop by 61% from mid-March to October 2008 [5] - Silver prices reached a record high of $49.50 per ounce on April 25, 2011, before declining due to the European debt crisis and investor shifts back to equities [5] US Economic Context - The US economy experienced significant fluctuations from 2001-2011, including the 2001 recession, the 2008 financial crisis, and subsequent recovery efforts [10][18][20] - US GDP growth slowed in 2001, with a 1.3% contraction in Q3, but recovered to 4.4% growth in 2004 [10] - The US unemployment rate peaked at 10% in October 2009 before gradually declining to 9.5% by the end of 2011 [10] - The US trade deficit expanded significantly from 2002-2006, driven by increased imports from China and rising oil prices [18] - US fiscal deficits reached record levels during the financial crisis, with a $1.417 trillion deficit in 2009, equivalent to 10% of GDP [20] Commodity Price Trends - Gold prices reached a record high of $1,921 per ounce in 2011, driven by European debt concerns, US debt rating downgrades, and inflation pressures [7] - Copper prices peaked at $4.08 per pound in May 2006 before declining sharply during the financial crisis [23] - Silver prices experienced significant volatility, peaking at $49.50 per ounce in April 2011 before falling back to $30 per ounce [25]
华西证券· 2024-10-18 13:03
证券研究报告|公司点评报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 18 日 [Table_Title] Q3 收入稳健增长,分红重视股东回报 | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|------------------------|-----------------------|-------------| | [Table_DataInfo] | 评级: 买入 股票代码: | | 300908 | | 上次评级: 买入 | | 52 周最高价/最低价: | 35.85/19.44 | | | 目标价格: 总市值(亿 | ) | 39.43 | | 最新收盘价: | 27.01 | 自由流通市值(亿 ) | 33.38 | | | | 自由流通股数(百万 ) | 123.58 | [Table_Summary] 事件概述 前三季度公司实现营业收入 8.39 亿元,同比+14.21%;归母净利润为 1.49 亿元,同比+6.57%;扣非归母净 利润为 1.45 亿元,同比+10.51%。 第三季度公司实现营业总收入 3.01 亿元,同比+9.57% ...
华西证券· 2024-10-18 13:03
证券研究报告|行业点评报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 18 日 [Table_Title] 9 月保费点评:人身险增速环比下滑,财险增 长稳健 [Table_Title2] 保险Ⅱ 行业评级: 推荐 [Table_Summary] 事件概述: 各上市险企陆续发布月度保费公告,2024 年 1-9 月累计原保费收入及同比增速分别为:中国平安(6,892 亿元,+8.4%)、中国人寿(6,083 亿元,+5.1%)、中国人保(5,689 亿元,+5.2%)、中国太保(3,694 亿 元,+4.6%)、新华保险(1,456 亿元,+1.9%)、众安在线(255 亿元,+10.9%);2024 年 9 月当月原保费收 入及同比增速分别为:中国平安(462 亿元,+16.1%)、中国人寿(434 亿元,-4.0%)、中国人保(532 亿 元,+7.4%)、中国太保(354 亿元,+9.9%)、新华保险(154 亿元,+2.1%)、众安在线(33 亿元,+44%)。 分析与判断: ► 人身险:9 月保费增速环比下滑,预计主要系预定利率下调。 2024 年 1-9 月,各上市险企人身险业务累计保费同 ...
华西证券· 2024-10-17 13:03
证券研究报告|行业研究报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 17 日 [Table_Title] 美铝 2024Q3 氧化铝产量环比下降 4%至 244 万 吨,归母净利润环比增长 350%至 9000 万美元 [Table_Title2] 有色金属-海外季报 评级及分析师信息 [Table_Summary] 季报重点内容: ► 生产运营情况 1)铝土矿 2024Q3 铝土矿产量环比下降 1%至 940 万吨,同比下降 12.1%,第三方出货量为 150 万吨,环比持平,同比下降 21%。铝土矿第三方出货平均实现价格为 62 美元/吨,环比下 降 3%,同比上涨 6%。 2)氧化铝 2024Q3 氧化铝产量环比下降 4%至 244 万吨,同比下降 13.2%,这主要是由于奎纳纳精炼厂于 2024 年 6 月完成了全面 减产。氧化铝第三方出货量环比下降 9%至 205 万吨,同比下 降 13.6%,主要原因是贸易量下降。氧化铝第三方出货平均实 现价格为 485 美元/吨,环比上涨 21.6%,同比上涨 37%。 3)电解铝 2024Q3 电解铝产量环比增长 3%至 55.9 万吨,同比增长 5 ...
华西证券· 2024-10-17 08:03
证券研究报告|公司点评报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 17 日 [Table_Title] 2024 年前三季度业绩预增公告点评,归母净 利预计同比+165-185% | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------|------------------------|-------------------------|-------------| | [Table_DataInfo] | 评级: 买入 股票代码: | | 601628.SH | | 上次评级: 买入 | | 52 周最高价 / 最低价: | 48.40/25.09 | | 目标价格: | | 总市值(亿元) | 10,004.15 | | 最新收盘价: | 42.94 | 自由流通市值 (亿元) | 8,941.62 | | | | 自由流通股数(百万股 ) | 20,823 | [Table_Summary] 事件概述 中国人寿发布 2024 年前三季度业绩预增公告。经初步测算,公司 2024 年前三季度实现归母净利润预计为 1,011.35-1,087.67 亿元,与 20 ...
华西证券· 2024-10-17 08:03
证券研究报告|行业研究报告 [Table_Date] 2024 年 10 月 17 日 [Table_Title] 巴里克 2024Q3 黄金产量环比持平为 29.33 吨,铜 产量环比增加 11.63%为 4.8 万吨 [Table_Title2] 有色金属-海外季报 [Table_Summary] 季报重点内容: ► 2024Q3 产销情况 1)黄金 2024Q3 黄金产量为 94.3 万盎司(29.33 吨),同比减少 8.45%,环比基本持平;黄金销量为 96.7 万盎司(30.08 吨),同比减少 7.02%,环比增长 1.15%。 2)铜 2024Q3 铜产量为 4.8 万吨,同比增加 4.8%,环比增加 11.63%;铜销量为 4.2 万吨,同比减少 17.32%,环比持平。 ►2024Q3 价格情况 1)金 2024Q3 黄金的平均市场价格为 2,474 美元/盎司,同比上涨 546 美元/盎司(2024Q2 为 1,928 美元/盎司),环比上涨 136 美元/ 盎司(2024Q2 为 2,338 美元/盎司)。 2)铜 2024Q3 铜的平均市场价格为 4.18 美元/磅,同比上涨 0.3 ...